CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 7th International Conference on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor materials, Detectors and Devices
Related conference title(s) RESMDD 2008
Date(s), location 10 - 13 Oct 2008, Florence, Italy
Editor(s) Borchi, E (ed.) ; Bruzzi, M (ed.) ; Menichelli, D (ed.) ; Pace, E (ed.)
Imprint 2010
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques

Contributions in Inspire: C08-10-10.1
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Astroparticle physics at LHC : The LHCf experiment ready for data taking(p. 451)
by Bongi, M
Production, Commissioning and First Data of the LHCb Silicon Tracker (p. 460)
by Voss, H
CCE measurements on heavily irradiated micro-strip sensors (p. 478)
by Bernardini, J
Study on 150 mu m thick n- and p-type epitaxial silicon sensors irradiated with 24-GeV/c protons and 1-MeV neutrons (p. 482)
by Kaska, Katharina
Test beam results of a heavily irradiated Current Injected Detector (CID) (p. 488)
by Harkonen, J
Signal height in silicon pixel detectors irradiated with pions and protons (p. 493)
by Rohe, T.
Test beam results of heavily irradiated magnetic Czochralski silicon (MCz-Si) strip detectors (p. 497)
by Luukka, P
Status of silicon edgeless detector developments for close-to-beam experiments (p. 501)
by Verbitskaya, E
A TCT and annealing study on Magnetic Czochralski silicon detectors irradiated with neutrons and 24-GeV/c protons (p. 549)
by Pacifico, Nicola
Production, Commissioning and "First Data" of the LHCb Silicon Tracker
by Voss, Helge

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 2010-07-01, last modified 2021-07-30