CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 11th Johns Hopkins Workshop on Current Problems in Particle Theory
Related conference title(s) Frontiers in particle theory
Date(s), location 17 - 19 Jun 1987, Lanzhou, People's Rep. of China
Editor(s) Domokos, Gabor K (ed.) ; Duan Yi Shi (ed.) ; Kövesi-Domokos, S (ed.)
Imprint Singapore : World Scientific, 1988 - 324 p.
ISBN 9789971503840
9971503840 (print version, hardback)
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords Adler ; Bardeen ; CP ; Green ; Schwarz ; Wess ; Zumino ; field ; sring ; stochastic ; superstring ; violation
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

A review of duality, string vertices, overlap identities and the group theoretic approach to string theory (p. 1)
by West, Peter C
The complex geometry of string theory and loop space (p. 101)
by Bowick, M J
Strings without string (p. 145)
by Bagger, Jonathan A
Covariant quantization of the superparticle action : zero mode of the Green and Schwarz superstring(p. 207)
by Moshe, M
Generalized Wess-Zumino terms and global anomalies in string sigma models (p. 225)
by Bonora, L
Adler-bardeen theorem in supersymmetric theories (p. 249)
by Ensign, P W
Neutrinos from supernova 1987A
by Schramm, David N

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 Record created 1990-01-27, last modified 2021-07-30