CERN Accelerating science

Experiments at CERN
Title Studies of $\beta$-delayed two-proton emission : The cases of $^{31}$Ar and $^{35}$Ca
Author(s) Tengblad, Oinstitute ; Riisager, Kinstitute ; Jokinen, Ainstitute ; Canchel, Ginstitute ; Heinz, A Minstitute ; Jonson, B N Ginstitute ; Dominguez reyes, R Rinstitute ; Koldste, G Tinstitute ; Fraile prieto, L Minstitute ; Nilsson, Tinstitute ; Audirac, L Linstitute
Experiment IS476
Greybook See IS476 experiment
Approved 21 April 2008
Status Completed on 04 May 2020
Collaboration ISOLDE
Accelerator CERN ISOLDE
Abstract We propose to perform detailed studies of the decays of the two dripline nuclei $^{31}$Ar and $^{35}$Ca. This will allow an in-depth study in the process of $\beta$-delayed two-proton emission ($\beta$2p); as well as provide important information on resonances in $^{30}$S and $^{34}$Ar relevant for the astrophysical rp-process.
Related document(s) CERN-INTC-2008-028  (INTC-P-248)
Contact: Riisager, K

 Record creato 2008-07-19, modificato l'ultima volta il 2020-11-19