CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 2nd International Particle Accelerator Conference
Related conference title(s) IPAC'11
Date(s), location 4 - 9 Sep 2011, San Sebastian, Spain
Conference contact email: [email protected]
Editor(s) Petit-Jean-Genaz, Christine (ed.) (CERN)
Imprint 2011
ISBN 9789290836666
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C11-09-04
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

First years experience of LHC Beam Instrumentation (FRXCA01)
by Jones, O R
Flow induced vibrations of the CLIC X-Band accelerating structures (MOPC002)
by Charles, Tessa
Fabrication of the CERN/PSI/ST X-Band accelerating structures (MOPC012)
by Dehler, Micha
Design, Fabrication and High Power RF Test of a C-band Accelerating Structure for Feasibility Study of the SPARC photo-injector energy upgrade (MOPC013)
by Alesini, D.
Design of a choke-mode damped accelerating structure for CLIC Main LINAC (MOPC021)
by Shi, J
Engineering design and fabrication of X-Band damped detuned structure for the CLIC study (MOPC037)
by Soldatov, V
Engineering design and fabrication of tapered damped X-Band accelerating structures (MOPC038)
by Solodko, A
Engineering design and fabrication of X-Band components (MOPC052)
by Filippova, M
Mechanical Design and Fabrication Studies for SPL Superconducting RF Cavities (MOPC053)
by Atieh, S
The LHC RF System - Experience with beam operation (MOPC054)
by Baudrenghien, P
High Power test for the first PIMS Cavity for LINAC4 (MOPC055)
by Gerigk, F
The LINAC4 Power Coupler (MOPC056)
by Gerigk, F
Loss of Landau Damping in the LHC (MOPC057)
by Shaposhnikova, E N
Upgrade of the 200 MHZ RF System in the CERN SPS (MOPC058)
by Shaposhnikova, E N
Pulsed Mode Operation and Longitudinal Parameter Measurement of the Rossendorf SRF Gun (MOPC081)
by Teichert, J
RF and Surface Properties of Superconducting Samples (MOPC102)
by Junginger, T
Cryostat for Testing HIE-Isolde Superconducting RF Cavities (MOPC103)
by Capatina, O
HIE-ISOLDE SRF development activities at CERN (MOPC104)
by Therasse, M
Design of the High Beta Cryomodule for the HIE-ISOLDE Upgrade at CERN (MOPC105)
by Williams, L
Medium Power 352 MHZ solid state pulsed RF amplifiers for the CERN LINAC4 Project (MOPC137)
by Broere, J
Practical test of the LINAC4 RF power system (MOPC138)
by Schwerg, N
High Charge PHIN Photo Injector at CERN with Fast Phase switching within the Bunch Train for Beam Combination (MOPC150)
by Csatari Divall, M
Interaction point feedback design and integrated simulations to stabilize the CLIC final focus (MOPO001)
by Balik, G
The First 1 1/2 Years of TOTEM Roman Pot Operation at LHC (MOPO011)
by Deile, M.
LHC Damper Beam commissioning in 2010 (MOPO012)
by Höfle, W
Suppression of emittance growth by excited magnet noise with the transverse damper in LHC in simulation and experiment (MOPO013)
by Hofle, W
SVD-based filter design for the trajectory feedback of CLIC (MOPO014)
by Pfingstner, J
Status of a study of stabilization and fine positioning of CLIC quadrupoles to the nanometre level (MOPO027)
by Artoos, K
Modal Analysis and Measurement of Water Cooling Induced Vibrations on a CLIC Main Beam Quadrupole Prototype (MOPO028)
by Artoos, K
Validation of a Micrometric remotely controlled pre-alignment system for the CLIC Linear Collider using a test setup (Mock-Up) with 5 degrees of freedom (MOPO029)
by Mainaud Durand, H
Theoretical and practical feasibility demonstration of a micrometric remotely controlled pre-alignment system for the CLIC linear collider (MOPO030)
by Mainaud Durand, H
Electron-Cloud Pinch Dynamics in Presence of Lattice Magnet Fields (MOPS001)
by Franchetti, G
Probing intensity limits of LHC-Type bunches in CERN SPS with nominal optics (MOPS009)
by Adrian, G
Experimental studies with low transition energy optics in the SPS (MOPS010)
by Bartosik, H
Impact of low transition energy optics to the electron cloud instability of LHC beams in the SPS (MOPS011)
by Bartosik, H
Optics considerations for lowering transition energy in the SPS (MOPS012)
by Bartosik, H
Transverse low frequency broad-band impedance measurements in the CERN PS (MOPS013)
by Aumon, S
Tune and space charge studies for high-brightness and high-intensity beams at CERN PS (MOPS014)
by Gilardoni, S S
40-80 MHZ MUON front-end for the Neutrino factory design study (MOPS015)
by Prior, G
First observations of intensity-dependent effects for transversally split beams (MOPS016)
by Gilardoni, S
Simulation studies of macroparticles falling into the LHC Proton Beam (MOPS017)
by Fuster Martinez, N
A Formula of the Electron Cloud Linear Map Coefficient in a Strong Dipole (MOPS056)
by Petracca, S.
Localization of transverse impedance sources in the SPS using headtail macroparticle simulations (MOPS068)
by Biancacci, N
Review of beam instabilities in the presence of electron clouds in the LHC (MOPS069)
by Li, K S B
Electromagnetic modeling of C shape ferrite loaded kickers (MOPS070)
by Zannini, C
Simulations of the impedance of the new PS wire scanner tank (MOPS071)
by Salvant, B
Broadband electromagnetic charaterization of materials for accelerator components (MOPS072)
by De Michele, G
Impedance calculations for simple models of kickers in the non-ultrarelativistic regime (MOPS073)
by Biancacci, N
Stabilization of the LHC single bunch transverse instability at high-energy by landau octupoles (MOPS074)
by Métral, E
Simulation of multibunch motion with the Headtail code and application to the CERN SPS and LHC (MOPS075)
by Mounet, N
Coaxial wire measurements of ferrite kicker magnets (MOPS078)
by Day, Hugo
Simulations of coaxial wire measurements of the impedance of asymmetric structures (MOPS079)
by Day, Hugo
Comparison of the current LHC Collimators and the SLAC phase 2 Collimator impedances (MOPS080)
by Day, H A
Particle Production Simulations for the Neutrino Factory Target (MOPZ008)
by Back, JJ
The LHC from commissioning to operation (MOYAA01)
by Lamont, M
Overview of LHC Beam Loss Measurements (THOAA03)
by Dehning, B
Electron Cloud observation in the LHC (THOBA01)
by Rumolo, G
Research and development of novel advanced materials for next-generation collimators (THOBB03)
by Bertarelli, A
SLS Vertical emittance tuning (THPC062)
by Böge, M
Field Optimization for short Period Undulators (THPC158)
by Peiffer, P
Risk Assessment of the Chopper Dipole Kicker Magnets for the MedAustron Facility (THPO022)
by Kramer, T
Preliminary Design of an Inductive Adder for CLIC Damping Rings (THPO032)
by Holma, J
Calculation of Metallization Resistivity and Thickness for MedAustron Kickers (THPO033)
by Barnes, M J
EPS-AG Sacherer Prize: Beam Optics Developments for SPS, RHIC, LHC, CLIC and ATF2 (THPPA01)
by Tomas, R
Overview of the status and developments on primary ion sources at CERN* (THPS025)
by Scrivens, R
Simulations of Various Driving Mechanisms for the 3rd Order Resonant Extraction from the MedAustron Medical Synchrotron (THPS029)
by Feldbauer, G
Layout and Optics of the MedAustron High Energy Beam Transfer Line (THPS030)
by Dorda, U
Design of Electrostatic Septa and Fast Deflector for MedAustron (THPS048)
by Borburgh, J
Feasibility Study of a CERN PS Injection at 2 GeV (THPS049)
by Borburgh, J
Development of Fragmented Low-Z Ion Beams for the NA61 Experiment at the CERN SPS (THPS051)
by Efthymiopoulos, I
Studies on Transverse Painting for H- Injection into the PSB (THPS052)
by Bracco, C
Results from the HiRadMat Primary Beam Line Commissioning (THPS053)
by Hessler, C
Injection and Extraction Considerations for a 2 GeV RCS at CERN (THPS054)
by Bartmann, W
Controlling Beamloss at Injection into the LHC (THPS055)
by Goddard, B
Design Choices of the MedAustron Nozzles and Proton Gantry based on Modeling of Particle Scattering (THPS081)
by Palm, M
Dose-homogeneity Driven Beam Delivery System Performance Requirements for MedAustron (THPS082)
by Palm, M
DAFNE tune-up for the KLOE-2 experiment (THPZ004)
by Milardi, C
A Proposal for the Optics and Layout of the HL-LHC with Crab Cavities (THPZ013)
by De Maria, R
LHeC Lattice Design (THPZ014)
by Fitterer, M
Synchrotron radiation in the interaction region for a Ring-Ring and Linac-Ring LHeC (THPZ015)
by Bernard, N
Interaction Region Design for a Ring-Ring LHeC (THPZ016)
by Thompson, L N S
Stability of the LHC transfer lines (THPZ025)
by Kain, V
Collimation dependent beam lifetime and loss rates in the LHC (THPZ026)
by Wollmann, D
First beam results for a collimator with in-jaw beam position monitors (THPZ027)
by Wollmann, D
Upgrade studies for the LHC collimators (THPZ028)
by Rossi, A
Principles for generation of time-dependent collimator settings during the LHC cycle (THPZ029)
by Bruce, R
Halo scrapings with collimators in the LHC (THPZ030)
by Burkart, F
Acoustic measurements in the collimation region of the LHC (THPZ031)
by Deboy, D
Evaluation of the combined betatron and momentum cleaning in point 3 in terms of cleaning efficiency and energy deposition for the LHC Collimation upgrade (THPZ032)
by Lari, L
Operational experience and performance of the LHC collimator control system (THPZ033)
by Redaelli, S
Semi-automatic beam-based alignment algorithm for the LHC collimation system (THPZ034)
by Valentino, G
Comparison of LHC collimation setups with manual and semi-automatic collimator alignment (THPZ035)
by Valentino, G
THE EURONu PROJECT: a high intensity Neutrino oscillation facility in Europe (TUOAA01)
by Edgecock, T R
Status of UA9, the Crystal Collimation Experiment in the SPS (TUOAA02)
by Scandale, W
The LINAC4 Project at CERN (TUOAA03)
by Arnaudon, L
CLIC Two-Beam Module for the CLIC Conceptual Design and related experimental program (TUPC008)
by Samoshkin, A
Striplines for CLIC Pre-damping and Damping Rings (TUPC011)
by Belver-Aguilar, C
Fabrication and validation of the prototype supporting system for the CLIC Two-Beam modules (TUPC012)
by Gazis, N
Simulation of Phase Stability at the Flat Top of the CLIC Drive Beam (TUPC013)
by Gerbershagen, A
System control for the CLIC main beam quadrupole stabilization and nano-positioning (TUPC014)
by Janssens, S
Comparative Wakefield Analysis of a First Prototype of a DDS Structure for CLIC Main Linac (TUPC015)
by D'Elia, A.
Status of the ATF2 Lattices (TUPC016)
by Marin, E
Civil engineering studies for major projects after LHC (TUPC017)
by Osborne, John
Beam-based alignment of CLIC drive beam decelerator using girders movers (TUPC019)
by Sterbini, G
Alignment and Wake Field Issues in the CLIC RTML (TUPC020)
by Stulle, F
The CLIC feasibility demonstration in CTF3 (TUPC021)
by Skowroński, P K
Design of the CLIC Drive Beam Recombination Complex (TUPC022)
by Barranco Garcia, J
Status of Ground Motion Mitigation Techniques for CLIC (TUPC023)
by Snuverink, J
Recommendation for Mitigations of the Electron Cloud Instability in the ILC (TUPC030)
by Pivi, MTF
First measurements results of the LHC longitudinal density monitor (TUPC048)
by Jeff , A
Optics Design of the Delay Loop in the CLIC Damping Rings Complex (TUPC049)
by Zisopoulos, P
Impedance effects in the CLIC damping rings (TUPC050)
by Koukovini-Platia, E
Superconductiong positron stacking ring for CLIC (TUPC053)
by Rinolfi, L
LHeC ERL Design and Beam-dynamics Issues (TUPC054)
by Bogacz, S A
Energy verification in Ion Beam Therapy (TUPC063)
by Moser, F
Observation of microwave radiation using low-cost detectors at the ANKA storage ring* (TUPC085)
by Judin, V
Laser wire emittance measurement line AT CLIC (TUPC124)
by Garcia, H
Phase detection electronics for CLIC (TUPC134)
by Andersson, A
Beam loss monitors comparison at the CERN Proton Synchrotron (TUPC135)
by Gilardoni, S S
Analysis of fast losses in the LHC with the BLM system (TUPC136)
by Nebot, E
UFOs in the LHC (TUPC137)
by Baer, T
Overview of the CLIC beam instrumentation (TUPC139)
by Lefèvre, T
LHC beam loss pattern recognition (TUPC141)
by Marsili, A
Optimization of the LHC beam current transformers for accurate luminosity determination (TUPC155)
by Gras, J J
Synchrotron Radiation in the LHC Vacuum System (TUPS019)
by Baglin, V
Leak Tightness of LHC Cold Vacuum Systems (TUPS020)
by Cruikshank, P
Simulations and Vacuum Tests of a CLIC Accelerating Structure (TUPS021)
by Garion, C
MedAustron Beam Vacuum System: From Sources to Patient Treatment Rooms (TUPS022)
by Jimenez, J M
Secondary Electron Yield on Cryogenic Surfaces as a Function of Physisorbed Gases (TUPS023)
by Kuzucan, A
Development of Beryllium Vacuum Chamber Technology for the LHC (TUPS024)
by Veness, R
Design of a Highly Optimised Vacuum Chamber Support for the LHCb Experiment (TUPS025)
by Leduc, L
Specification of new Vacuum Chambers for the LHC Experimental Interactions (TUPS026)
by Veness, R
Characterization of Carbon Coatings with Low Secondary Electron Yield (TUPS027)
by Yin Vallgren, C
Performance of Carbon Coatings for Mitigation of Electron Cloud in the SPS (TUPS028)
by Yin Vallgren, C
LHC Collimators with Embedded Beam Position Monitors: A New Advanced Mechanical Design (TUPS035)
by Dallocchio, A
High Energy Beam Impacts on Beam Intercepting Devices: Advanced Numerical Methods and Experimental Set-up (TUPS036)
by Bertarelli, A
Preliminary assessment of beam impact consequences on LHC Collimators (TUPS037)
by Cauchi, M
Reduction of Magnetic Interference on the Position Sensors of the LHC Collimators (TUPS039)
by Masi, A
Driving the LHC Collimators’ Stepping Motors over 1 km with High Accuracy avoiding EMI Effects (TUPS040)
by Masi, A
HiRadMat: A New Irradiation Facility for Material Testing at CERN (TUPS058)
by Efthymiopoulos, I
SPS WANF Dismantling: A Large Scale-Decommissioning Project at CERN (TUPS059)
by Evrard, S
Designing, Integrating, and Coordinating the Installation of MedAustron (TUPS060)
by Nicquevert, B
An Experiment at HiRadMat: Irradiation of high-Z Materials (TUPS070)
by Blanco Sancho, J
Performance of the Protection System for Superconducting Circuits during LHC Operation (TUPS071)
by Denz, R
Performance of the arc detectors of LHC high power RF system (TUPS072)
by Valuch, D
Machining and Characterizing X-Band RF-Structures for CLIC (TUPS098)
by Atieh, S
A Study of the Surface Quality of High Purity Copper after Heat Treatment (TUPS099)
by Aicheler, M
Manufacturing the LINAC4 PI-Mode Structure Prototype at CERN (TUPS100)
by Favre, A
A Fast 650V Chopper Driver (TUPS101)
by Paoluzzi, M M
Design of an FPGA-based Radiation Tolerant Agent for Worldfip Fieldbus (TUPS102)
by Penacoba, G
High Temperature Radio Frequency Loads (TUPS103)
by Federmann, S
by Cavalier, S
90 m β* Optics for ATLAS/ALFA (TUPZ002)
by Cavalier, S
Simulation of Electron-Cloud Build-Up for the Cold Arcs of the LHC and Comparison with Measured Data (TUPZ003)
by Maury Cuna, H
Aperture Determination in the LHC Based on an Emittance Blowup Technique with Collimator Position Scan (TUPZ006)
by Assmann, R W
First ion collimation commissioning results at the LHC (TUPZ007)
by Bellodi, G
LHC Machine Protection Against Very Fast Crab Cavity Failures (TUPZ009)
by Baer, T
Longitudinal emittance blow-up in the LHC (TUPZ010)
by Baudrenghien, P
LHC collimation with a reduced beam pipe radius in ATLAS (TUPZ011)
by Bruce, R
Machine-induced showers entering the ATLAS and CMS detectors in the LHC (TUPZ012)
by Bruce, R
Calculation method for safe β* in the LHC (TUPZ013)
by Bruce, R
Luminosity Optimization for a Higher-Energy LHC (TUPZ014)
by Dominguez, O
Electron Cloud Parameterization Studies in the LHC (TUPZ015)
by Dominguez, O
First run of the LHC as a heavy-ion collider (TUPZ016)
by Jowett, J M
Luminosity and beam parameter evoluation for lead ion beams in the LHC (TUPZ017)
by Jowett, J M
Transverse emittance preservation through the LHC cycle (TUPZ019)
by Kain, V
Fill Analysis and Experimental Background Observations in the LHC (TUPZ020)
by Burkhardt, H
The SPS Beam quality monitor, from design to operation (TUPZ021)
by Papotti, G
Longitudinal Beam measurements at the LHC: The LHC Beam Quality Monitor (TUPZ022)
by Papotti, G
Observation of bunch to bunch differences due to beam-beam effects (TUPZ023)
by Papotti, G
Experience with Offset Collisions in the LHC (TUPZ025)
by Papotti, G
Alternative Working Point(s) for the LHC (TUPZ026)
by Calaga, R
Beta* Measurement in the LHC Based on K-modulation* (TUPZ027)
by Calaga, R
Beam based optimization of the squeeze at the LHC (TUPZ028)
by Buffat, X
Observation of Coherent Beam-beam Effects in the LHC (TUPZ029)
by Buffat, X
Simulation of linear beam parameters to minimize the duration of the squeeze at the LHC (TUPZ030)
by Buffat, X
Near beam-gas background for LHCb at 3.5 TeV (TUPZ031)
by Brett, D R
LHC Luminosity Upgrade with Large Piwinski Angle Scheme: A Recent Look (TUPZ032)
by Bhat, C.M.
Impact of Arc Phase Advance Tuning on Chromatic Optics in the RHIC* (TUPZ034)
by Calaga, R
Site studies for the SuperB collider and synchrotron radiation facility project (TUPZ041)
by Tomassini, S
LHC Upgrade Plans: Options and Strategy (TUYA02)
by Rossi, L
CLIC Conceptual Design and CTF3 Results (TUYB03)
by Schulte, D
Observations of beam-beam effects at high intensities in the LHC (WEODA01)
by Herr, W
Design Concepts for the Large Hadron Electron Collider (WEODA03)
by Klein, M
Record Low β-beat of 10% in the LHC (WEPC028)
by Vanbavinckhove, G
Accuracy of the LHC optics measurement based on AC Dipoles (WEPC029)
by Miyamoto, R
Measurement of coupling resonance driving terms in the LHC with AC Dipoles (WEPC030)
by Miyamoto, R
Optics Corrections at RHIC (WEPC031)
by Vanbavinckhove, G
First Measurements of Higher Order Optics Parameters in the LHC (WEPC032)
by Vanbavinckhove, G
An Achromatic Telescopic Squeezing (ATS) Scheme For The LHC Upgrade (WEPC037)
by Fartoukh, S
Non-linear Chromaticity Studies of the LHC at Injection (WEPC078)
by Maclean, E H
β-beating in the effective model of the LHC using PTC (WEPC079)
by Alabau Pons, M C
Non-linear Dynamics Optimization of the CLIC Damping Rings (WEPC080)
by Renier, Y
Beam-Beam induced orbit effects at LHC (WEPC081)
by Schaumann, M
Handling of BLM abort thresholds in the LHC (WEPC170)
by Nebot Del Busto, E
Requirements of a beam loss monitoring system for the CLIC two beam modules (WEPC171)
by Mallows, S
Beam-induced quench test of LHC main quadrupole (WEPC172)
by Priebe, A
LHC magnet quench test with beam loss generated by wire scan (WEPC173)
by Sapinski, M
A Failure Catalogue for the LHC (WEPC174)
by Wagner, S
FLUKA Studies of the Asynchronous Beam Dump Effects on LHC Point 6 (WEPC175)
by Versaci, R
Design and Optimization of the MedAustron Synchrotron Main Dipoles (WEPO001)
by Langenbeck, B
Status of CLIC Magnets Studies (WEPO017)
by Modena, Michele
Status of the new Linac4 Magnets at CERN (WEPO018)
by Borgnolutti, F
Magnetic Model of the CERN Proton Synchrotron Main Magnetic Unit (WEPO019)
by Juchno, M
Advances in the design of the SuperB final doublet (WEPO026)
by Paoloni, E
The Magnetic Model of the LHC during Commissioning to higher Beam Intensities in 2010-2011 (WEPO031)
by Deniau, L
Update on comparison of the particle production using Mars simulation code (WEPS016)
by Prior, G
Plans for the upgrade of the LHC injectors (WEPS017)
by Garoby, R
The proposed CERN Proton-Synchrotron upgrade program (WEPS018)
by Gilardoni, SS
Study of a Rapid Cycling Synchrotron to replace the CERN PS Booster (WEPS019)
by Hanke, K
Study of an energy upgrade of the CERN PS Booster (WEPS020)
by Hanke, K
Ions for LHC: performance of the injector chain (WEPS022)
by Manglunki, D
A possible RF System for CERN RCS (WEPS023)
by Paoluzzi, M M
Beta Beams: an accelerator based facility to explore Neutrino oscillation physics (WEPS024)
by Wildner, E
Lattice Design of a RCS as possible alternative to the PS Booster Upgrade (WEPS101)
by Fitterer, M
Latest news on the beam dynamics design of SPL (WEPS102)
by Posocco, P A
Fast cooling of bunches in compton storage rings* (WEPZ011)
by Bulyak, E
Design status of LHeC LINAC-Ring interaction region (WEPZ013)
by Abelleira, J
Accelerator Studies on a possible Experiment on Proton-Driven Plasma Wakefields at CERN (WEPZ031)
by Assmann, R W
Energy Spectrometer Studies for Proton-Driven Plasma Acceleration (WEPZ032)
by Hillenbrand, S
A Multi-Parameter Optimization of Plasma Density for an Advanced Linear Collider* (WEPZ036)
by Muggli, P
SVD-based filter design for the trajectory feedback of CLIC
by Pfingstner, Jürgen
The LHeC Project at CERN - an Overview
by Klein, M
Top Quark physics results from LHC
by Fiorini, L
by Stadlmann, J
A Concatenation Scheme for the Computation of Beam Excited Higher Order Mode Port Signals
by Flisgen, T
Study of Beam Diagnostics with Trapped Modes in 3rd Harmonic SC Cavities at FLASH
by Zhang, P
Study of Beam Diagnostics with Trapped Modes in Third Harmonic Superconducting Cavities at FLASH
by Zhang, P
LHeC Spin Rotator
by Bai, M
Higher order modes HOMs in coupled cavities of the FLASH module ACC39
by Shinton, I R R

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 Record created 2011-08-30, last modified 2024-02-23

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