First years experience of LHC Beam Instrumentation (FRXCA01) |
by Jones, O R |
Flow induced vibrations of the CLIC X-Band accelerating structures (MOPC002) |
by Charles, Tessa |
Fabrication of the CERN/PSI/ST X-Band accelerating structures (MOPC012) |
by Dehler, Micha |
Design, Fabrication and High Power RF Test of a C-band Accelerating Structure for Feasibility Study of the SPARC photo-injector energy upgrade (MOPC013) |
by Alesini, D. |
Design of a choke-mode damped accelerating structure for CLIC Main LINAC (MOPC021) |
by Shi, J |
Engineering design and fabrication of X-Band damped detuned structure for the CLIC study (MOPC037) |
by Soldatov, V |
Engineering design and fabrication of tapered damped X-Band accelerating structures (MOPC038) |
by Solodko, A |
Engineering design and fabrication of X-Band components (MOPC052) |
by Filippova, M |
Mechanical Design and Fabrication Studies for SPL Superconducting RF Cavities (MOPC053) |
by Atieh, S |
The LHC RF System - Experience with beam operation (MOPC054) |
by Baudrenghien, P |
High Power test for the first PIMS Cavity for LINAC4 (MOPC055) |
by Gerigk, F |
The LINAC4 Power Coupler (MOPC056) |
by Gerigk, F |
Loss of Landau Damping in the LHC (MOPC057) |
by Shaposhnikova, E N |
Upgrade of the 200 MHZ RF System in the CERN SPS (MOPC058) |
by Shaposhnikova, E N |
Pulsed Mode Operation and Longitudinal Parameter Measurement of the Rossendorf SRF Gun (MOPC081) |
by Teichert, J |
RF and Surface Properties of Superconducting Samples (MOPC102) |
by Junginger, T |
Cryostat for Testing HIE-Isolde Superconducting RF Cavities (MOPC103) |
by Capatina, O |
HIE-ISOLDE SRF development activities at CERN (MOPC104) |
by Therasse, M |
Design of the High Beta Cryomodule for the HIE-ISOLDE Upgrade at CERN (MOPC105) |
by Williams, L |
Medium Power 352 MHZ solid state pulsed RF amplifiers for the CERN LINAC4 Project (MOPC137) |
by Broere, J |
Practical test of the LINAC4 RF power system (MOPC138) |
by Schwerg, N |
High Charge PHIN Photo Injector at CERN with Fast Phase switching within the Bunch Train for Beam Combination (MOPC150) |
by Csatari Divall, M |
Interaction point feedback design and integrated simulations to stabilize the CLIC final focus (MOPO001) |
by Balik, G |
The First 1 1/2 Years of TOTEM Roman Pot Operation at LHC (MOPO011) |
by Deile, M. |
LHC Damper Beam commissioning in 2010 (MOPO012) |
by Höfle, W |
Suppression of emittance growth by excited magnet noise with the transverse damper in LHC in simulation and experiment (MOPO013) |
by Hofle, W |
SVD-based filter design for the trajectory feedback of CLIC (MOPO014) |
by Pfingstner, J |
Status of a study of stabilization and fine positioning of CLIC quadrupoles to the nanometre level (MOPO027) |
by Artoos, K |
Modal Analysis and Measurement of Water Cooling Induced Vibrations on a CLIC Main Beam Quadrupole Prototype (MOPO028) |
by Artoos, K |
Validation of a Micrometric remotely controlled pre-alignment system for the CLIC Linear Collider using a test setup (Mock-Up) with 5 degrees of freedom (MOPO029) |
by Mainaud Durand, H |
Theoretical and practical feasibility demonstration of a micrometric remotely controlled pre-alignment system for the CLIC linear collider (MOPO030) |
by Mainaud Durand, H |
Electron-Cloud Pinch Dynamics in Presence of Lattice Magnet Fields (MOPS001) |
by Franchetti, G |
Probing intensity limits of LHC-Type bunches in CERN SPS with nominal optics (MOPS009) |
by Adrian, G |
Experimental studies with low transition energy optics in the SPS (MOPS010) |
by Bartosik, H |
Impact of low transition energy optics to the electron cloud instability of LHC beams in the SPS (MOPS011) |
by Bartosik, H |
Optics considerations for lowering transition energy in the SPS (MOPS012) |
by Bartosik, H |
Transverse low frequency broad-band impedance measurements in the CERN PS (MOPS013) |
by Aumon, S |
Tune and space charge studies for high-brightness and high-intensity beams at CERN PS (MOPS014) |
by Gilardoni, S S |
40-80 MHZ MUON front-end for the Neutrino factory design study (MOPS015) |
by Prior, G |
First observations of intensity-dependent effects for transversally split beams (MOPS016) |
by Gilardoni, S |
Simulation studies of macroparticles falling into the LHC Proton Beam (MOPS017) |
by Fuster Martinez, N |
A Formula of the Electron Cloud Linear Map Coefficient in a Strong Dipole (MOPS056) |
by Petracca, S. |
Localization of transverse impedance sources in the SPS using headtail macroparticle simulations (MOPS068) |
by Biancacci, N |
Review of beam instabilities in the presence of electron clouds in the LHC (MOPS069) |
by Li, K S B |
Electromagnetic modeling of C shape ferrite loaded kickers (MOPS070) |
by Zannini, C |
Simulations of the impedance of the new PS wire scanner tank (MOPS071) |
by Salvant, B |
Broadband electromagnetic charaterization of materials for accelerator components (MOPS072) |
by De Michele, G |
Impedance calculations for simple models of kickers in the non-ultrarelativistic regime (MOPS073) |
by Biancacci, N |
Stabilization of the LHC single bunch transverse instability at high-energy by landau octupoles (MOPS074) |
by Métral, E |
Simulation of multibunch motion with the Headtail code and application to the CERN SPS and LHC (MOPS075) |
by Mounet, N |
Coaxial wire measurements of ferrite kicker magnets (MOPS078) |
by Day, Hugo |
Simulations of coaxial wire measurements of the impedance of asymmetric structures (MOPS079) |
by Day, Hugo |
Comparison of the current LHC Collimators and the SLAC phase 2 Collimator impedances (MOPS080) |
by Day, H A |
Particle Production Simulations for the Neutrino Factory Target (MOPZ008) |
by Back, JJ |
The LHC from commissioning to operation (MOYAA01) |
by Lamont, M |
Overview of LHC Beam Loss Measurements (THOAA03) |
by Dehning, B |
Electron Cloud observation in the LHC (THOBA01) |
by Rumolo, G |
Research and development of novel advanced materials for next-generation collimators (THOBB03) |
by Bertarelli, A |
SLS Vertical emittance tuning (THPC062) |
by Böge, M |
Field Optimization for short Period Undulators (THPC158) |
by Peiffer, P |
Risk Assessment of the Chopper Dipole Kicker Magnets for the MedAustron Facility (THPO022) |
by Kramer, T |
Preliminary Design of an Inductive Adder for CLIC Damping Rings (THPO032) |
by Holma, J |
Calculation of Metallization Resistivity and Thickness for MedAustron Kickers (THPO033) |
by Barnes, M J |
EPS-AG Sacherer Prize: Beam Optics Developments for SPS, RHIC, LHC, CLIC and ATF2 (THPPA01) |
by Tomas, R |
Overview of the status and developments on primary ion sources at CERN* (THPS025) |
by Scrivens, R |
Simulations of Various Driving Mechanisms for the 3rd Order Resonant Extraction from the MedAustron Medical Synchrotron (THPS029) |
by Feldbauer, G |
Layout and Optics of the MedAustron High Energy Beam Transfer Line (THPS030) |
by Dorda, U |
Design of Electrostatic Septa and Fast Deflector for MedAustron (THPS048) |
by Borburgh, J |
Feasibility Study of a CERN PS Injection at 2 GeV (THPS049) |
by Borburgh, J |
Development of Fragmented Low-Z Ion Beams for the NA61 Experiment at the CERN SPS (THPS051) |
by Efthymiopoulos, I |
Studies on Transverse Painting for H- Injection into the PSB (THPS052) |
by Bracco, C |
Results from the HiRadMat Primary Beam Line Commissioning (THPS053) |
by Hessler, C |
Injection and Extraction Considerations for a 2 GeV RCS at CERN (THPS054) |
by Bartmann, W |
Controlling Beamloss at Injection into the LHC (THPS055) |
by Goddard, B |
Design Choices of the MedAustron Nozzles and Proton Gantry based on Modeling of Particle Scattering (THPS081) |
by Palm, M |
Dose-homogeneity Driven Beam Delivery System Performance Requirements for MedAustron (THPS082) |
by Palm, M |
DAFNE tune-up for the KLOE-2 experiment (THPZ004) |
by Milardi, C |
A Proposal for the Optics and Layout of the HL-LHC with Crab Cavities (THPZ013) |
by De Maria, R |
LHeC Lattice Design (THPZ014) |
by Fitterer, M |
Synchrotron radiation in the interaction region for a Ring-Ring and Linac-Ring LHeC (THPZ015) |
by Bernard, N |
Interaction Region Design for a Ring-Ring LHeC (THPZ016) |
by Thompson, L N S |
Stability of the LHC transfer lines (THPZ025) |
by Kain, V |
Collimation dependent beam lifetime and loss rates in the LHC (THPZ026) |
by Wollmann, D |
First beam results for a collimator with in-jaw beam position monitors (THPZ027) |
by Wollmann, D |
Upgrade studies for the LHC collimators (THPZ028) |
by Rossi, A |
Principles for generation of time-dependent collimator settings during the LHC cycle (THPZ029) |
by Bruce, R |
Halo scrapings with collimators in the LHC (THPZ030) |
by Burkart, F |
Acoustic measurements in the collimation region of the LHC (THPZ031) |
by Deboy, D |
Evaluation of the combined betatron and momentum cleaning in point 3 in terms of cleaning efficiency and energy deposition for the LHC Collimation upgrade (THPZ032) |
by Lari, L |
Operational experience and performance of the LHC collimator control system (THPZ033) |
by Redaelli, S |
Semi-automatic beam-based alignment algorithm for the LHC collimation system (THPZ034) |
by Valentino, G |
Comparison of LHC collimation setups with manual and semi-automatic collimator alignment (THPZ035) |
by Valentino, G |
THE EURONu PROJECT: a high intensity Neutrino oscillation facility in Europe (TUOAA01) |
by Edgecock, T R |
Status of UA9, the Crystal Collimation Experiment in the SPS (TUOAA02) |
by Scandale, W |
The LINAC4 Project at CERN (TUOAA03) |
by Arnaudon, L |
CLIC Two-Beam Module for the CLIC Conceptual Design and related experimental program (TUPC008) |
by Samoshkin, A |
Striplines for CLIC Pre-damping and Damping Rings (TUPC011) |
by Belver-Aguilar, C |
Fabrication and validation of the prototype supporting system for the CLIC Two-Beam modules (TUPC012) |
by Gazis, N |
Simulation of Phase Stability at the Flat Top of the CLIC Drive Beam (TUPC013) |
by Gerbershagen, A |
System control for the CLIC main beam quadrupole stabilization and nano-positioning (TUPC014) |
by Janssens, S |
Comparative Wakefield Analysis of a First Prototype of a DDS Structure for CLIC Main Linac (TUPC015) |
by D'Elia, A. |
Status of the ATF2 Lattices (TUPC016) |
by Marin, E |
Civil engineering studies for major projects after LHC (TUPC017) |
by Osborne, John |
Beam-based alignment of CLIC drive beam decelerator using girders movers (TUPC019) |
by Sterbini, G |
Alignment and Wake Field Issues in the CLIC RTML (TUPC020) |
by Stulle, F |
The CLIC feasibility demonstration in CTF3 (TUPC021) |
by Skowroński, P K |
Design of the CLIC Drive Beam Recombination Complex (TUPC022) |
by Barranco Garcia, J |
Status of Ground Motion Mitigation Techniques for CLIC (TUPC023) |
by Snuverink, J |
Recommendation for Mitigations of the Electron Cloud Instability in the ILC (TUPC030) |
by Pivi, MTF |
First measurements results of the LHC longitudinal density monitor (TUPC048) |
by Jeff , A |
Optics Design of the Delay Loop in the CLIC Damping Rings Complex (TUPC049) |
by Zisopoulos, P |
Impedance effects in the CLIC damping rings (TUPC050) |
by Koukovini-Platia, E |
Superconductiong positron stacking ring for CLIC (TUPC053) |
by Rinolfi, L |
LHeC ERL Design and Beam-dynamics Issues (TUPC054) |
by Bogacz, S A |
Energy verification in Ion Beam Therapy (TUPC063) |
by Moser, F |
Observation of microwave radiation using low-cost detectors at the ANKA storage ring* (TUPC085) |
by Judin, V |
Laser wire emittance measurement line AT CLIC (TUPC124) |
by Garcia, H |
Phase detection electronics for CLIC (TUPC134) |
by Andersson, A |
Beam loss monitors comparison at the CERN Proton Synchrotron (TUPC135) |
by Gilardoni, S S |
Analysis of fast losses in the LHC with the BLM system (TUPC136) |
by Nebot, E |
UFOs in the LHC (TUPC137) |
by Baer, T |
Overview of the CLIC beam instrumentation (TUPC139) |
by Lefèvre, T |
LHC beam loss pattern recognition (TUPC141) |
by Marsili, A |
Optimization of the LHC beam current transformers for accurate luminosity determination (TUPC155) |
by Gras, J J |
Synchrotron Radiation in the LHC Vacuum System (TUPS019) |
by Baglin, V |
Leak Tightness of LHC Cold Vacuum Systems (TUPS020) |
by Cruikshank, P |
Simulations and Vacuum Tests of a CLIC Accelerating Structure (TUPS021) |
by Garion, C |
MedAustron Beam Vacuum System: From Sources to Patient Treatment Rooms (TUPS022) |
by Jimenez, J M |
Secondary Electron Yield on Cryogenic Surfaces as a Function of Physisorbed Gases (TUPS023) |
by Kuzucan, A |
Development of Beryllium Vacuum Chamber Technology for the LHC (TUPS024) |
by Veness, R |
Design of a Highly Optimised Vacuum Chamber Support for the LHCb Experiment (TUPS025) |
by Leduc, L |
Specification of new Vacuum Chambers for the LHC Experimental Interactions (TUPS026) |
by Veness, R |
Characterization of Carbon Coatings with Low Secondary Electron Yield (TUPS027) |
by Yin Vallgren, C |
Performance of Carbon Coatings for Mitigation of Electron Cloud in the SPS (TUPS028) |
by Yin Vallgren, C |
LHC Collimators with Embedded Beam Position Monitors: A New Advanced Mechanical Design (TUPS035) |
by Dallocchio, A |
High Energy Beam Impacts on Beam Intercepting Devices: Advanced Numerical Methods and Experimental Set-up (TUPS036) |
by Bertarelli, A |
Preliminary assessment of beam impact consequences on LHC Collimators (TUPS037) |
by Cauchi, M |
Reduction of Magnetic Interference on the Position Sensors of the LHC Collimators (TUPS039) |
by Masi, A |
Driving the LHC Collimators’ Stepping Motors over 1 km with High Accuracy avoiding EMI Effects (TUPS040) |
by Masi, A |
HiRadMat: A New Irradiation Facility for Material Testing at CERN (TUPS058) |
by Efthymiopoulos, I |
SPS WANF Dismantling: A Large Scale-Decommissioning Project at CERN (TUPS059) |
by Evrard, S |
Designing, Integrating, and Coordinating the Installation of MedAustron (TUPS060) |
by Nicquevert, B |
An Experiment at HiRadMat: Irradiation of high-Z Materials (TUPS070) |
by Blanco Sancho, J |
Performance of the Protection System for Superconducting Circuits during LHC Operation (TUPS071) |
by Denz, R |
Performance of the arc detectors of LHC high power RF system (TUPS072) |
by Valuch, D |
Machining and Characterizing X-Band RF-Structures for CLIC (TUPS098) |
by Atieh, S |
A Study of the Surface Quality of High Purity Copper after Heat Treatment (TUPS099) |
by Aicheler, M |
Manufacturing the LINAC4 PI-Mode Structure Prototype at CERN (TUPS100) |
by Favre, A |
A Fast 650V Chopper Driver (TUPS101) |
by Paoluzzi, M M |
Design of an FPGA-based Radiation Tolerant Agent for Worldfip Fieldbus (TUPS102) |
by Penacoba, G |
High Temperature Radio Frequency Loads (TUPS103) |
by Federmann, S |
by Cavalier, S |
90 m β* Optics for ATLAS/ALFA (TUPZ002) |
by Cavalier, S |
Simulation of Electron-Cloud Build-Up for the Cold Arcs of the LHC and Comparison with Measured Data (TUPZ003) |
by Maury Cuna, H |
Aperture Determination in the LHC Based on an Emittance Blowup Technique with Collimator Position Scan (TUPZ006) |
by Assmann, R W |
First ion collimation commissioning results at the LHC (TUPZ007) |
by Bellodi, G |
LHC Machine Protection Against Very Fast Crab Cavity Failures (TUPZ009) |
by Baer, T |
Longitudinal emittance blow-up in the LHC (TUPZ010) |
by Baudrenghien, P |
LHC collimation with a reduced beam pipe radius in ATLAS (TUPZ011) |
by Bruce, R |
Machine-induced showers entering the ATLAS and CMS detectors in the LHC (TUPZ012) |
by Bruce, R |
Calculation method for safe β* in the LHC (TUPZ013) |
by Bruce, R |
Luminosity Optimization for a Higher-Energy LHC (TUPZ014) |
by Dominguez, O |
Electron Cloud Parameterization Studies in the LHC (TUPZ015) |
by Dominguez, O |
First run of the LHC as a heavy-ion collider (TUPZ016) |
by Jowett, J M |
Luminosity and beam parameter evoluation for lead ion beams in the LHC (TUPZ017) |
by Jowett, J M |
Transverse emittance preservation through the LHC cycle (TUPZ019) |
by Kain, V |
Fill Analysis and Experimental Background Observations in the LHC (TUPZ020) |
by Burkhardt, H |
The SPS Beam quality monitor, from design to operation (TUPZ021) |
by Papotti, G |
Longitudinal Beam measurements at the LHC: The LHC Beam Quality Monitor (TUPZ022) |
by Papotti, G |
Observation of bunch to bunch differences due to beam-beam effects (TUPZ023) |
by Papotti, G |
Experience with Offset Collisions in the LHC (TUPZ025) |
by Papotti, G |
Alternative Working Point(s) for the LHC (TUPZ026) |
by Calaga, R |
Beta* Measurement in the LHC Based on K-modulation* (TUPZ027) |
by Calaga, R |
Beam based optimization of the squeeze at the LHC (TUPZ028) |
by Buffat, X |
Observation of Coherent Beam-beam Effects in the LHC (TUPZ029) |
by Buffat, X |
Simulation of linear beam parameters to minimize the duration of the squeeze at the LHC (TUPZ030) |
by Buffat, X |
Near beam-gas background for LHCb at 3.5 TeV (TUPZ031) |
by Brett, D R |
LHC Luminosity Upgrade with Large Piwinski Angle Scheme: A Recent Look (TUPZ032) |
by Bhat, C.M. |
Impact of Arc Phase Advance Tuning on Chromatic Optics in the RHIC* (TUPZ034) |
by Calaga, R |
Site studies for the SuperB collider and synchrotron radiation facility project (TUPZ041) |
by Tomassini, S |
LHC Upgrade Plans: Options and Strategy (TUYA02) |
by Rossi, L |
CLIC Conceptual Design and CTF3 Results (TUYB03) |
by Schulte, D |
Observations of beam-beam effects at high intensities in the LHC (WEODA01) |
by Herr, W |
Design Concepts for the Large Hadron Electron Collider (WEODA03) |
by Klein, M |
Record Low β-beat of 10% in the LHC (WEPC028) |
by Vanbavinckhove, G |
Accuracy of the LHC optics measurement based on AC Dipoles (WEPC029) |
by Miyamoto, R |
Measurement of coupling resonance driving terms in the LHC with AC Dipoles (WEPC030) |
by Miyamoto, R |
Optics Corrections at RHIC (WEPC031) |
by Vanbavinckhove, G |
First Measurements of Higher Order Optics Parameters in the LHC (WEPC032) |
by Vanbavinckhove, G |
An Achromatic Telescopic Squeezing (ATS) Scheme For The LHC Upgrade (WEPC037) |
by Fartoukh, S |
Non-linear Chromaticity Studies of the LHC at Injection (WEPC078) |
by Maclean, E H |
β-beating in the effective model of the LHC using PTC (WEPC079) |
by Alabau Pons, M C |
Non-linear Dynamics Optimization of the CLIC Damping Rings (WEPC080) |
by Renier, Y |
Beam-Beam induced orbit effects at LHC (WEPC081) |
by Schaumann, M |
Handling of BLM abort thresholds in the LHC (WEPC170) |
by Nebot Del Busto, E |
Requirements of a beam loss monitoring system for the CLIC two beam modules (WEPC171) |
by Mallows, S |
Beam-induced quench test of LHC main quadrupole (WEPC172) |
by Priebe, A |
LHC magnet quench test with beam loss generated by wire scan (WEPC173) |
by Sapinski, M |
A Failure Catalogue for the LHC (WEPC174) |
by Wagner, S |
FLUKA Studies of the Asynchronous Beam Dump Effects on LHC Point 6 (WEPC175) |
by Versaci, R |
Design and Optimization of the MedAustron Synchrotron Main Dipoles (WEPO001) |
by Langenbeck, B |
Status of CLIC Magnets Studies (WEPO017) |
by Modena, Michele |
Status of the new Linac4 Magnets at CERN (WEPO018) |
by Borgnolutti, F |
Magnetic Model of the CERN Proton Synchrotron Main Magnetic Unit (WEPO019) |
by Juchno, M |
Advances in the design of the SuperB final doublet (WEPO026) |
by Paoloni, E |
The Magnetic Model of the LHC during Commissioning to higher Beam Intensities in 2010-2011 (WEPO031) |
by Deniau, L |
Update on comparison of the particle production using Mars simulation code (WEPS016) |
by Prior, G |
Plans for the upgrade of the LHC injectors (WEPS017) |
by Garoby, R |
The proposed CERN Proton-Synchrotron upgrade program (WEPS018) |
by Gilardoni, SS |
Study of a Rapid Cycling Synchrotron to replace the CERN PS Booster (WEPS019) |
by Hanke, K |
Study of an energy upgrade of the CERN PS Booster (WEPS020) |
by Hanke, K |
Ions for LHC: performance of the injector chain (WEPS022) |
by Manglunki, D |
A possible RF System for CERN RCS (WEPS023) |
by Paoluzzi, M M |
Beta Beams: an accelerator based facility to explore Neutrino oscillation physics (WEPS024) |
by Wildner, E |
Lattice Design of a RCS as possible alternative to the PS Booster Upgrade (WEPS101) |
by Fitterer, M |
Latest news on the beam dynamics design of SPL (WEPS102) |
by Posocco, P A |
Fast cooling of bunches in compton storage rings* (WEPZ011) |
by Bulyak, E |
Design status of LHeC LINAC-Ring interaction region (WEPZ013) |
by Abelleira, J |
Accelerator Studies on a possible Experiment on Proton-Driven Plasma Wakefields at CERN (WEPZ031) |
by Assmann, R W |
Energy Spectrometer Studies for Proton-Driven Plasma Acceleration (WEPZ032) |
by Hillenbrand, S |
A Multi-Parameter Optimization of Plasma Density for an Advanced Linear Collider* (WEPZ036) |
by Muggli, P |
SVD-based filter design for the trajectory feedback of CLIC |
by Pfingstner, Jürgen |
The LHeC Project at CERN - an Overview |
by Klein, M |
Top Quark physics results from LHC |
by Fiorini, L |
by Stadlmann, J |
A Concatenation Scheme for the Computation of Beam Excited Higher Order Mode Port Signals |
by Flisgen, T |
Study of Beam Diagnostics with Trapped Modes in 3rd Harmonic SC Cavities at FLASH |
by Zhang, P |
Study of Beam Diagnostics with Trapped Modes in Third Harmonic Superconducting Cavities at FLASH |
by Zhang, P |
LHeC Spin Rotator |
by Bai, M |
Higher order modes HOMs in coupled cavities of the FLASH module ACC39 |
by Shinton, I R R |