CERN Accélérateur de science

Report number arXiv:0801.2702 ; PH-TH-CERN-2007-243 ; UB-ECM-PF-07-36 ; TOHO-CP-0885 ; CERN-PH-TH-2007-243 ; UB-ECM-PF-07-36 ; Toho-CP-0885
Title Space-time Vector Supersymmetry and Massive Spinning Particle
Author(s) Casalbuoni, Roberto. (Florence U. ; INFN, Florence) ; Gomis, Joaquim (CERN ; Barcelona U., ECM ; ICC, Barcelona U.) ; Kamimura, Kiyoshi (Toho U.) ; Longhi, Giorgio (Florence U. ; INFN, Florence)
Publication 2008
Imprint 18 Jan 2008
Number of pages 15
Note Comments: 14 pages. Few references and two comments added
14 pages. Few references and two comments added
In: JHEP 02 (2008) 094
DOI 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/02/094
Subject category Particle Physics - Theory
Abstract We construct the action of a relativistic spinning particle from a non-linear realization of a space-time odd vector extension of the Poincar\'e group. For particular values of the parameters appearing in the lagrangian the model has a gauge world-line supersymmetry.{As a consequence of this local symmetry there are BPS solutions in the model preserving 1/5 of the supersymmetries.} A supersymmetric invariant quantization produces two decoupled 4d Dirac equations.
Copyright/License Open Access

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Notice créée le 2008-01-19, modifiée le 2023-03-14

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