CERN Accelerating science

Conference title QCD@Work - International Workshop on QCD - Theory and Experiment
Related conference title(s) QCD@Work
Date(s), location 18 - 21 Jun 2012, Lecce, Italy
Conference contact email: [email protected]
fax: 0039 0805442470
phone: 00390805443210
Editor(s) Angelini, L (ed.) (University and INFN, Bari) ; Bruno, G E (ed.) (University and INFN, Bari) ; Chiodini, G (ed.) (INFN, Lecce) ; Colangelo, P (ed.) (INFN, Bari) ; Corianò, C (ed.) (University and INFN, Lecce)
Imprint 2012
Series (AIP conference proceedings ; 1492)
Note Organisers: Angelini L. (University and INFN, Bari); Bruno G.E. (University and INFN, Bari); Chiodini G. (INFN, Lecce); Colangelo P. (INFN, Bari); Corianò C. (University and INFN, Lecce)
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment ; Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Free keywords QCD ; Perturbative QCD ; Non perturbative QCD ; Heavy Quarks ; Holography
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Theoretical inputs and errors in the new hadronic currents in TAUOLA (p. 57)
by Roig, P.
MC generator TAUOLA: implementation of Resonance Chiral Theory for two and three meson modes. Comparison with experiment (p. 62)
by Shekhovtsova, O.
ATLAS measurements of soft particle production and diffraction
by Todorova, S
Recent Results from the ATLAS Experiment
by Di Simone, A
Investigation of the underlying event in pp collisions at the LHC with CMS
by Bartalini, Paolo
Search for New Physics at a Hadron B Factory
by Pellegrino, Antonio
Results on the search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson at CMS
by Fabozzi, Francesco
Jet Substructure Measurements Sensitive to Soft QCD effects with the ATLAS Detector
by Chiodini, Gabriele
Measuring QCD in its Extremes at ATLAS
by Harris, Ynyr
Soft QCD and onia production with LHCb
by Volyanskyy, Dmytro
ATLAS measurements of soft particle production and diffraction
by Todorova, S
Probing QCD with Jets, Photons and Weak Bosons at the LHC with ATLAS
by Cooper, B

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 Record created 2012-02-16, last modified 2021-09-20