CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 21st International Cosmic-ray Conference
Related conference title(s) ICRC-21
Date(s), location 6 - 19 Jan 1990, Adelaide, Australia
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint Adelaide : Adelaide Univ. Dept. Phys. Math., 1990
Subject category Other Fields of Physics
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Delay in light collection in scintillators as a factor affecting angular resolution in an EAS array
by Hillas, A M
Measurement of the age parameter in showers produced by 10$^{15}$ eV primaries
by Idenden, D W
A reassessment of the angular resolution of the GREX array at Haverah Park
by Bloomer, S D
Modifications and improvements to the GREX array at Haverah Park
by Bloomer, S D
PLASTEX : a tracking experiment at the centre of the GREX scintillator array
by Chan, J K W
A search for gamma-rays above 5 x 10$^{14}$ eV from Cygnus X-3
by Bloomer, S D
A search for PeV gamma-ray emission from candidate objects other than Cygnus X-3
by Bloomer, S D
A reassessment of the Haverah Park energy spectrum above 3 x 10$^{17}$ eV
by Lawrence, M A
An upper limit to the flux of neutral primaries from Cygnus X-3 above 5 x 10$^{17}$ eV
by Lawrence, M A
Contributions to UM-HE-90-8
Contributed papers, ICR-198
by Chinellato, J A
Underground muons from the direction of Cygnus X-3
by Johns, K
Supernova 1987A and cosmic rays with E $>$ 1 TeV/AMU : composition, spectrum and anisotropy
by Kifune, T
High energy interactions
by Halzen, Francis
Underground muon observations in the Soudan 2 detector
by Allison, W W M
Bartol Research Institute contributions
Cosmic ray half life of $^{56}$Ni
by Norman, E B
Cosmic ray half life of $^{54}$Mn
by Norman, E B
A database of fragmentation cross section measurements applicable to cosmic ray propagation calculations
by Crawford, H J
High energy interactions
by Muraki, Y
Cosmic ray events in Soudan 2
by Allison, W W M
Surface-underground coincidences at the Soudan mine
by Das-Gupta, U
Contained events in Soudan 2
by Allison, W W M
Studies of mu's underground with the Soudan 2 tracker
by Kochocki, J A

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 1990-01-27, last modified 2021-07-30