CERN Accelerating science

Report number ATL-DAQ-CONF-2007-024 ; ATL-COM-DAQ-2007-029
Title The ATLAS Trigger : Commissioning with cosmic rays
Author(s) Abolins, M ; Achenbach, R ; Adragna, P ; Aielli, G ; Aleksandrov, E ; Aleksandrov, I ; Aloisio, A ; Alviggi, M G ; Amorim, A ; Anderson, K ; Andrei, V ; Anduaga, X ; Antonelli, S ; Aracena, I ; Ask, S ; Asquith, L ; Avolio, G ; Backlund, S ; Badescu, E ; Bahat Treidel, O ; Baines, J ; Barnett, B M ; Barria, P ; Bartoldus, R ; Batreanu, S ; Bauss, B ; Beck, H P ; Bee, C ; Bell, P ; Bell, W H ; Bellagamba, L ; Bellomo, M ; Ben Ami, S ; Bendel, M ; Benhammou, Ya ; Benslama, K ; Berge, D ; Berger, N ; Berry, T ; Bianco, M ; Biglietti, M ; Blair, R R ; Bogaerts, A ; Bohm, C ; Bold, T ; Booth, J R A ; Boscherini, D ; Bosman, M ; Boyd, J (Speaker) (CERN) ; Brawn, I P ; Brelier, B ; Bressler, S ; Bruni, A ; Bruni, G ; Buda, S ; Burckhart-Chromek, D ; Buttar, C ; Camarri, P ; Campanelli, M ; Canale, V ; Caprini, M ; Caracinha, D ; Cardarelli, R ; Carlino, G ; Casadei, D ; Casado, M P ; Cataldi, G ; Cerri, A ; Charlton, D G ; Chiodini, G ; Ciapetti, G ; Cimino, D ; Ciobotaru, M ; Clements, D ; Coccaro, A ; Coluccia, M R ; Conde-Muíño, P ; Constantin, S ; Conventi, F ; Corso-Radu, A ; Costa, M J ; Coura Torres, R ; Cranfield, R ; Cranmer, K ; Crone, G ; Curtis, C J ; Dam, M ; Damazio, D ; Davis, A O ; Dawson, I ; Dawson, J ; De Almeida Simoes, J ; De Cecco, S ; De Pedis, D ; De Santo, A ; DeAsmundis, R ; DellaPietra, M ; DellaVolpe, D ; Delsart, P A ; Demers, S ; Demirkoz, B ; Di Mattia, A ; Di Ciaccio, A ; Di Girolamo, A ; Dionisi, C ; Djilkibaev, R ; Dobinson, Robert W ; Dobson, M ; Dogaru, M ; Dotti, A ; Dova, M ; Drake, G ; Dufour, M -A ; Eckweiler, S ; Ehrenfeld, W ; Eifert, T ; Eisenhandler, E F ; Ellis, Nick ; Emeliyanov, D ; Enoque Ferreira de Lima, D ; Ermoline, Y ; Eschrich, I ; Etzion, E ; Facius, K ; Falciano, S ; Farthouat, P ; Faulkner, P J W F ; Feng, E ; Ferland, J ; Ferrari, R ; Ferrer, M L ; Fischer, G ; Fonseca-Martin, T ; Francis, D ; Fukunaga, C ; Föhlisch, F ; Gadomski, S ; Garitaonandia Elejabarrieta, H ; Gaudio, G ; Gaumer, O ; Gee, C N P ; George, S ; Geweniger, C ; Giagu, S ; Gillman, A R ; Giusti, P ; Goncalo, R ; Gorini, B ; Gorini, E ; Gowdy, S ; Grabowska-Bold, I ; Grancagnolo, F ; Grancagnolo, S ; Green, B ; Galllno, P ; Haas, S ; Haberichter, W ; Hadavand, H ; Haeberli, C ; Haller, J ; Hamilton, A ; Hanke, P ; Hansen, J R ; Hasegawa, Y ; Hauschild, M ; Hauser, R ; Head, S ; Hellman, S ; Hidvegi, A ; Hillier, S J ; Höcker, A ; Hrynóva, T ; Hughes-Jones, R ; Huston, J ; Iacobucci, G ; Idarraga, J ; Iengo, P ; Igonkina, O ; Ikeno, M ; Inada, M ; Ishino, M ; Iwasaki, H ; Izzo, V ; Jain, V ; Johansen, M ; Johns, K ; Joos, M ; Kadosaka, T ; Kajomovitz, E ; Kama, S ; Kanaya, N ; Kawagoe, K ; Kawamoto, T ; Kazarov, A ; Kehoe, R ; Khoriauli, G ; Kieft, G ; Kilvington, G ; Kirk, J ; Kiyamura, H ; Klofver, P ; Klous, S ; Kluge, E E ; Kobayashi, T ; Kolos, S ; Kono, T ; Konstantinidis, N ; Korcyl, K ; Kordas, K ; Kotov, V ; Krasznahorkay, A ; Kubota, T ; Kugel, A ; Kuhn, D ; Kurashige, H ; Kurasige, H ; Kuwabara, T ; Kwee, R ; Landon, M ; 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Strong, J ; Su, D ; Sugaya, Y ; Sugimoto, T ; Sushkov, S ; Sutton, M ; Szymocha, T ; Takahashi, Y ; Takeda, H ; Takeshita, T ; Tanaka, S ; Tapprogge, S ; Tarem, S ; Tarem, Z ; Teixeira-Dias, P ; Thomas, J P ; Tokoshuku, K ; Tomoto, M ; Torrence, E ; Touchard, F ; Trefzger, T ; Tremblet, L ; Tripiana, M ; Usai, G ; Vachon, B ; Vandelli, W ; Vari, R ; Veneziano, S ; Ventura, A ; Vercesi, V ; Vermeulen, J ; Von Der Schmitt, J ; Wang, M ; Watkins, P M ; Watson, A ; Weber, P ; Wengler, T ; Werner, P ; Wheeler-Ellis, S ; Wickens, F ; Wiedenmann, W ; Wielers, M ; Wilkens, H ; Winklmeier, F ; Woerling, E E ; Wu, S -L ; Wu, X ; Xella, S ; Yamaguchi, Y ; Yamazaki, Y ; Yasu, Y ; Yu, M ; Zanello, L ; Zema, F ; Zhang, J ; Zhao, L ; Zobernig, H ; De Seixas, J M ; Dos Anjos, A ; Zur Nedden, M ; Ozcan, E ; Ünel, G
Publication 2008
Imprint 19 Sep 2007
Number of pages 12
In: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 119 (2008) 022014
In: International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Victoria, Canada, 2 - 7 Sep 2007, pp.022014
DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/119/2/022014
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; ATLAS
Free keywords Trigger Commissioning ; ATLAS ; HLT ; Level-1 ; Cosmic ray
Abstract The ATLAS detector at CERN's LHC will be exposed to proton-proton collisions from beams crossing at 40 MHz. At the design luminosity there are roughly 23 collisions per bunch crossing. ATLAS has designed a three-level trigger system to select potentially interesting events. The first-level trigger, implemented in custom-built electronics, reduces the incoming rate to less than 100 kHz with a total latency of less than 2.5$\mu$s. The next two trigger levels run in software on commercial PC farms. They reduce the output rate to 100-200 Hz. In preparation for collision data-taking which is scheduled to commence in May 2008, several cosmic-ray commissioning runs have been performed. Among the first sub-detectors available for commissioning runs are parts of the barrel muon detector including the RPC detectors that are used in the first-level trigger. Data have been taken with a full slice of the muon trigger and readout chain, from the detectors in one sector of the RPC system, to the second-level trigger algorithms and the data-acquisition system. The system is being prepared to include the inner-tracking detector in the readout and second-level trigger. We will present the status and results of these cosmic-ray based commissioning activities. This work will prove to be invaluable not only during the commissioning phase but also for cosmic-ray data-taking during the normal running for detector performance studies.
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