CERN Accelerating science

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Report number ANL-HEP-PR-81-52 ; COO-1428-490 ; COO-3066-176
Title Measurement of the neutral current to charged-current ratio for antineutrino proton inclusive scattering
Author(s) Carmony, D D ; Carman, T S ; Barnes, Virgil E ; Davis, C ; Fernández, E ; Garfinkel, A F ; Laasanen, A T ; Derrick, M ; Gregory, P ; LoPinto, F ; Musgrave, B ; Schlereth, J L (Argonne Nat Lab Argonne) ; Schreiner, P A ; Singer, R ; Barish, S J ; Brock, R L ; Engler, A ; Kikuchi, T ; Krämer, R W ; Messing, F ; Stacey, B J ; Tabak, M
Affiliation (Purdue Univ. Lafayette) ; (Argonne) ; (Carnegie-Mellon Univ. Pittsburgh)
Publication 1982
Imprint Mar 1982?
Number of pages 26
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment


 Datensatz erzeugt am 1990-01-28, letzte Änderung am 2016-06-28