CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 2nd Carpathian Summer School of Physics on Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear [and] Particle Astrophysics
Related conference title(s) CSSP 2007
Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear [and] Particle Astrophysics
Date(s), location 21 - 31 Aug 2007, Sinaia, Romania
Conference contact email: [email protected]
fax: +40 21 457 4440
phone: +40 21 404 2388
Editor(s) Trache, Livius (ed.) ; Stoica, Sabin (ed.)
Imprint New York, NY : AIP, 2008 - 642 p.
Series (AIP conference proceedings ; 972)
ISBN 9780735404908
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Message of a (Proud) Mentor (p. 3)
by Garvey, Gerald T
The Frontiers of Nuclear Science : A New Long Range Plan for the United States(p. 17)
by Tribble, Robert E
Mirror Nuclei : Symmetry Breaking and Nuclear Dynamics(p. 31)
by Lenzi, Silvia M
Correlations in Nuclei : Configuration Interaction, Coupled-Cluster and Beyond(p. 40)
by Horoi, Mihai
Elements of the ab initio No Core Shell Model (p. 49)
by Vary, J P
Beyond Mean Field Description of the Gamow-Teller $\beta^{+}$ Decay of Proton-Rich Kr Isotopes (p. 61)
by Petrovici, A
A Revisited View of the N = 20 and N = 28 Magic Numbers in the Neutron-Rich Nuclei (p. 70)
by Grévy, S
Direct Reactions with Exotic Nuclei (p. 79)
by Bonaccorso, Angela
Dissociation of Unstable Nuclear Projectiles (p. 88)
by Cãrstoiu, F
Selected Aspects of Flow Phenomena in Heavy Ion Collisions (p. 98)
by Petrovici, Mihai
Exotic Resonant States Whose Wave Functions Are Localized In The Barrier Region (p. 107)
by Grama, N
Superallowed Nuclear Beta Decay : A Window on the Weak Interaction(p. 119)
by Hardy, J C
Properties of Finite Nuclei and the Nuclear Matter Equation of State (p. 137)
by Shlomo, Shalom
Probing Nuclear Structure by Cold Emission Processes (p. 147)
by Delion, D S
Studies with Exotic Nuclei : Two Proton Radioactivity(p. 156)
by Borcea, C
Shell Corrections Stabilizing Superheavy Nuclei and Semi-spheroidal Atomic Clusters (p. 165)
by Poenaru, Dorin N
The Coulomb Dissociation of $^{8}B$ : A New Tool in Nuclear Astrophysics (p. 224)
by Gai, Moshe
Reaction Rates for H-burning in Stars from Experiments with Radioactive Nuclear Beams (p. 230)
by Trache, Livius
Coulomb Dissociation of Proton-Rich sd-shell Nuclei for Astrophysical Interest and Their Implications (p. 240)
by Yoneda, Ken-ichiro
Underground Nuclear Astrophysics at LUNA (p. 249)
by Junker, Matthias
Spectroscopy of Proton-rich Nuclei for Explosive Hydrogen Burning Reactions (p. 258)
by Woods, Philip J
The $S_{E1}$factor of the $^{12}C(\alpha,\gamma)^{16}O$ Reaction and the $^{16}N \beta-$delayed $\alpha$ Decay (p. 261)
by Tang, Xiaodong
Trojan Horse Method : Recent Results(p. 270)
by Pizzone, R G
Recent Astrophysical Experiments on Cyclotron of NPI at Rez in Collaboration with Texas A&M University (p. 279)
by Kroha, V
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis in the New Cosmology (p. 289)
by Fields, Brian D
The Astrophysical r-Process 50 Years after $B^{2}FH$ (p. 298)
by Kratz, K L
Rare Isotopes and Accreting Neutron Stars, X-Ray Bursts, Neutron Star Crust, rp-Process (p. 309)
by Schatz, H
Cosmic Rays and Global Warming (p. 328)
by Sloan, T
Extracting the Asymptotic Normalization Coefficients in Neutron Transfer Reactions to Determine the Astrophysical Reaction Rates for $^{22}Mg(p,\gamma)^{23}Al$ and $^{17}F(p,\gamma)^{18}Ne$ (p. 439)
by Al-Abdullah, T
Astrophysical S-factor of the $^{12}N(p,\gamma)^{13}O$ Reaction Determined from the $(^{12}N,^{13}O)$ Proton Transfer Reaction (p. 444)
by Banu, A
Secondary Cosmic Ray particles due to GCR interactions in the Earth's atmosphere (p. 449)
by Battistoni, G.
Neck Influence on Fission Paths (p. 455)
by Gherghescu, Radu A
Barium Stars and Thermohaline Mixing (p. 460)
by Husti, Laura
Quantum Entanglement in Open Systems (p. 465)
by Isar, Aurelian
Recent Applications of the THM to the AGB Star Nucleosynthesis (p. 485)
by LaCognata, M
Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Astrophysical Environments (p. 490)
by Meli, A
Landau-Zener Effect In The Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Equations (p. 495)
by Mirea, M
Asymmetry of Charge Ratio for Low Energetic Muons (p. 500)
by Mitrica, Bogdan
$\alpha$ - halflife Estimates for the Heaviest Elements (p. 505)
by Silisteanu, I
Folding Description of the $\alpha$-decay Fine Structure to $2^{+}$ States in Vibrational and Transitional Nuclei (p. 516)
by Peltonen, S
Numerical Modeling of Scission Neutrons Emitted During Nuclear Fission (p. 526)
by Rizea, M
Analysis of Shear Flows and Vortex Formation in Small-Scale Auroral Forms (p. 536)
by Spiridon, Alexandra
No-Core Shell Model as an Effective Theory (p. 541)
by Stetcu, Ionel
The Upgrade Project at Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute (p. 546)
by Tabacaru, G
On the Nuclear Response of $^{56}Fe$ to Supernova Neutrino Spectra (p. 562)
by Tsakstara, V A
Outreach Session : Science education and the Public Understanding of Science(p. 569)
by Trache, Livius
by Wolfendale, Arnold Whittaker
Research and Teaching across Borders (p. 576)
by Biermann, Peter L
Some Psychological Knowledge for Scientists' Use (p. 580)
by Miclea, Mircea
Science Education through Cosmic Ray Experiments in High Schools (p. 587)
by Popa, V
Concluding Remarks on the Physics at CSSP07 (p. 591)
by Trache, Livius
Concluding Remarks on Nuclear Structure and its Role in Nuclear Astrophysics (p. 595)
by Horoi, Mihai

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 Record created 2007-11-20, last modified 2021-07-30