CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:0903.2973
Title The detection of neutrino interactions in the emulsion/lead target of the OPERA experiment
Author(s) Agafonova, N. (Moscow, INR) ; Anokhina, A. (SINP, Moscow) ; Aoki, S. (Kobe U.) ; Ariga, A. (Bern U., LHEP) ; Ariga, T. (Bern U., LHEP) ; Arrabito, L. (Lyon, IPN) ; Autiero, D. (Lyon, IPN) ; Badertscher, A. (Zurich, ETH) ; Bagulya, A. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Bersani Greggio, F. (Frascati) ; Bertolin, A. (INFN, Padua) ; Besnier, M. (Annecy, LAPP) ; Bick, D. (Hamburg U.) ; Boyarkin, V. (Moscow, INR) ; Bozza, C. (Salerno U. ; INFN, Salerno) ; Brugiere, T. (Lyon, IPN) ; Brugnera, R. (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Brunetti, G. (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Buontempo, S. (INFN, Naples) ; Carrara, E. (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Cazes, A. (Lyon, IPN) ; Chaussard, L. (Lyon, IPN) ; Chernyavsky, M. (Moscow, INR) ; Chiarella, V. (Frascati) ; Chon-Sen, N. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Chukanov, A. (INFN, Naples) ; Cozzi, M. (Bologna U.) ; D'Amato, G. (Salerno U. ; INFN, Salerno) ; Dal Corso, F. (INFN, Padua) ; D'Ambrosio, N. (Gran Sasso) ; De Lellis, G. (Naples U. ; INFN, Naples) ; Declais, Y. (Lyon, IPN) ; De Serio, M. (INFN, Bari) ; Di Capua, F. (INFN, Naples) ; Di Ferdinando, D. (INFN, Bologna) ; Di Giovanni, A. (L'Aquila U. ; INFN, Aquila) ; Di Marco, N. (L'Aquila U. ; INFN, Aquila) ; Di Troia, C. (Frascati) ; Dmitrievski, S. (Dubna, JINR) ; Dominjon, A. (Lyon, IPN) ; Dracos, M. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Duchesneau, D. (Annecy, LAPP) ; Dusini, S. (INFN, Padua) ; Ebert, J. (Hamburg U.) ; Egorov, O. (Moscow, ITEP) ; Enikeev, R. (Moscow, INR) ; Ereditato, A. (Bern U., LHEP) ; Esposito, L.S. (Gran Sasso) ; Favier, J. (Annecy, LAPP) ; Felici, G. (Frascati) ; Ferber, T. (Hamburg U.) ; Fini, R. (INFN, Bari) ; Frekers, D. (Munster U.) ; Fukuda, T. (Nagoya U.) ; Fukushima, C. (Toho U.) ; Galkin, V.I. (SINP, Moscow) ; Galkin, V.A. (Obninsk, Inst. Phys. Power Eng.) ; Garfagnini, A. (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Giacomelli, G. (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Giorgini, M. (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Goellnitz, C. (Hamburg U.) ; Goeltzenlichter, T. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Goldberg, J. (Technion) ; Golubkov, D. (Moscow, ITEP) ; Gornushkin, Y. (Dubna, JINR) ; Grella, G. (Salerno U. ; INFN, Salerno) ; Grianti, F. (Frascati) ; Guler, M. (Middle East Tech. U., Ankara) ; Gustavino, C. (Gran Sasso) ; Hagner, C. (Hamburg U.) ; Hara, T. (Kobe U.) ; Hierholzer, M. (Rostock U.) ; Hoshino, K. (Nagoya U.) ; Ieva, M. (INFN, Bari) ; Jakovcic, K. (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) ; Janutta, B. (Hamburg U.) ; Jollet, C. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Juget, F. (Bern U., LHEP) ; Kazuyama, M. (Nagoya U.) ; Kim, S.H. (Gyeongsang Natl. U.) ; Kimura, M. (Toho U.) ; Klicek, B. (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) ; Knuesel, J. (Bern U., LHEP) ; Kodama, K. (Aichi U.) ; Kolev, D. (Sofiya U.) ; Komatsu, M. (Nagoya U.) ; Kose, U. (Middle East Tech. U., Ankara) ; Krasnoperov, A. (Dubna, JINR) ; Kreslo, I. (Bern U., LHEP) ; Krumstein, Z. (Dubna, JINR) ; Kutsenov, V.V. (Moscow, INR) ; Kuznetsov, V.A. (Moscow, INR) ; Laktineh, I. (Lyon, IPN) ; Lazzaro, C. (Zurich, ETH) ; Lenkeit, J. (Hamburg U.) ; Ljubicic, A. (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) ; Longhin, A. (Padua U.) ; Lutter, G. (Bern U., LHEP) ; Malgin, A. (Moscow, INR) ; Manai, K. (Lyon, IPN) ; Mandrioli, G. (INFN, Bologna) ; Marotta, A. (INFN, Naples) ; Marteau, J. (Lyon, IPN) ; Matveev, V. (Moscow, INR) ; Mauri, N. (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Meisel, F. (Bern U., LHEP) ; Meregaglia, A. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Messina, M. (Bern U., LHEP) ; Migliozzi, P. (INFN, Naples) ; Monacelli, P. (L'Aquila U. ; INFN, Aquila) ; Morishima, K. (Nagoya U.) ; Moser, U. (Bern U., LHEP) ; Muciaccia, M.T. (Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Naganawa, N. (Nagoya U.) ; Nakamura, M. (Nagoya U.) ; Nakano, T. (Nagoya U.) ; Nikitina, V. (SINP, Moscow) ; Niwa, K. (Nagoya U.) ; Nonoyama, Y. (Nagoya U.) ; Nozdrin, A. (Dubna, JINR) ; Ogawa, S. (Toho U.) ; Olchevski, A. (Dubna, JINR) ; Orlova, G. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Osedlo, V. (SINP, Moscow) ; Ossetski, D. (Obninsk, Inst. Phys. Power Eng.) ; Paniccia, M. (Frascati) ; Paoloni, A. (Frascati) ; Park, B.D. (Nagoya U.) ; Park, I.G. (Gyeongsang Natl. U.) ; Pastore, A. (Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Patrizii, L. (INFN, Bologna) ; Pennacchio, E. (Lyon, IPN) ; Pessard, H. (Annecy, LAPP) ; Pilipenko, V. (Munster U.) ; Pistillo, C. (Bern U., LHEP) ; Polukhina, N. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Pozzato, M. (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Pretzl, K. (Bern U., LHEP) ; Publichenko, P. (SINP, Moscow) ; Pupilli, F. (L'Aquila U. ; INFN, Aquila) ; Rescigno, R. (Salerno U. ; INFN, Salerno) ; Rizhikov, D. (Obninsk, Inst. Phys. Power Eng.) ; Roganova, T. (SINP, Moscow) ; Romano, G. (Salerno U. ; INFN, Salerno) ; Rosa, G. (Rome U. ; INFN, Rome) ; Rostovtseva, I. (Moscow, ITEP) ; Rubbia, A. (Zurich, ETH) ; Russo, A. (Naples U. ; INFN, Naples) ; Ryasny, V. (Moscow, INR) ; Ryazhskaya, O. (Moscow, INR) ; Sadovski, A. (Dubna, JINR) ; Sato, O. (Nagoya U.) ; Sato, Y. (Utsunomiya U.) ; Saveliev, V. (Obninsk, Inst. Phys. Power Eng.) ; Schembri, A. (Rome U. ; INFN, Rome) ; Schmidt Parzefall, W. (Hamburg U.) ; Schroeder, H. (Rostock U.) ; Schutz, H.U. (Bern U., LHEP) ; Schuler, J. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Scotto Lavina, L. (INFN, Naples) ; Shibuya, H. (Toho U.) ; Simone, S. (Bari U. ; INFN, Bari) ; Sioli, M. (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Sirignano, C. (Salerno U. ; INFN, Salerno) ; Sirri, G. (INFN, Bologna) ; Song, J.S. (Gyeongsang Natl. U.) ; Spinetti, M. (Frascati) ; Stanco, L. (Padua U.) ; Starkov, N. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Stipcevic, M. (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb) ; Strauss, T. (Zurich, ETH) ; Strolin, P. (Naples U. ; INFN, Naples) ; Sugonyaev, V. (Padua U.) ; Takahashi, S. (Nagoya U.) ; Tereschenko, V. (Dubna, JINR) ; Terranova, F. (Frascati) ; Tezuka, I. (Utsunomiya U.) ; Tioukov, V. (INFN, Naples) ; Tolun, P. (Middle East Tech. U., Ankara) ; Tsarev, V. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Tsenov, R. (Sofiya U.) ; Tufanli, S. (Middle East Tech. U., Ankara) ; Ushida, N. (Aichi U.) ; Verguilov, V. (Sofiya U.) ; Vilain, P. (Brussels U.) ; Vladimirov, M. (Lebedev Inst.) ; Votano, L. (Frascati) ; Vuilleumier, J.L. (Bern U., LHEP) ; Wilquet, G. (Brussels U.) ; Wonsak, B. (Hamburg U.) ; Yakushev, V. (Moscow, INR) ; Yoon, C.S. (Gyeongsang Natl. U.) ; Zaitsev, Y. (Moscow, ITEP) ; Zghiche, A. (Annecy, LAPP) ; Zimmermann, R. (Hamburg U.)
Publication 2009
Imprint 18 Mar 2009
Number of pages 17
In: JINST 4 (2009) P06020
DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/4/06/P06020
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment ; Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; OPERA CNGS1
Abstract The OPERA neutrino detector in the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory (LNGS) was designed to perform the first detection of neutrino oscillations in appearance mode through the study of $\nu_\mu\to\nu_\tau$ oscillations. The apparatus consists of an emulsion/lead target complemented by electronic detectors and it is placed in the high energy long-baseline CERN to LNGS beam (CNGS) 730 km away from the neutrino source. Runs with CNGS neutrinos were successfully carried out in 2007 and 2008 with the detector fully operational with its related facilities for the emulsion handling and analysis. After a brief description of the beam and of the experimental setup we report on the collection, reconstruction and analysis procedures of first samples of neutrino interaction events.
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