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Title Measurement of the diffractive reaction $\pi^{-} p \to \pi^{-}\pi^{-}\pi^{+} p$ at 93 GeV/c

Alper, B ; Becker, H ; Blakey, I ; Blanar, G J ; Blum, W ; Bowler, M ; Cashmore, R ; Cerrada, M ; Chabaud, V ; Damerell, C ; Daum, C ; De Groot, J ; Dietl, H ; Dwurazny, A ; Gallivan, J ; Gillman, A ; Glaubman, M ; Hardwick, C ; Hertzberger, L ; Hoogland, W ; Hotchkiss, M ; Hyams, Bernard David ; Jongerius, R ; Klanner, R ; Loken, J ; Lorenzo, E ; Lütjens, G ; Lutz, G ; Männer, W ; Peters, S ; Polok, G ; Richter, R ; Rózanska, M ; Rybicki, K ; Spalding, J ; Stierlin, U ; Thompson, G ; Tiecke, H ; Turala, M ; Turnau, J ; Van Deurzen, P ; Weilhammer, P ; Wickens, F

Imprint 1978
Number of pages 20
Note Paper not published in the Proceedings
Presented at 19th International Conference on High-energy Physics, Tokyo, Japan, 23 - 30 Aug 1978
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS


 Record created 2007-04-03, last modified 2016-07-01

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