| It has been recently proposed by Dvali et al that high energy scattering in non-renormalizable theories, like the higgsless Standard Model, can be unitarized by the formation of classical configurations called classicalons. In this work we argue that classicalons should have analogs of thermodynamic properties like temperature and entropy and perform a model-independent statistical mechanical analysis of classicalon decays. We find that, in the case of massless quanta, the decay products have a Planck distribution with an effective temperature T 1/r_* where r_* is the classicalon radius. These results, in particular a computation of the decay multiplicity, N_*, allow us to make the first collider analysis of classicalization. In the model for unitarization of WW scattering by classicalization of longitudinal Ws and Zs we get spectacular multi-W/Z final states that decay into leptons, missing energy and a very high multiplicity (at least 10) of jets. We find that for the classicalization scale, M_* = v=246 GeV (M_*=1 TeV) discovery should be possible in the present 7 TeV (14 TeV) run of the LHC with about 10 /fb (100 /fb) data. We also consider a model to solve the hierarchy problem, where the classicalons are configurations of the Higgs field which decay into to multi-Higgs boson final states. We find that, in this case, for M_*=500 GeV (M_*=1 TeV), discovery should be possible in the top fusion process with about 10 /fb (100 /fb) data at 14 TeV LHC. |