CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 1st International Meeting on the History of Scientific Ideas
Related conference title(s) Symmetries in physics (1600 - 1980)
Symmetries in physics (1600-1980)
Date(s), location 20 - 26 Sep 1983, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
Editor(s) Doncel, Manuel G (ed.) ; Hermann, Armin (ed.) ; Michel, Louis (ed.) ; Pais, Abraham (ed.)
Imprint Madrid : Madrid Univ., 1987 - 678 p.
ISBN 8474881488
Subject category Science in General
Free keywords CP ; Lie ; QCD ; bibliography ; conservation ; cosmology ; history ; particle ; relativity ; theory
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

A critical study of symmetry in physics from Galileo to Newton (p. 1)
by Roche, J J
The principle of relativity in Euler's work (p. 31)
by Speiser, D
Unity and metamorphosis of forces (1800-1850) : Schelling, Oersted and Faraday(p. 51)
by Hermann, Armin
G W Leibniz: Principles of symmetry and conservation law (p. 69)
by Mainzer, K
Symmetries in romantic physics (p. 77)
by Kaiser, W
Symmetry in Amperes electrodynamics (p. 93)
by D'Agostino, S
Einstein and a realistic conception of light-matter symmetry, 1905-1925 (p. 105)
by Donini, E
The contribution of Emmy Noeter, Felix Klein and Sophus Lie to the modern concept of symmetries in physical systems (p. 113)
by Kastrup, H A
The role played by symmetries in the introduction of relativity in Great-Britain (p. 165)
by Sanchez-Ron, M
Remarks on the early developments of the notion of symmetry breaking (p. 195)
by Radicati, L A
Who discovered the Bose-Einstein statistics? (p. 221)
by Bergia, S
The Fermi-Dirac statistics and the statistics of nuclei (p. 251)
by Amaldi, Edoardo
Symmetries of matter and light: Early reactions to the lightquantum (p. 279)
by Wheaton, B R
Symmetry and imagery in the physics of Bohr, Einstein and Heisenberg (p. 299)
by Miller, A A
Pauli's belief in exact symmetries (p. 329)
by Von Meyenn, Karl
Conservation of energy (p. 361)
by Pais, A
Symmetries in cosmology (p. 379)
by Sexl, Roman Ulrich
Charge conjugation : a contribution to the history of this internal quantum number of particle physics(p. 389)
by Michel, L
From magnet reserval to time reserval (p. 409)
by Doncel, M G
Parity violation (p. 431)
by Telegdi, Valentine Louis
A personal view of the discovery of CP violation (p. 451)
by Fitch, Val Logsdon
Particle theory from S-matrix to quarks (p. 473)
by Gell-Mann, Murray
Hadron symmetry, classification and compositeness (p. 499)
by Ne’eman, Y
Quaternionic and octonionic structures in physics (p. 557)
by Gürsey, F
The development of quantum chromodynamics (p. 593)
by Fritzsch, Harald
Initial conditions, laws of nature, symmetries, and their history in physics (p. 613)
by Wigner, Eugene Paul

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