CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-2009-006
Conference title Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics
Related conference title(s) TWEPP09
TWEPP 2009
Date(s), location 21 - 25 Sep 2009, Paris, France
Conference contact email: [email protected]
Editor(s) Dho, Evelyne (ed.) (CERN)
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 2009 - 690 p.
Series (CERN Yellow Reports: Conference Proceedings)
ISBN 9789290833352 (print version, paperback)
DOI e-proceedings: 10.5170/CERN-2009-006
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Free keywords electronics
Abstract The purpose of this workshop was to present original concepts and results of research and development for electronics relevant to particle physics experiments as well as accelerator and beam instrumentation at future facilities; to review the status of electronics for running experiments; to identify and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics; and to promote information exchange and collaboration in the relevant engineering and physics communities.
Copyright/License publication: © 2009-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-3.0)

Corresponding record in: Inspire
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

The future of the LHC programme and machine (p. 3)
by Bertolucci, Sergio
HEP experiments in Japan : The Next Generation(p. 14)
by Itoh, Ryosuke
ILC-CLIC (p. 21)
by Kluge, Alex
Experiment protection at the LHC and damage limits in LHC(b) silicon detectors (p. 37)
by Ferro-Luzzi, M
A ten thousand frames per second readout MAPS for the EUDET beam telescope (p. 47)
by Hu-Guo, C
Front end electronics for pixel detector of the PANDA MVD (p. 52)
by Kugathasan, Thanushan
Advanced pixel architectures for scientific image sensors (p. 57)
by Coath, R
Performance of the ABCN-25 readout chip for the ATLAS Inner Detector Upgrade (p. 62)
by Anghinolfi, F
Reduction techniques of the back gate effect in the SOI Pixel Detector (p. 68)
by Ichimiya, R
Low noise, low power front end electronics for pixelized TFA sensors (p. 72)
by Poltorak, K
Commissioning of the CMS DT electronics under magnetic field (p. 81)
by Fernandez-Bedoya, C
Data acquisition system for a proton imaging apparatus (p. 86)
by Sipala, V
Commissioning and performance of the Preshower off-detector readout electronics in the CMS experiment (p. 91)
by Antchev, G
In-situ performance of the CMS Preshower Detector (p. 96)
by Bialas, W
Low Power Analog Design in Scaled Technologies (p. 103)
by Baschirotto, A
Gossipo-3 : A prototype of a Front-End Pixel Chip for Read-Out of Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors(p. 113)
by Brezina, Christpoh
DIRAC v2 : a DIgital Readout Asic for hadronic Calorimeter(p. 117)
by Gaglione, R
HARDROC, Readout chip of the Digital Hadronic Calorimeter of ILC (p. 122)
by Callier, S
Design of High Dynamic Range Digital to Analog Converters for the Calibration of the CALICE Si-W Ecal readout electronics (p. 127)
by Gallin-Martel, L
LAPAS: A SiGe Front End Prototype for the Upgraded ATLAS LAr Calorimeter (p. 132)
by Dressnandt, N
Replacing full custom DAQ test system by COTS DAQ components on example of ATLAS SCT readout (p. 139)
by Dwuznik, M
Integrated test environment for a part of the LHCb calorimeter - TWEPP09 (p. 144)
by Abellan, C
Picosecond time measurement using ultra analog memories (p. 149)
by Breton, Dominique
Measurement of Radiation Damage to 130nm Hybrid Pixel Detector Readout Chips (p. 157)
by Plackett, R
Radiation Tests on the Complete System of the Instrumentation of the LHC Cryogenics at the CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso (CNGS) Test Facility (p. 161)
by Gousiou, E
Development of new readout electronics for the ATLAS LAr Calorimeter at the sLHC (p. 165)
by Strässner, A
Buses and Boards : Making the right choice(p. 173)
by Gipper, Jerry
Integrated Trigger and Data Acquisition system for the NA62 experiment at CERN (p. 179)
by Collazuol, G
A digital calorimetric trigger for the COMPASS experiment at CERN (p. 182)
by Friedrich, J
The Level 0 Trigger Decision Unit for the LHCb experiment (p. 186)
by Chanal, H
Performance of the CMS Regional Calorimeter Trigger (p. 191)
by Klabbers, P
Analogue Input Calibration of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger : TWEPP-09(p. 196)
by Morris, J D
Precise Timing Adjustment for the ATLAS Level1 Endcap Muon Trigger System (p. 200)
by Suzuki, Y
Framework for Testing and Operation of the ATLAS Level-1 MUCTPI and CTP (p. 204)
by Spiwoks, R
Construction and Performance of a Double-Sided Silicon Detector Module Using the Origami Concept (p. 211)
by Irmler, C
Application of a new interconnection technology for the ATLAS pixel upgrade at SLHC (p. 216)
by Macchiolo, A
3D electronics for hybrid pixel detectors – TWEPP-09 (p. 220)
by Godiot, S
Design of Low Noise Detectors (p. 229)
by Johnson, Marvin
Feasibility studies of a Level-1 Tracking Trigger for ATLAS (p. 239)
by Warren, M
Design of a trigger module for the CMS Tracker at SLHC (p. 243)
by Hall, G
Trigger R&D for CMS at SLHC (p. 249)
by Iles, G
Design Considerations for an Upgraded Track-Finding Processor in the Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger of CMS for SLHC operations (p. 254)
by Acosta, D
The GCT Matrix Card and its Applications (p. 259)
by Jones, J
Progress on DC-DC Converters for a Silicon Tracker for the sLHC Upgrade (p. 267)
by Dhawan, S
Experimental Studies Towards a DC-DC Conversion Powering Scheme for the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker at SLHC (p. 271)
by Klein, K
System Integration Issues of DC to DC converters in the sLHC Trackers (p. 276)
by Allongue, B
Performance and Comparison of Custom Serial Powering Regulators and Architectures for SLHC Silicon Trackers (p. 281)
by Tic, Thomas
Power and Submarine Cable Systems for the KM3NeT kilometre cube Neutrino Telescope (p. 286)
by Sedita, M
Key technologies for present and future optical networks (p. 293)
by Antona, Jean-Christophe
Smart Analogue Sampler for the Optical Module of a Cherenkov Neutrino Detector (p. 303)
by Caponetto, L
PARISROC, a Photomultiplier Array Integrated Read Out Chip (p. 308)
by Conforti Di Lorenzo, S
The 8 bits 100 MS/s Pipeline ADC for the INNOTEP Project – TWEPP-09 (p. 313)
by Crampon, S
A latchup topology to investigate novel particle detectors (p. 318)
by Gabrielli, A
A 5 Gb/s Radiation Tolerant Laser Driver (p. 321)
by Amaral, L
The GBTIA, a 5 Gbit/s Radiation-Hard Optical Receiver for the SLHC Upgrades (p. 326)
by Menouni, M
The Radiation Hardness of Certain Optical fibres for the LHC upgrades at −25°C (p. 333)
by Issever, C
Study of the Radiation-Hardness of VCSEL and PIN (p. 338)
by Gan, K K
The GBT Project (p. 342)
by Moreira, P
The Versatile Transceiver Proof of Concept (p. 347)
by Troska, J
Passive Optical Networks for the Distribution of Timed Signals in Particle Physics Experiments (p. 352)
by Papakonstantinou, I
Low Power SoC Design (p. 359)
by Piguet, Christian
Two-Phase Cooling of Targets and Electronics for Particle Physics Experiments (p. 366)
by Thome, J R
A Prototype Front-End Readout Chip for Silicon Microstrip Detectors Using an Advanced SiGe Technology (p. 379)
by Grillo, A A
DC-DC switching converter based power distribution vs serial power distribution : EMC strategies(p. 384)
by Arteche, F
Study of the Radiation Hardness Performance of PiN diodes for the ATLAS Pixel Detector at the SLHC upgrade (p. 390)
by Abi, B
Interference coupling mechanisms in Silicon Strip Detectors - CMS tracker "wings" : A learned lesson for SLHC(p. 394)
by Arteche, F
Development and commissioning of the ALICE pixel detector control system (p. 400)
by Bortolin, C
Upgrade of the BOC for the ATLAS Pixel Insertable B-Layer (p. 404)
by Dopke, J
Improved performance for the ATLAS ReadOut System with the switchbased architecture (p. 407)
by Schroer, N
Development of a 1 GS/s high-resolution transient recorder (p. 410)
by Bartknecht, S
Novel Charge Sensitive Amplifier Design Methodology suitable for Large Detector Capacitance Applications (p. 413)
by Thomas Noulis a,
Readout and Data Processing Electronics for the Belle-II Silicon Vertex Detector (p. 417)
by Friedl, M
E-link : A Radiation-Hard Low-Power Electrical Link for Chip-to-Chip Communication(p. 422)
by Bonacini, S
A Zero Suppression Micro-Circuit for Binary Readout CMOS Monolithic Sensors (p. 426)
by Himmi, A
Commissioning of the CSC Level 1 Trigger Optical Links at CMS (p. 431)
by Acosta, A
Upgrade of the Cold Electronics of the ATLAS HEC Calorimeter for sLHC Generic Studies of Radiation Hardness and Temperature Dependence (p. 435)
by Rudert, A
Radiation hardness studies of a 130 nm Silicon Germanium BiCMOS technology with a dedicated ASIC (p. 439)
by Díez, S
OMEGAPIX : 3D integrated circuit prototype dedicated to the ATLAS upgrade Super LHC pixel project(p. 443)
by Thienpont, D
Design and measurements of 10 bit pipeline ADC for the Luminosity Detector at ILC (p. 448)
by Idzik, Marek
A 10-bit 40MS/s Pipelined ADC in a 0.13μm CMOS Process (p. 452)
by França-Santos, Hugo
A Self Triggered Amplifier/Digitizer Chip for CBM (p. 457)
by Armbruster, A
Measurement of the performances of a Low-Power Multi-Dynamics Front-End for Neutrino (p. 462)
by Sipala, V
The Control System for a new Pixel Detector at the sLHC (p. 466)
by Boek, J
High-Speed Serial Optical Link Test Bench Using FPGA with Embedded Transceivers (p. 471)
by Xiang, Annie C.
The Design of a High Speed Low Power Phase Locked Loop (p. 476)
by Liu, Tiankuan
Development of A 16:1 serializer for data transmission at 5 Gbps (p. 481)
by Gong, Datao
Characterization of Semiconductor Lasers for Radiation Hard High Speed Transceivers (p. 486)
by Silva, Sérgio
Presentation of the “ROC” Chips Readout (p. 491)
by Dulucq, F
Position Measurements with Micro-Channel Plates and Transmission lines using Pico-second Timing and Waveform Analysis (p. 495)
by Adamsa, Bernhard
Hardware studies for the upgrade of the ATLAS Central Trigger Processor (p. 500)
by Berge, D
SPIROC (SiPM Integrated Read-Out Chip) : Dedicated very front-end electronics for an ILC prototype hadronic calorimeter with SiPM read-out(p. 504)
by Bouchel, Michel
An FPGA-based Emulation of the G-Link Chip-Set for the ATLAS Level-1 Barrel Muon Trigger (p. 509)
by Aloisio, A
A 40 MHz Trigger-free Readout Architecture for the LHCb Experiment (p. 514)
by Alessio, F
Calibration of the Prompt L0 Trigger of the Silicon Pixel Detector for the ALICE Experiment (p. 520)
by Cavicchioli, C
A programmable 10 Gigabit injector for the LHCb DAQ and its upgrade (p. 525)
by Delord, V
Wafer Screening of ABCN-25 readout ASIC (p. 529)
by Phillips, Peter W
A Digitally Calibrated 12 bits 25 MS/s Pipelined ADC with a 3 input multiplexer for CALICE Integrated Readout (p. 533)
by Rarbi, F
Standalone, battery powered radiation monitors for accelerator electronics (p. 539)
by Wijnands, T
On-chip Phase Locked Loop (PLL) design for clock multiplier in CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) (p. 543)
by Sun, Q
Charge Pump Clock Generation PLL for the Data Output Block of the Upgraded ATLAS Pixel Front-End in 130 nm CMOS (p. 548)
by Kruth, A
ATLAS Silicon Microstrip Tracker Operation (p. 553)
by Vankov, P
The GBT-SCA, a radiation tolerant ASIC for detector control applications in SLHC experiments (p. 557)
by Gabrielli, A
A facility and a web application for real-time monitoring of the TTC backbone status (p. 561)
by Jurga, P
A Low-cost Multi-channel Analogue Signal Generator (p. 566)
by Muller, F
A Radiation Tolerant 4.8 Gb/s Serializer for the Giga-Bit Transceiver (p. 570)
by Çobanoglu, Ö
Detector Control System for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the CMS experiment (p. 575)
by Adzic, P
An integrated DC-DC step-up charge pump and step-down converter in 130 nm technology (p. 579)
by Bochenek, M
Error-Free 10.7 Gb/s Digital Transmission over 2 km Optical Link Using an Ultra-Low-Voltage Electro-Optic Modulator (p. 584)
by Janner, D
ALICE TPC control and read-out system (p. 586)
by Larsen, T D
Simple parallel stream to serial stream converter for Active Pixel Sensor readout (p. 589)
by Kushpil, V
Total dose effects on deep-submicron SOI technology for Monolithic Pixel Sensor development (p. 591)
by Mattiazzo, S
AFTER, the front end ASIC of the T2K Time Projection Chambers (p. 596)
by Baron, P
The Online Error Control and Handling of the ALICE Pixel Detector (p. 601)
by Caselle, M
Low power discriminator for ATLAS pixel chip (p. 606)
by Menouni, M
Design of the CMS-CASTOR subdetector readout system by reusing existing designs (p. 610)
by Beaumont, W
Advances in Architectures and Tools for FPGAs and their Impact on the Design of Complex Systems for Particle Physics (p. 617)
by Gregerson, Anthony
A flash high-precision time-to-digital converter implemented in FPGA technology (p. 627)
by Branchini, P
Implementing the GBT data transmission protocol in FPGAs (p. 631)
by Baron, S
FPGA-based Bit-Error-Rate Tester for SEU-hardened Optical Links (p. 636)
by Detraz, S
TWEPP-09 Executive summary (xix)
by Christiansen, J
Experimental Studies Towards a DC-DC Conversion Powering Scheme for the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker at SLHC
by Klein, Katja
Design of the CMS-CASTOR sub detector readout system by reusing existing designs
by Beaumont, Willem
Commissioning and performance of the Preshower off-detector readout electronics in the CMS experiment
by Antchev, Georgy
Design Considerations for an Upgraded Track-Finding Processor in the Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger of CMS for SLHC Operations
by Madorsky, Alexander
The CMS ECAL Detector Control System
by Leshev, Georgi
ATLAS Silicon Microstrip Tracker Operation
by Vankov, P
LAPAS: A SiGe Front End Prototype for the Upgraded ATLAS LAr
by Rescia, S
Development of new readout electronics for the ATLAS LAr calorimeter at the sLHC
by Strässner, A
Analogue Input Calibration of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger
by Morris, J D

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 Record created 2009-06-19, last modified 2021-07-30

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