Главная страница > DELPHI Preprints > Etude et mise au point d'une chambre à multifils à cathodes et cloisons pour le Barrel RICH de DELPHI |
Thesis | |
Report number | CRN-88-02 |
Title | Etude et mise au point d'une chambre à multifils à cathodes et cloisons pour le Barrel RICH de DELPHI |
Translation of title | Study and development of a multiwire chamber cathode and partitions for the Barrel RICH DELPHI Supersymmetries, Deformed Symmetries and Interacting Many-Body Systems |
Author(s) | Husson, Daniel |
Thesis note | PhD : CERN : 1987 |
Thesis supervisor(s) | Schaeffer, Michel |
Note | presented 10 Dec 1987 |
Subject category | Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | CERN LEP ; DELPHI |