CERN Accelerating science

Experiments at CERN
Title Extending and refining the mass surface around $^{208}$Pb by high-precision Penning-trap mass spectrometry with ISOLTRAP
Author(s) Schweikhard, L Cinstitute ; Herfurth, Finstitute ; Stora, Tinstitute ; Blaum, Kinstitute ; Beck, Dinstitute ; Kowalska, M ; Schwarz, Sinstitute ; Stanja, Jinstitute ; Herlert, A Jinstitute ; Yamaguchi, Tinstitute
Experiment IS518
Greybook See IS518 experiment
Approved 02 March 2011
Status Finished
Collaboration ISOLDE
Accelerator CERN ISOLDE
Abstract We propose high-precision mass spectrometry of nuclides around the doubly magic $^{208}$Pb. On the neutron-rich side, we aim to extend the knowledge of Fr, At, Hg, and Au masses to study the robustness of the N = 126 shell closure and to provide mass data necessary for modeling the rapid-neutron-capture process. On the proton-rich side, we aim at high-resolution mass spectrometry of selected Au, At, and Fr isotopes to verify the predicted existence of very low-lying isomeric states. The proposal will make use of newly-available laser-ionization schemes for Au and At. Finally, the recently implemented multi-reflection time-of-flight mass separator for auxiliary isobaric purification now allows measurements which were not feasible before.
Related document(s) CERN-INTC-2011-015  (INTC-P-299)
Contact: Kreim, S W
