CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 2nd International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity : High-temperature Superconductors
Date(s), location 23 - 28 Jul 1989, Stanford, CA, USA
Editor(s) Harrison, Walter A (ed.) ; Phillips, Norman E (ed.) ; Shelton, Robert N (ed.)
Imprint 1989
In: Physica C 162-164 (1989)
Subject category Engineering
Free keywords Tc ; fermion ; film ; flux ; high ; magnet ; spectroscopy ; spin ; tunneling
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Lattice and electronic specific heat of YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7}$ (p. 484)
by Gordon, J E
Specific heat of the high-T$_{c}$ YBa$_{2}$(Cu$_{3-x}$M$_{x}$)O$_{7}$ with M = Cr or Zn (p. 494)
by Kim, S
Origin of the "linear" term in the specific heat of YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7}$ (p. 1651)
by Phillips, N E
Anisotropy in magnetic properties of high-T$_{c}$ materials (p. 1689)
by Kogan, V G

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 Record created 1990-01-27, last modified 2021-07-30