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Contributions to this conference in CDS
Influence of Micro-Damage on Reliability of Cryogenic Bellows in the LHC Interconnections (p. 100) |
by Garion, C |
The LHC Cryomagnet Supports in Glass-Fiber Reinforced Epoxy : A Large Scale Industrial Production with High Reproducibility in Performance(p. 211) |
by Poncet, A |
Leak-Tight Welding Experience from the Industrial Assembly of the LHC Cryostats at CERN |
by Bourcey, N |
Design, Production and First Commissioning Results of the Electrical Feedboxes of the LHC |
by Perin, A |
Low temperature heat transfer properties of conventional electrical insulation for the Next European Dipole |
by Polinski, J |
Cooldown of the First Sector of the Large Hadron Collider : Comparison between Mathematical Model and Measurements |
by Liu, L |
Validation and Performance of the LHC Cryogenic System through Commissioning of the First Sector |
by Serio, L |
First Experience with the LHC Cryogenic Instrumentation |
by Vauthier, N |
Calibration of Cryogenic Thermometers for the LHC |
by Balle, Ch |
Series-produced Helium II Cryostats for the LHC Magnets : Technical Choices, Industrialisation, Costs |
by Poncet, A |
The Assembly of the LHC Short Straight Sections at CERN : Work Organization, Quality Assurance and Lessons Learned |
by Bourcey, N |
Show contributions in CDS
Record created 2007-07-25, last modified 2021-07-30