Milestone M4.3 Comparison of NC and SC RFQs Performance and Cost Data of the Superconducting RFQ Solution With the goal of comparing the above presented solution with the one with NC RFQ’s prepared by Munich -Frankfurt, table 6 lists the main performance parameters (energy, transmission and emittance of the heavy ion beam) and an evaluation of the cost of the main components. Moreover, the mains power gives an indication about the operational cost of this part of the RNB accelerator. These values are compared with the equivalent ones proposed by Munich-Frankfurt on the fully NC option. Table 6 – Beam parameters summarized, together with a preliminary cost estimate of the components   Superconducting RFQ Normalconducting RFQ NC-RFQ MEBT S-RFQ Total RFQ1 RFQ2 Total Transmission [%] 100 100 99,9 99,9 99,6 99,6 99,4 T increase [%] 2,5   12 15 5 5 10 L [MeV deg] 0,063   0,069 0,069  0,078  0,078  0,078 Final energy [keV/A] 88 88 560 560 319 560 560 Length [m] 2,93 1,15 2,07 6,15 3,9 3,9 7,8 Structure cost [k€] 348 450 624 1422 470 470 940 RF/PS cost [k€] 276 210 120 606 1000 1000 2000 Vacuum Equipment cost [k€] 15 90 50 155 35 35 70 Equipped cryostat [k€]     350 350     0 Cryogenic lines [k€]     120 120     0 Power at mains [kVA] 42 10 60 112 95 95 190 Total Price [k€] VAT incl. 639 750 1264 2653 1505 1505 3010 The general comments by INFN-LNL on the so called S-RFQ solution are the following: 1. Despite a possibly higher degree of complexity, the S-RFQ option needs no prototyping, being the NC-RFQ a simplified version of the one proposed and being built for Spiral2 and the S-RFQ very similar to the one working reliably in PIAVE at INFN-LNL; on the other hand, experience with CW 4-rod RFQ with high transmission is still limited 2. A reliable comparison of capital and operational costs implies a more careful exercise: at this stage the S-RFQ option is 20% cheaper 3. Transverse emittance is comparable, and final transmission is very close to 100% in both cases. Longitudinal emittance … 4. Power at mains, including the budget of cryogenics in the SC option, is smaller by a factor 2 in the SC case The overall length is larger in the NC case, but not dramatically Therefore, at this stage of development, both RFQ solutions appear feasible, with the following remarks: Proof of the operation of superconducting resonators on a 30 kV (S-RFQ solution) should be demonstrated before the solution can be declared to be fully feasible; The reliable high power operation of a 4-rod N-RFQ should be demonstrated, before the N-RFQ solution be declared to be fully feasible.