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Report number AIDA-NOTE-2012-002
Title Particle Flow Performance at CLIC - DRAFT : LCD-Note-2011-028
Author(s) Marshall, John (Cambridge U. (main)) ; Muennich, Astrid (CERN) ; Thomson, Mark (Cambridge U. (main))
Publication 2012
Imprint 2012-01-16
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques ; 2: Common software tools ; 2.3: Reconstruction toolkit for HEP
Abstract Particle Flow has been used very successfully in the studies for linear colliders. At CLIC with an energy of 3 TeV considerable machine background is present in the detector. Using timing cuts based on particle flow objects this background can be reduced significantly. A systematic study is carried out to understand the dependence of the jet energy resolution on the jet energy and angle. The performance of particle flow is evaluated based on the energy and mass resolution of W and Z particles in full simulation and reconstruction in the presence of background for both detector concepts considered for CLIC.
Submitted by [email protected]


 Record created 2012-03-09, last modified 2016-07-04

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