CERN Accelerating science

Experiments at CERN
Title Penning-trap mass spectrometry of neutron-rich copper isotopes for probing the Z = 28 and N = 50 shell closures
Author(s) Schweikhard, L Cinstitute ; Manea, Vinstitute
Experiment IS535
Greybook See IS535 experiment
Approved 29 February 2012
Status Completed on 18 May 2020
Collaboration ISOLDE
Accelerator CERN ISOLDE
Abstract We propose to perform a Penning-trap mass measurement of 79Cu. This exotic N = 50 isotone is the last frontier before the doubly-magic 78Ni and will greatly improve our knowledge of shell evolution. In the same run, we propose 7778Cu mass measurements, as well as the search for a possible isomer in 76mCu. The data will help to clarify the structure of the odd proton in the Cu isotopes, the influence on the Z = 28 proton core of the νg9/2 orbital filling and the impact of the proton-neutron residual interaction on the strength of the N = 50 shell closure.
Related document(s) CERN-INTC-2012-004  (INTC-P-321)
Contact: Kreim, S W

 Rekord stworzony 2012-05-14, ostatnia modyfikacja 2020-11-19

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