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Report number arXiv:1101.0536
Title The PDF4LHC Working Group Interim Report
Author(s) Alekhin, Sergey (DESY, Zeuthen ; Serpukhov, IHEP) ; Alioli, Simone (DESY, Zeuthen) ; Ball, Richard D. (Edinburgh U.) ; Bertone, Valerio (Freiburg U.) ; Blumlein, Johannes (DESY, Zeuthen) ; Botje, Michiel (NIKHEF, Amsterdam) ; Butterworth, Jon (University Coll. London) ; Cerutti, Francesco (Barcelona U., ECM) ; Cooper-Sarkar, Amanda (Oxford U.) ; de Roeck, Albert (CERN ; Antwerp U. ; UC, Davis) ; Del Debbio, Luigi (Edinburgh U.) ; Feltesse, Joel (IRFU, Saclay) ; Forte, Stefano (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan) ; Glazov, Alexander (DESY) ; Guffanti, Alberto (Freiburg U.) ; Gwenlan, Claire (Oxford U.) ; Huston, Joey (Michigan State U.) ; Jimenez-Delgado, Pedro (Zurich U.) ; Lai, Hung-Liang (Taipei Municipal U. of Education) ; Latorre, Jose I. (Barcelona U., ECM) ; McNulty, Ronan (University Coll., Dublin) ; Nadolsky, Pavel (Southern Methodist U.) ; Olaf Moch, Sven (DESY, Zeuthen) ; Pumplin, Jon (Michigan State U.) ; Radescu, Voica (Heidelberg U.) ; Rojo, Juan (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan) ; Sjostrand, Torbjorn (Lund U.) ; Stirling, W.J. (Cambridge U.) ; Stump, Daniel (Michigan State U.) ; Thorne, Robert S. (University Coll. London) ; Ubiali, Maria (RWTH Aachen U.) ; Vicini, Alessandro (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan) ; Watt, Graeme (CERN) ; Yuan, C.-P. (Michigan State U.)
Publication 2011
Imprint 04 Jan 2011
Number of pages 35
Note Comments: 35 pages
35 pages
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract This document is intended as a study of benchmark cross sections at the LHC (at 7 TeV) at NLO using modern parton distribution functions currently available from the 6 PDF fitting groups that have participated in this exercise. It also contains a succinct user guide to the computation of PDFs, uncertainties and correlations using available PDF sets. A companion note, also submitted to the archive, provides an interim summary of the current recommendations of the PDF4LHC working group for the use of parton distribution functions and of PDF uncertainties at the LHC, for cross section and cross section uncertainty calculations.
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 レコード 生成: 2011-01-04, 最終変更: 2022-08-13

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