CERN Accelerating science

Experiments at CERN
Title Measurements of octupole collectivity in $^{220,222}$Rn and $^{222,224}$Ra using Coulomb excitation
Author(s) Bastin, Binstitute ; Kruecken, Rinstitute ; Larsen, Ainstitute ; Hurst, A Minstitute ; Voulot, Dinstitute ; Grahn, Tinstitute ; Clement, Einstitute ; Wadsworth, Rinstitute ; Gernhaeuser, R Ainstitute ; Siem, Sinstitute ; Huyse, M Linstitute ; Iwanicki, J Sinstitute
Experiment IS475
Greybook See IS475 experiment
Approved 21 April 2008
Status Completed on 01 March 2015
Collaboration ISOLDE
Accelerator CERN ISOLDE
Abstract We propose to exploit the unique capability of ISOLDE to provide post-accelerated $^{220,222}$Rn and $^{222,224}$Ra ion beams from the REX facility to enable the Coulomb excitation of the first 3$^{-}$ states in these nuclei. By measuring the $\gamma$-ray yields of the E1 decays from the 3$^{-}$ state using the MINIBALL array we can obtain the <3$^{-}$ $\mid$E3$\mid$0$^{+}$> transition matrix elements. This will give quantitative information about octupole correlations in these nuclei. We require 22 shifts to fulfil the aims of the experiment.
Related document(s) CERN-INTC-2008-021  (INTC-P-244)
Contact: Van de walle, J

 Δημιουργία εγγραφής 2008-07-19, τελευταία τροποποίηση 2020-11-19