Will gaseous detectors survive the rapid progress in the competing techniques? (p. 131) |
by Charpak, Georges |
Calorimeters : gaseous readouts compared to alternatives(p. 145) |
by Fabjan, Christian Wolfgang |
Detector calibration with lasers : a review(p. 169) |
by Hilke, Hans Jürgen |
Drift-pots for small angle elastic scattering at the Fermilab collider (p. 263) |
by Amos, N |
Drift chambers with controlled charge collection geometry for the NA34/HELIOS experiment (p. 272) |
by Bettoni, D |
The induction driftchamber (p. 285) |
by Roderburg, E |
Performance of the SLD central drift chamber prototype (p. 295) |
by Atwood, W B |
The L3 high-resolution muon drift chambers : systematic errors in track position measurements(p. 304) |
by Antreasyan, D |
High density spiral projection chamber (HDSPC) : design of the end-cap detectors of the OBELIX experiment at LEAR(p. 321) |
by Bussa, M P |
Design and construction of the CLEO II drift chamber (p. 325) |
by Cassel, David G |
The OPAL jet chamber full scale prototype (p. 331) |
by Fischer, H M |
Prototype results of a high resolution vertex drift chamber for the Mark II SLC upgrade detector (p. 350) |
by Alexander, J |
A time expansion chamber as a vertex detector for the experiment MARK J at DESY (p. 357) |
by Anderhub, H |
A modular multidrift vertex detector (p. 373) |
by Bouclier, Roger |
A microvertex detector for experiment UA1 at the CERN S.p¯¯¯pS collider (p. 387) |
by Müller, T |
TPC90, a test model for the ALEPH Time Projection Chamber (p. 392) |
by Amendolia, S R |
Studies of wire gain and track distortion near the sector edges of the ALEPH Time Projection Chamber (p. 399) |
by Amendolia, S R |
Gating in the ALEPH Time Projection Chamber (p. 403) |
by Amendolia, S R |
Results on space measurement accuracy from tests of a half-scale DELPHI TPC prototype (p. 413) |
by Brand, C |
Operation of RICH single-photon detectors with optically shielded wires in transverse magnetic fields (p. 418) |
by Dulinski, W |
The TOPAZ time projection chamber (p. 423) |
by Kamae, T |
Spatial resolution of limited streamer tubes with analog strip readout (p. 431) |
by D'Agostini, Giulio |
Test results of the streamer-tube system of the CHARM II neutrino detector (p. 443) |
by De Wulf, J P |
Performance of a novel silicon detector (p. 471) |
by Beuttenmüller, Rolf H |
Electron identification up to 100 GeV by means of transition radiation (p. 483) |
by Butt, H J |
Low-pressure multistep detectors : applications to high energy particle identification(p. 488) |
by Breskin, Amos |
Large-area transition radiation detectors for electron identification in the UA6 experiment at the CERN p¯¯¯p collider (p. 498) |
by Vacchi, A |
A new high gain thin gap detector for the OPAL hadron calorimeter (p. 511) |
by Dado, S |
Electron attachment of C5F12 to be used as gas radiator in the barrel RICH detector of DELPHI (p. 524) |
by Fraissard, Daniel |
Pulse shape analysis for a jet chamber with long drift paths in the presence of a magnetic field (p. 564) |
by Bittner, S |
Attenuation length measurements in narrow drift channels (p. 573) |
by Gracco, Valerio |
Drift properties of electrons in methane and methane noble gas mixtures (p. 579) |
by Schmidt, B |
A comparison of the charge division and timing difference techniques in streamer mode (p. 586) |
by Biagi, S F |
Results of a 100 MHz FADC system built in Fastbus used by the UA2 vertex detector (p. 590) |
by Bourgeois, F |
The LTD : a Fastbus time digitizer for LEP detectors(p. 596) |
by Delavallade, G |
Track finding with the Mark II/SLC drift chamber (p. 616) |
by Perl, J |
High accuracy measurements of drift time in the streamer mode |
by Biagi, S F |
The new drift chamber for the Mark II detector at the SLAC linear collider |
by Hanson, G G |