CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 4th International Conference on Instrumentation for High-energy Physics
Related conference title(s) Instrumentation for High-energy Physics, v.1
Date(s), location 8 - 12 Sep 1970, Dubna, Soviet Union
Editor(s) Dzhelepov, Venedikt P (ed.)
Corporate author(s) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Dubna
Imprint Dubna : Joint Inst. Nucl. Res., 1971
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Computer-controlled data acquisition system for a wire spark chamber experiments (p. 26)
by Aubert, Jean-Jacques
Effective mass spectrometers (p. 125)
by Martin, M B
Progress of superconducting system applied in high-energy physics (p. 155)
by Schmeissner, F
Some research on the multiwire proportional chamber (p. 217)
by Charpak, Georges
A large multiwire proportional chamber spectrometer (p. 251)
by Dieperink, J H
Some developments and test results of multiwire proportional chambers (MWPC) (p. 257)
by Amato, Giovanni
A coding system for multiwire proportional counters (p. 265)
by Bonazzola, G C
$^{3}He-cooled$ polarized targets (p. 591)
by Vermeulen, J C
Production of an initially pure $K ^{0}$ beam of known momentum (p. 731)
by Aubert, Jean-Jacques
A system approach to high-speed counter logic (p. 786)
by Friend, B
Some remarks on trends in the research on particle detectors (p. 847)
by Charpak, Georges

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