CERN Accelerating science

Internal Note and Article
Report number ATL-TILECAL-PUB-2008-005 ; ATL-COM-TILECAL-2007-025
Title The Optical Instrumentation of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter

Abdallah, J ; Adragna, P ; Alexa, C ; Alves, R ; Amaral, P (CERN) ; Ananiev, A ; Anderson, K ; Andresen, X (CERN) ; Antonaki, A ; Batusov, V ; Bednar, P ; Bergeaas, E ; Biscarat, C ; Blanch, O ; Blanchot, G ; Bohm, C ; Boldea, V ; Bosi, F ; Bosman, M ; Bromberg, C ; Budagov, Yu A ; Calvet, D ; Cardeira, C ; Carli, T (CERN) ; Carvalho, J ; Cascella, M ; Castillo, M V ; Costelo, J ; Cavalli-Sforza, M ; Cavasinni, V ; Cerqueira, A S ; Clément, C (CERN) ; Cobal, M (CERN) ; Cogswell, F ; Constantinescu, S ; Costanzo, D ; Da Silva, P ; David, M ; Davidek, T (CERN) ; Dawson, J ; De, K ; Del Prete, T ; Diakov, E ; Di Girolamo, B (CERN) ; Dita, S ; Dolejsi, J ; Dolezal, Z ; Dotti, A ; Downing, R ; Drake, G ; Efthymiopoulos, I (CERN) ; Errede, D ; Errede, S ; Farbin, A (CERN) ; Fassouliotis, D ; Feng, E ; Fenyuk, A ; Ferdi, C ; Ferreira, B C ; Ferrer, A ; Flaminio, V ; Flix, J ; Francavilla, P ; Fullana, E ; Garde, V ; Gellerstedt, K ; Giakoumopoulou, V ; Giangiobbe, V ; Gildemeister, O (CERN) ; Gilewsky, V ; Giokaris, N ; Gollub, N (CERN) ; Gomes, A ; González, V ; Gouveia, J ; Grenier, P (CERN) ; Gris, P ; Guarino, V ; Guicheney, C ; Sen-Gupta, A ; Hakobyan, H ; Haney, M ; Hellman, S ; Henriques, A (CERN) ; Higón, E ; Hill, N ; Holmgren, S ; Hruska, I ; Hurwitz, M ; Huston, J ; Jen-La Plante, I ; Jon-And, K ; Junk, T ; Karyukhin, A ; Khubua, J ; Klereborn, J ; Konsnantinov, V ; Kopikov, S ; Korolkov, I ; Krivkova, P ; Kulchitsky, Y ; Kurochkin, Yu ; Kuzhir, P ; Lapin, V ; Le Compte, T ; Lefèvre, R ; Leitner, R ; Li, J ; Liablin, M ; Lokajícek, M ; Lomakin, Y ; Lourtie, P ; Lovas, L ; Lupi, A ; Maidantchik, C ; Maio, A ; Maliukov, S ; Manousakis, A ; Marques, C ; Marroquim, F ; Martin, F (CERN) ; Mazzoni, E ; Merritt, F S ; Myagkov, A ; Miller, R ; Minashvili, I ; Miralles, L ; Montarou, G ; Némécek, S ; Nessi, M (CERN) ; Nikitine, I ; Nodulman, L ; Norniella, O ; Onofre, A ; Oreglia, M ; Palan, B ; Pallin, D ; Pantea, D ; Pereira, A ; Pilcher, J E ; Pina, J ; Pinhão, J ; Pod, E ; Podlyski, F ; Portell, X ; Poveda, J ; Pribyl, L ; Price, L E ; Proudfoot, J ; Ramalho, M ; Ramstedt, M ; Raposeiro, L ; Reis, J ; Richards, R ; Roda, C ; Romanov, V ; Rosnet, R ; Roy, P ; Ruiz, A ; Rumiantsau, V ; Russakovich, N ; Sada Costa, J ; Salto, O ; Salvachúa, B ; Sanchis, E ; Sanders, H ; Santoni, C ; Santos, J ; Saraiva, J G ; Sarri, F ; Says, L P ; Schlager, G (CERN) ; Schlereth, J L ; Seixas, J M ; Selldén, B ; Shalanda, N ; Shevtsov, P ; Shochet, M ; Silva, J ; Simaitis, V ; Simonyan, M ; Sisakian, A ; Sjölin, J ; Solans, C ; Solodkov, A ; Solovyanov, O ; Sosebee, M ; Spanó, F (CERN) ; Speckmeyer, P (CERN) ; Stanek, R ; Starchenko, E ; Starovoitov, P ; Suk, M ; Sykora, I ; Tang, F ; Tas, P ; Teuscher, R ; Tischenko, M ; Tokar, S ; Topilin, N ; Torres, J ; Underwood, D ; Usai, G ; Valero, A ; Valkár, S ; Valls, J A ; Vartapetian, A ; Vazielle, F ; Vellidis, C ; Ventura, F ; Vichou, I ; Vivarelli, I ; Volpi, M ; White, A ; Zaitsev, A ; Zaytsev, Yu ; Zenin, A ; Zenis, T ; Zenonos, Z ; Zenz, S ; Zilka, B

Publication 2013
Imprint 10 Dec 2007
Number of pages 26
In: JINST 8 (2013) P01005
DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/8/01/P01005
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; ATLAS
Free keywords instrumentation ; Tilecal ; tile calorimeter ; optics
Abstract The purpose of this Note is to describe the optical assembly procedure called here Optical Instrumentation and the quality tests conducted on the assembled units. Altogether, 65 Barrel (or LB) modules were constructed - including one spare - together with 129 Extended Barrel (EB) modules (including one spare). The LB modules were mechanically assembled at JINR (Dubna, Russia) and transported to CERN, where the optical instrumentation was performed with personnel contributed by several Institutes. The modules composing one of the two Extended Barrels (known as EBA) were mechanically assembled in the USA, and instrumented in two US locations (ANL, U. of Michigan), while the modules of the other Extended barrel (EBC) were assembled in Spain and instrumented at IFAE (Barcelona). Each of the EB modules includes a subassembly known as ITC that contributes to the hermeticity of the calorimeter; all ITCs were assembled at UTA (Texas), and mounted onto the module mechanical structures at the EB mechanical assembly locations.
Copyright/License publication: © 2013-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-3.0)

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 Record created 2007-12-10, last modified 2022-08-10

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