Message of a (Proud) Mentor (p. 3) |
by Garvey, Gerald T |
The Frontiers of Nuclear Science : A New Long Range Plan for the United States(p. 17) |
by Tribble, Robert E |
Mirror Nuclei : Symmetry Breaking and Nuclear Dynamics(p. 31) |
by Lenzi, Silvia M |
Correlations in Nuclei : Configuration Interaction, Coupled-Cluster and Beyond(p. 40) |
by Horoi, Mihai |
Elements of the ab initio No Core Shell Model (p. 49) |
by Vary, J P |
Beyond Mean Field Description of the Gamow-Teller $\beta^{+}$ Decay of Proton-Rich Kr Isotopes (p. 61) |
by Petrovici, A |
A Revisited View of the N = 20 and N = 28 Magic Numbers in the Neutron-Rich Nuclei (p. 70) |
by Grévy, S |
Direct Reactions with Exotic Nuclei (p. 79) |
by Bonaccorso, Angela |
Dissociation of Unstable Nuclear Projectiles (p. 88) |
by Cãrstoiu, F |
Selected Aspects of Flow Phenomena in Heavy Ion Collisions (p. 98) |
by Petrovici, Mihai |
Exotic Resonant States Whose Wave Functions Are Localized In The Barrier Region (p. 107) |
by Grama, N |
Superallowed Nuclear Beta Decay : A Window on the Weak Interaction(p. 119) |
by Hardy, J C |
Properties of Finite Nuclei and the Nuclear Matter Equation of State (p. 137) |
by Shlomo, Shalom |
Probing Nuclear Structure by Cold Emission Processes (p. 147) |
by Delion, D S |
Studies with Exotic Nuclei : Two Proton Radioactivity(p. 156) |
by Borcea, C |
Shell Corrections Stabilizing Superheavy Nuclei and Semi-spheroidal Atomic Clusters (p. 165) |
by Poenaru, Dorin N |
The Coulomb Dissociation of $^{8}B$ : A New Tool in Nuclear Astrophysics (p. 224) |
by Gai, Moshe |
Reaction Rates for H-burning in Stars from Experiments with Radioactive Nuclear Beams (p. 230) |
by Trache, Livius |
Coulomb Dissociation of Proton-Rich sd-shell Nuclei for Astrophysical Interest and Their Implications (p. 240) |
by Yoneda, Ken-ichiro |
Underground Nuclear Astrophysics at LUNA (p. 249) |
by Junker, Matthias |
Spectroscopy of Proton-rich Nuclei for Explosive Hydrogen Burning Reactions (p. 258) |
by Woods, Philip J |
The $S_{E1}$factor of the $^{12}C(\alpha,\gamma)^{16}O$ Reaction and the $^{16}N \beta-$delayed $\alpha$ Decay (p. 261) |
by Tang, Xiaodong |
Trojan Horse Method : Recent Results(p. 270) |
by Pizzone, R G |
Recent Astrophysical Experiments on Cyclotron of NPI at Rez in Collaboration with Texas A&M University (p. 279) |
by Kroha, V |
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis in the New Cosmology (p. 289) |
by Fields, Brian D |
The Astrophysical r-Process 50 Years after $B^{2}FH$ (p. 298) |
by Kratz, K L |
Rare Isotopes and Accreting Neutron Stars, X-Ray Bursts, Neutron Star Crust, rp-Process (p. 309) |
by Schatz, H |
Cosmic Rays and Global Warming (p. 328) |
by Sloan, T |
Extracting the Asymptotic Normalization Coefficients in Neutron Transfer Reactions to Determine the Astrophysical Reaction Rates for $^{22}Mg(p,\gamma)^{23}Al$ and $^{17}F(p,\gamma)^{18}Ne$ (p. 439) |
by Al-Abdullah, T |
Astrophysical S-factor of the $^{12}N(p,\gamma)^{13}O$ Reaction Determined from the $(^{12}N,^{13}O)$ Proton Transfer Reaction (p. 444) |
by Banu, A |
Secondary Cosmic Ray particles due to GCR interactions in the Earth's atmosphere (p. 449) |
by Battistoni, G. |
Neck Influence on Fission Paths (p. 455) |
by Gherghescu, Radu A |
Barium Stars and Thermohaline Mixing (p. 460) |
by Husti, Laura |
Quantum Entanglement in Open Systems (p. 465) |
by Isar, Aurelian |
Recent Applications of the THM to the AGB Star Nucleosynthesis (p. 485) |
by LaCognata, M |
Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Astrophysical Environments (p. 490) |
by Meli, A |
Landau-Zener Effect In The Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Equations (p. 495) |
by Mirea, M |
Asymmetry of Charge Ratio for Low Energetic Muons (p. 500) |
by Mitrica, Bogdan |
$\alpha$ - halflife Estimates for the Heaviest Elements (p. 505) |
by Silisteanu, I |
Folding Description of the $\alpha$-decay Fine Structure to $2^{+}$ States in Vibrational and Transitional Nuclei (p. 516) |
by Peltonen, S |
Numerical Modeling of Scission Neutrons Emitted During Nuclear Fission (p. 526) |
by Rizea, M |
Analysis of Shear Flows and Vortex Formation in Small-Scale Auroral Forms (p. 536) |
by Spiridon, Alexandra |
No-Core Shell Model as an Effective Theory (p. 541) |
by Stetcu, Ionel |
The Upgrade Project at Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute (p. 546) |
by Tabacaru, G |
On the Nuclear Response of $^{56}Fe$ to Supernova Neutrino Spectra (p. 562) |
by Tsakstara, V A |
Outreach Session : Science education and the Public Understanding of Science(p. 569) |
by Trache, Livius |
by Wolfendale, Arnold Whittaker |
Research and Teaching across Borders (p. 576) |
by Biermann, Peter L |
Some Psychological Knowledge for Scientists' Use (p. 580) |
by Miclea, Mircea |
Science Education through Cosmic Ray Experiments in High Schools (p. 587) |
by Popa, V |
Concluding Remarks on the Physics at CSSP07 (p. 591) |
by Trache, Livius |
Concluding Remarks on Nuclear Structure and its Role in Nuclear Astrophysics (p. 595) |
by Horoi, Mihai |