Particle Production in p-p and Heavy Ion Collisions at Ultrarelativistic Energies (p. 43) |
by Cleymans, J. |
Early Search for Supersymmetry at ATLAS (p. 51) |
by Zhuang, Xuai |
Studies of hadronic B decays with early LHCb data |
by Martens, A |
Search for Heavy Stable Charged Particles in CMS |
by Neumeister, Norbert |
Performance of the ATLAS Calorimeters using Cosmic Muons |
by Santoni, C |
Setting of the ATLAS Jet Energy Scale |
by Petteni, M |
Particle Production Studies at LHCb |
by Contu, A |
Operation, calibration and performance of the CMS silicon tracker |
by Focardi, Ettore |
Soft QCD measurements in ATLAS |
by Laycock, P |
Measurement of top quark pair production with the ATLAS detector |
by Papadelis, Aras |
Search for Pair Production of Leptoquarks in the CMS Experiment |
by Rumerio, Paolo |
Search for New Physics in Heavy Flavour Rare Decays |
by Pellegrino, N |
ATLAS Overview |
by Dobos, D |
Soft QCD Measurements in ATLAS |
by Laycock, P |
Results and Prospects for Charm Physics at LHCb |
by Hunt, P |
Inclusive Jets and Dijets in LHCb |
by Auriemma, G |
Searches for new physics with leptons in ATLAS |
by Chen, X |
Particle Production Multiplicities at LHCb |
by Contu, A |
Studies of Hadronic B Decays with Early LHCb Data |
by Martens, A |
Operation and Performance of the LHCb Experiment |
by Alessio, F |
LHCb Electro-weak results |
by Hutchcroft, D |
Exotic Dijet Searches in the ATLAS Detector |
by Rezvani, R |
Higgs Boson Sensitivity in ATLAS |
by Novakova, Jana |
Production of W and Z bosons in ATLAS |
by Czyczula, Z |
LHCb Status, First Physics and Discovery Potential |
by Steinkamp, O |
Production of W and Z bosons in ATLAS |
by Czyczula, Z |
Operation and Performance of the LHCb experiment |
by Alessio, F |
Searches for new physics with jets at ATLAS |
by Courneyea, L |
Production of beauty and quarkonia in ATLAS |
by Jakoubek, T |
Searches for New Physics with Jets in ATLAS |
by Courneyea, L |
Hard QCD Measurements in ATLAS |
by Stamen, R |
Two Early Exotics Searches With Dijet Events In The ATLAS Detector |
by Rezvani, R |
Operation and performance of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter |
by Malberti, Martina |
Inclusive jets and dijets in LHCb |
Early searches for Supersymmetry in ATLAS |
by Zhuang, X |
Results and Prospects for Charm Physics at LHCb |
by Hunt, P |
Early top physics in ATLAS |
by Papadelis, Aras |
Prompt $J/\psi$ and $b\to J/\psi\rm{X}$ production in $pp$ collisions |
by Robbe, P |
LHCb Status, First Physics and Discovery Potential |
by Steinkamp, O |
Prospects for CP Violation in $B^0_s \to J/\psi\phi$ from First LHCb Data |
by Khanji, B |
Heavy Flavours in Atlas |
by Conventi, F |
ATLAS Overview at Kruger2010 |
by Dobos, D |
CMS searches for new physics |
by Senghi Soares, Mara |
Performance of Track and Vertex Reconstruction and B-Tagging Studies with CMS in pp Collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV |
by Schmidt, Alexander |
Prompt $J/\psi$ and $b\to J/\psi X$ production in $pp$ collisions |
by Robbe, P |