CERN Accelerating science

Title High Power Testing RF System Components for the Cornell ERL Injector
Author(s) Belomestnykh, Sergey (CLASSE, Ithaca, New York) ; Kaplan, Roger (CLASSE, Ithaca, New York) ; Liepe, Matthias (CLASSE, Ithaca, New York) ; Quigley, Peter (CLASSE, Ithaca, New York) ; Reilly, John (CLASSE, Ithaca, New York) ; Sinclair, Charles Kent (CLASSE, Ithaca, New York) ; Veshcherevich, Vadim (CLASSE, Ithaca, New York)
Publication 2006
Number of pages 3
In: 10th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 26 - 30 Jun 2006, pp.472
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords ERL ; coupling ; factory ; klystron ; linac

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