CERN Accélérateur de science

Conference title 2nd International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics
Related conference title(s) TIPP2011
TIPP 2011
Date(s), location 9 - 14 Jun 2011, Chicago, IL, USA
Conference contact TIPP 2011, Conference Office, MS 113, Fermilab, P.O. Box 500 Batavia, IL 60510, USA
email: [email protected]
fax: +1 630-840-8589
Editor(s) Liu, Ted (ed.)
Imprint 2012
In: Phys. Procedia 37 (2012)
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques

Contributions in Inspire: C11-06-09
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Alignment of the Muon Spectrometer in ATLAS (p. 51)
by Aefsky, S
Upgrade of the CMS Hadron Outer Calorimeter with SIPMs (p. 72)
by Anderson, Jacob
One Year of FOS Measurements in CMS Experiment at CERN (p. 79)
by Szillási, Zoltán
Experiences with the Muon Alignment Systems of the Compact Muon Solenoid Detector (p. 96)
by Beni, Noemi
Status of the CMS Detector (p. 119)
by Focardi, Ettore
CMS: present status, limitations and upgrade plans (p. 128)
by Cheung, Harry
The LHCb Upgrade (p. 151)
by Gallas, A
Upgrade of the ALICE Detector (p. 164)
by Riedler, P
ATLAS: Status, Limitations and Upgrade Plans (p. 170)
by Kawamoto, T
Progress on the upgrade of the CMS Hadron Calorimeter Front-End electronics (p. 190)
by Anderson, Jake
Concept and status of the CALICE analog hadron calorimeter engineering prototype (p. 198)
by Terwort, Mark
Calibration of the ATLAS hadronic barrel calorimeter TileCal using 2008, 2009 and 2010 cosmic-ray muon data (p. 205)
by Weng, Z
The ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter performance in the LHC collision era (p. 229)
by Succurro, A
CMS Hadronic EndCap Calorimeter Upgrade R&D Studies (p. 238)
by Akgun, Ugur
Measurements of the Time Structure of Hadronic Showers in a Scintillator-Tungsten HCAL (p. 250)
by Simon, Frank
Integrator based readout in Tile Calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment (p. 266)
by Gonzalez Parra, G
Status of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter and Its Performance after One Year of LHC Operation (p. 271)
by Hoffman, Julia
The TileCal Laser calibration system (p. 287)
by Giangiobbe, V
The Large Angle Photon Veto System for the NA62 Experiment at CERN (p. 293)
by Ambrosino, F
Upgrade Plans for ATLAS Forward Calorimetry for the HL-LHC (p. 301)
by Turner, J
HF GFlash (p. 340)
by Rahmat, Rahmat
Performance and Calibration of CASTOR Calorimeter at CMS (p. 356)
by Kuznetsova, Ekaterina
First Year of Running of the LHCb Calorimeter System (p. 421)
by Machefert, Fréedéric
Performance of the ALICE Time Projection Chamber (p. 434)
by Lippmann, Christian
New developments in Micromegas Microbulk detectors (p. 448)
by Iguaz, F.J.
Trigger-Induced Mechanical Resonances of Gating Grid Wires in the Multi-Wire Proportional Chambers of the ALICE TPC (p. 472)
by Horn, C J
CAST microbulk micromegas in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (p. 478)
by Tomas, A.
Commissioning and Performance of the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker with First High Energy pp and Pb-Pb collisions at LHC (p. 506)
by Stahlman, Jonathan M
Construction and Test of a Prototype Chamber for the Upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer (p. 515)
by Bittner, B
NA62 Spectrometer: A Low Mass Straw Tracker (p. 530)
by Sergi, A
Calibration and Performance of the precision chambers of the ATLAS muon spectrometer (p. 543)
by Diehl, E
Development of a Micro Pixel Chamber for the ATLAS Upgrade (p. 554)
by Ochi, Atsuhiko
Performance of a Large-Area Triple-GEM Detector in a Particle Beam (p. 561)
by Karchin, Paul E
Analysis of data recorded by the LCTPC equipped with a two layer GEM-system (p. 583)
by Ljunggren, M
The Ring Imaging CHerenkov Detectors of the LHCb Experiment (p. 606)
by Perego, Davide Luigi
Performance of the RICH Detectors of LHCb (p. 613)
by Papanestis, A
TORCH: A Large-Area Detector for Precision Time-of-Flight Measurements at LHCb (p. 626)
by Harnew, N
The CHarged ANTIcounter for the NA62 Experiment at CERN (p. 675)
by Ambrosino, F
Development of THGEM-based Photon Detectors for COMPASS RICH-1 (p. 781)
by Alexeev, M
Performance of the LHCb Vertex Locator (p. 830)
by Latham, T
CMS Silicon Strip Tracker Performance (p. 844)
by Agram, Jean-Laurent
Performance of LHCb Silicon Tracker Detector in the LHC (p. 851)
by Luisier, Johan
Silicon sensor technologies for the ATLAS IBL upgrade. (p. 874)
by Grenier, P
CMS Pixel Telescope Addition to T-980 Bent Crystal Collimation Experiment at the Tevatron (p. 882)
by Rivera, Ryan
Silicon for High-Luminosity Tracking Detectors : Recent RD50 Results(p. 899)
by Parzefall, U
Operational Experience with the ATLAS Pixel Detector at the LHC (p. 907)
by Keil, M
Silicon Strip Detectors for the ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade (p. 915)
by Affolder, A
An EUDET/AIDA Pixel Beam Telescope for Detector Development (p. 923)
by Rubinskiy, I
Recent progress of the ATLAS Planar Pixel Sensor R&D Project (p. 940)
by Bomben, M.
System Implications of the Different Powering Distributions for the ATLAS Upgrade Strips Tracker (p. 960)
by Díez, S
Performance of the Charge Injectors of the ALICE Silicon Drift Detectors (p. 970)
by Kushpil, Svetlana
Results from the NA62 Gigatracker Prototype: A Low-Mass and sub-ns Time Resolution Silicon Pixel Detector (p. 985)
by Fiorini, M
SLID-ICV Vertical Integration Technology for the ATLAS Pixel Upgrades (p. 1009)
by Macchiolo, A.
Characterisation of Glasgow/CNM Double-Sided 3D Sensors (p. 1016)
by Raighne, Aaron Mac
Performance of n-in-p pixel detectors irradiated at fluences up to $5x10^{15} n_{eq}/cm^{2}$ for the future ATLAS upgrades (p. 1024)
by Macchiolo, A.
Tracking and b-tagging performance with an upgraded CMS pixel detector (p. 1032)
by Jindal, Pratima
Overview on Measured Properties of VTT's Edgeless Detectors and their use in High Energy Physics (p. 1046)
by Kalliopuska, Juha
The LHCb VELO Upgrade (p. 1055)
by Hynds, D
The ALICE Inner Tracking System: Performance with Proton and Lead Beams (p. 1062)
by Beolè, S
CMS Tracker layout studies for HL-LHC (p. 1070)
by Mersi, Stefano
The discrimination capabilities of Micromegas detectors at low energy (p. 1079)
by Iguaz, F.J.
A High-Resolution PET Demonstrator using a Silicon “Magnifying Glass” (p. 1488)
by Clinthorne, Neal
A Gigabit Transceiver for Data Transmission in Future High Energy Physics Experiments (p. 1561)
by Wyllie, K
The TDCpix Readout ASIC: A 75 ps Resolution Timing Front-End for the Gigatracker of the NA62 Experiment (p. 1608)
by Rinella, G Aglieri
A High Speed Serializer ASIC for ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Upgrade (p. 1618)
by Liu, Tiankuan
Readout Electronics for the ATLAS LAr Calorimeter at HL-LHC (p. 1720)
by Chen, H
Study of a Solution with COTS for the LHCb Calorimeter Upgrade (p. 1744)
by Beteta, C Abellan
A Versatile Link for High-Speed, Radiation Resistant Optical Transmission in LHC Upgrades (p. 1750)
by Xiang, A
The TileCal Optical Multiplexer Board 9U (p. 1759)
by Valero, A
Implementation and performance of the signal reconstruction in the ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter (p. 1765)
by Valero, A
The EDRO board connected to the Associative Memory: a "Baby" FastTracKer processor for the ATLAS experiment (p. 1772)
by Annovi, A
The Performance of the ATLAS Trigger System in the LHC proton-proton Collisions (p. 1781)
by Rajagoapalan, Srini
Acquisition System and Detector Interface for Power Pulsed Detectors (p. 1791)
by Cornat, R
ATLAS TDAQ system: current status and performance (p. 1819)
by Ballestrero, S
Calibration and Performance of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger with LHC Collision Data (p. 1841)
by Wessels, M
The LHCb Trigger: Present and Future (p. 1861)
by Aaij, R
CMS OnlineWeb-Based Monitoring (p. 1869)
by Wan, Zongru
Use of GPUs in Trigger Systems (p. 1884)
by Lamanna, Gianluca
Software and firmware for controlling CMS trigger and readout hardware via gigabit Ethernet (p. 1892)
by Frazier, Robert
Resource utilization by the ATLAS High Level Trigger during 2010 and 2011 LHC running (p. 1900)
by Ospanov, R
Operation and Performance of the CMS Level-1 Trigger during 7 TeV Collisions (p. 1908)
by Klabbers, Pamela
Design of the ATLAS IBL Readout System (p. 1948)
by Polini, A
The New Frontier of the DATA Acquisition Using 1 and 10 Gb/s Ethernet links (p. 1956)
by Costa, Filippo
Diamonds for Beam Instrumentation (p. 1997)
by Griesmayer, E
Temperature Dependence of Charge Carrier Properties in Single Crystal CVD Diamond Detectors (p. 2005)
by Jansen, Hendrik
Dielectric Collimators for Beam Delivery Systems (p. 2023)
by Schoessow, Paul
Beam Loss Monitoring for LHC Machine Protection (p. 2055)
by Holzer, Eva Barbara
The FONT5 Bunch-by-Bunch Position and Angle Feedback System at ATF2 (p. 2063)
by Apsimon, R J
Online Determination of the LHC Luminous Region with the ATLAS High-Level Trigger (p. 2080)
by Bartoldus, R
The CMS Beam Conditions and Radiation Monitoring System (p. 2097)
by Castro, E
Status of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter and its performance after one year of LHC operation
by "Hoffman, J A
Online Determination of the LHC Luminous Region with the ATLAS High-Level Trigger
by Bartoldus, R
Commissioning and performance of the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker with first high energy pp and Pb-Pb collisions at LHC
by Stahlman, JM
Readout Electronics for the ATLAS LAr Calorimeter at HL-LHC
by Chen, H
The Ring Imaging CHerenkov detectors of the LHCb experiment
by Perego, D L
The EDRO board connected to the Associative Memory: a "Baby" FastTracKer processor for the ATLAS experiment
by Annovi, A
Alignment of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
by Aefsky, S
The LHCb upgrade
by Gallas Torreira, A
The LHCb Trigger: present and future
by Aaij, R
The LHCb Velo Upgrade
by Hynds, D
First Year of Running of the LHCb Calorimeter System
by Machefert, F
Performance of ATLAS Trigger System
by Rajagopalan, Srini
Silicon Strip Detectors for ATLAS sLHC Upgrade
by Affolder, A
Commissioning and Performance of the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker with First High Energy pp and Pb-Pb collisions at LHC
by Stahlman, JM
The LHCb Online System Design, Implementation, Performance, Plans
by Jost, B
The Resource utilization by ATLAS High Level Triggers. The contributed talk for the Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2011.
by Ospanov, R
TORCH: A large-area detector for precision time-of-flight measurements at LHCb
by Harnew, N
Calibration and Performance of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger
by Wessels, M
Performance of the LHCb Silicon Tracker detector in the LHC
by Luisier, J
ATLAS : status, limitations and upgrade plans
by Kawamoto, T
Search for long-lived massive particles at CMS
by Chen, Jie
Design of the ATLAS IBL Readout System
by Polini, A
Silicon sensor technologies for ATLAS IBL upgrade
by Grenier, P
A high speed serializer ASIC for ATLAS Liquid Argon calorimeter upgrade
by Liu, T
Status of the CMS detector
by Focardi, Ettore
Operational Experience with the ATLAS Pixel Detector at the LHC
by Keil, M
Upgrade Design of TileCal Front-end Readout Electronics and Radiation Hardness Studies
by Anderson, K
Calibration of the ATLAS hadronic barrel calorimeter TileCal using 2008, 2009 and 2010 cosmic rays data
by Weng, Z
The ATLAS Tile Hadronic Calorimeter performance in the LHC collision era
by Succurro, A
Integrator based read-out in Tile Calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment
by Gonzalez, G
Implementation and performance of the signal reconstruction in the ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter
by Valero, A
The TileCal Optical Multiplexer Board 9U
by Valero, A
Operation and Performance of the CMS Level-1 Trigger during 7 TeV Collisions
by Klabbers, Pamela Renee
Performance of the LHCb Vertex Locator
by Latham, T
ATLAS Silicon Microstrip Tracker Operation and Performance
by Moeller, V
Detector Systems at CLIC
by Simon, Frank

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