CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 4th LEAR Workshop
Related conference title(s) Physics at LEAR with low energy antiprotons
Date(s), location 6 - 13 Sep 1987, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland
Editor(s) Amsler, Claude (ed.) (Zurich U.) ; Backenstoss, G. (ed.) (Basel U.) ; Klapisch (ed.) (CERN) ; Leluc, C. (ed.) (Geneva U.) ; Simon, D. (ed.) (CERN) ; Tauscher, L. (ed.) (Basel U.)
Imprint Chur : Harwood, 1988 - 827 p.
Series (Nuclear science research conference series ; 14)
ISBN 3718648148
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords p pbar ; nubar ; JETSET ; QCD ; spectroscopy ; CP ; violation ; nucleus ; interaction ; accelerators ; annihilation ; experiments ; fundamental ; future ; interactions ; nucleon-nucleon ; operation ; pbar nucleus ; rings ; storage ; symmetries

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C87-09-06.2
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Limitations and future possibilities of CERN'S $\overline{p}$ source (p. 3)
by Billinge, Roy
Initial performance of AAC (p. 7)
by Jones, E
LEAR operation in PS machines context (p. 13)
by Bouthéon, M
LEAR, present status, future and developments (p. 19)
by Lefèvre, P
The LEAR experimental areas : new layout for the coming AAC-period(p. 31)
by Danloy, Luc
SLEAR : a superconducting antiproton storage ring for $\overline{p}$p-physics in the center of mass energy range of 2 to 20 GeV(p. 57)
by Giannini, R
Achromatic beam optics for low velocity particles (p. 69)
by Nemoz, C
Beam diagnostics for low energy antiproton beams extracted from LEAR (p. 75)
by Agoritsas, V
Machine aspects for LEAR operation with jetset (p. 91)
by Baird, S A
Problems and prospects for momenta below 100 MeV/c (p. 95)
by Chanel, M
The electron cooling device developed for LEAR (p. 121)
by Poth, Helmut
The LEAR UHV system : past, present and future(p. 131)
by Bourgeois, M
Travelling wave pickups and kickers for stochastic cooling at low beam velocity (p. 135)
by Tokuda, N
New electronics and new methods ("bunch-synchronized" data acquisition and correction algorithms for FFT analysis) which allow increased accuracy in beam measurements (p. 139)
by Asséo, E
Fast extraction at slow extraction momenta for trapping of antiprotons (p. 145)
by Baird, S A
The LEAR control system : phase III(p. 149)
by Pettersson, Thomas Sven
LEAR statistics (p. 155)
by Ley, R
Rearrangement of the PS-LEAR transfer line to cope with the AA/AAC beam (p. 159)
by Tranquille, G
Measurements and surprises with H-minus ions (p. 163)
by Manglunki, Django
MicroLEAR : deceleration of antiprotons in a cooling electron beam(p. 167)
by Medenwaldt, R
Nondestructive observation of betatron resonance lines (p. 171)
by Bengtsson, J
The LEAR stochastic cooling system : present and future(p. 175)
by Baird, S A
Perspectives for polarized antiprotons at LEAR : the spin splitter(p. 183)
by Penzo, Aldo L
Polarization of antiprotons by the Stern-Gerlach effect : the integration of the Spin Splitter into LEAR(p. 205)
by Kreiser, H
Further considerations regarding the Spin Splitter (p. 211)
by Conte, M
Coupled-channel effective-range expansion of low-energy nucleon-antinucleon scattering (p. 235)
by Mahalanabis, J
The real to imaginary ratio of the forward $\overline{p}$p scattering amplitude (p. 247)
by Ueda, T
Low energy antinucleon-nucleon potentials (p. 287)
by Weise, W
Measurement of spin dependent observables in the $\overline{p}$-N elastic scattering from 350 to 700 MeV/c (p. 313)
by Bertini, R
Testing quantum chromodynamics in anti-proton reactions (p. 317)
by Brodsky, S J
Threshold measurement of the reaction $\overline{p}p \rightarrow \overline{\Lambda}\Lambda$ at LEAR (p. 347)
by Barnes, P D
A diquark model for proton-antiproton annihilation into hyperon-antihyperon (p. 353)
by Kroll, P
Quark model calculation of p$\overline{p}$ --> LAMBDA.LAMBD$\overline{A}$ (p. 361)
by Alberg, M A
$p\overline{p}$ annihilation into two neutral mesons (p. 397)
by Tauscher, Ludwig
High statistics study of $\overline{p}p$ annihilation at rest in $H_{2}$ gas (p. 405)
by Ahmad, S
Inclusive and semi-inclusive production of the a$_{o}$(980) in antiproton-proton annihilation at rest (p. 411)
by Lewis, R A
Antiproton annihilation in deuterium gas : selected results from the "Asterix" experiment(p. 447)
by Ahmad, S
Exotic mesons of QCD (p. 471)
by Narison, Stéphan
Experimental evidence for glueballs and the E/iota region (p. 483)
by Palano, E
The Crystal Barrel project at LEAR (p. 493)
by Aker, E
Status and test results of the Crystal Barrel neutral calorimeter (p. 503)
by Aker, E
Study of $\overline{p}$ and $\overline{n}$ annihilations at LEAR with OBELIX (p. 507)
by Armenteros, Rafael
JETSET at LEAR (p. 513)
by Anderl, T
Status of PS185 search for $\xi (2230)$ (p. 523)
by Barnes, P D
Recoilless production of the H dihyperon at LEAR (p. 529)
by Kilian, K
Heavy flavours with low energy $\overline{p}$ (p. 533)
by Montanet, Lucien
Charm and beauty with the Crystal Barrel (p. 541)
by Braune, K
Cosmological aspect of symmetries and symmetry violations (p. 557)
by Straumann, N
Flavour symmetry and CP violation (p. 571)
by Jarlskog, C
The $\Delta$I = 1/2 rule and CP violation in the standard model (p. 581)
by Buras, Andrzej J
Experimental status of CP violation (p. 599)
by Kleinknecht, K
Tests of symmetry violation with initially pure K0 and $\overline{K}$0 beams (p. 615)
by Montanet, François
CP (non-)conservation in hyperon decays (p. 619)
by Barnes, P D
Tests of CP violation in the hyperon decays (p. 625)
by Bassompierre, Gabriel
Status report of the radio-frequency mass spectrometer for PS 189 (p. 633)
by De Saint-Simon, M
Study of antihydrogen production and experiments with atomic antimatter (p. 643)
by Conti, R S
Antinucleon-nucleus interactions (p. 649)
by Dover, C B
Search for unusual behavior in neutral and charged particle emission from antiproton-nucleus annihilation at rest (p. 689)
by Büche, G
Strangeness content in antiproton-nucleus annihilation at rest (p. 693)
by Lewis, R A
Pion source dimensions from Bose-Einstein correlations in antiproton absorption on nuclei (p. 697)
by Ahmad, S
X-ray transitions in antiprotonic hydrogen atoms and their line shape (p. 717)
by Ahmad, S
Study of antiprotonic atoms (PS176) at LEAR (p. 721)
by Poth, Helmut
Low energy antiproton-atom collisions (PS194) (p. 749)
by Andersen, L H
Antiproton annihilation in two nucleons (p. 753)
by Oset, B
Antiproton induced fission in $^{238}$U and $^{209}$Bi (p. 793)
by Bocquet, J P
Antiproton-nucleus interactions at LEAR (p. 797)
by Guaraldo, C
Deep antiproton annihilation on nuclei
by Rafelski, Johann

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 Record created 1990-01-27, last modified 2021-07-30