CERN Accelerating science

Title Development of radiation tolerant semiconductor detectors for the Super-LHC

Moll, M (CERN) ; Adey, J ; Al-Ajili, A A ; Alfieri, G ; Allport, P P ; Artuso, M ; Assouak, S ; Avset, B S ; Barabash, L ; Barcz, A ; Bates, R ; Biagi, S F ; Bilei, G M ; Bisello, D ; Blue, A ; Blumenau, A ; Boisvert, V ; Bölla, G ; Bondarenko, G B ; Borchi, E ; Borrello, L ; Bortoletto, D ; Boscardin, M ; Bosisio, L ; Bowcock, T J V ; Brodbeck, T J ; Broz, J ; Bruzzi, M ; Brzozowski, A ; Buda, M ; Buhmann, P ; Buttar, C ; Campabadal, F ; Campbell, D ; Candelori, A ; Casse, G ; Cavallini, A ; Charron, S ; Chilingarov, A ; Chren, D ; Cindro, V ; Collins, P ; Coluccia, R ; Contarato, D ; Coutinho, J ; Creanza, D ; Cunningham, W ; Betta, G F D ; Dawson, I ; de Boer, Wim ; De Palma, M ; Demina, R ; Dervan, P ; Dittongo, S ; Dolezal, Z ; Dolgolenko, A ; Eberlein, T ; Eremin, V ; Fall, C ; Fasolo, F ; Fizzotti, F ; Fleta, C ; Focardi, E ; Forton, E ; Fretwurst, E ; García, C ; García-Navarro, J E ; Gaubas, E ; Genest, M H ; Gill, K A ; Giolo, K ; Glaser, M ; Gössling, C ; Golovine, V ; Sevilla, S G ; Gorelov, I ; Goss, J ; Bates, A G ; Grégoire, G ; Gregori, P ; Grigoriev, E ; Grillo, A A ; Groza, A ; Guskov, J ; Haddad, L ; Härkönen, J ; Hauler, F ; Hoeferkamp, M ; Honniger, F ; Horazdovsky, T ; Horisberger, Roland Paul ; Horn, M ; Houdayer, A ; Hourahine, B ; Hughes, G ; Ilyashenko, Yu S ; Irmscher, K ; Ivanov, A ; Jarasiunas, K ; Johansen, K M H ; Jones, B K ; Jones, R ; Joram, C ; Jungermann, L ; Kalinina, E ; Kaminski, P ; Karpenko, A ; Karpov, A ; Kazlauskiene, V ; Kazukauskas, V ; Khivrich, V ; Khomenkov, V ; Kierstead, J A ; Klaiber Lodewigs, J ; Klingenberg, R ; Kodys, P ; Kohout, Z ; Korjenevski, S ; Koski, M ; Kozlowski, R ; Kozodaev, M ; Kramberger, G ; Krasel, O ; Kuznetsov, A ; Kwan, S ; Lagomarsino, S ; Lassila-Perini, K M ; Lastovetsky, V F ; Latino, G ; Lazanu, S ; Lazanu, I ; Lebedev, A ; Lebel, C ; Leinonen, K ; Leroy, C ; Li Z ; Lindström, G ; Linhart, V ; Litovchenko, A P ; Litovchenko, P G ; Lo Giudice, A ; Lozano, M ; Luczynski, Z ; Luukka, P ; Macchiolo, A ; Makarenko, L F ; Mandic, I ; Manfredotti, C ; Manna, N ; Garcia, S Mi ; Marunko, S ; Mathieson, K ; Melone, J ; Menichelli, D ; Messineo, A ; Metcalfe, J ; Miglio, S ; Mikuz, M ; Miyamoto, J ; Monakhov, E ; Moscatelli, F ; Naoumov, D ; Nossarzhevska, E ; Nysten, J ; Olivero, P ; OShea, V ; Palviainen, T ; Paolini, C ; Parkes, C ; Passeri, D ; Pein, U ; Pellegrini, G ; Perera, L ; Petasecca, M ; Piemonte, C ; Pignatel, G U ; Pinho, N ; Pintilie, I ; Pintilie, L ; Polivtsev, L ; Polozov, P ; Popa, A ; Popule, J ; Pospísil, S ; Pozza, A ; Radicci, V ; Rafí, J M ; Rando, R ; Röder, R ; Rohe, T ; Ronchin, S ; Rott, C ; Roy, A ; Ruzin, A ; Sadrozinski, H F W ; Sakalauskas, S ; Scaringella, M ; Schiavulli, L ; Schnetzer, S ; Schumm, B ; Sciortino, S ; Scorzoni, A ; Segneri, G ; Seidel, S ; Seiden, A ; Sellberg, G ; Sellin, P J ; Sentenac, D ; Shipsey, I ; Sícho, P ; Sloan, T ; Solar, M ; Son, S ; Sopko, B ; Sopko, V ; Spencer, N ; Stahl, J ; Stolze, D ; Stone, R ; Storasta, J ; Strokan, N ; Sudzius, M ; Surma, B ; Suvorov, A ; Svensson, B G ; Tipton, P ; Tomasek, M ; Tsvetkov, A ; Tuominen, E ; Tuovinen, E ; Tuuva, T ; Tylchin, M ; Uebersee, H ; Uher, J ; Ullán, M ; Vaitkus, J V ; Velthuis, J ; Verbitskaya, E ; Vrba, V ; Wagner, G ; Wilhelm, I ; Worm, S ; Wright, V ; Wunstorf, R ; Yiuri, Y ; Zabierowski, P ; Zaluzhny, A ; Zavrtanik, M ; Zen, M ; Zhukov, V ; Zorzi, N

Publication 2005
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 546 (2005) 99-107
DOI 10.1016/j.nima.2005.03.044
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment RD50
Abstract The envisaged upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN towards the Super-LHC (SLHC) with a 10 times increased luminosity of 10challenges for the tracking detectors of the SLHC experiments. Unprecedented high radiation levels and track densities and a reduced bunch crossing time in the order of 10ns as well as the need for cost effective detectors have called for an intensive R&D program. The CERN RD50 collaboration "Development of Radiation Hard Semiconductor Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders" is working on the development of semiconductor sensors matching the requirements of the SLHC. Sensors based on defect engineered silicon like Czochralski, epitaxial and oxygen enriched silicon have been developed. With 3D, Semi-3D and thin detectors new detector concepts have been evaluated and a study on the use of standard and oxygen enriched p-type silicon detectors revealed a promising approach for radiation tolerant cost effective devices. These and other most recent advancements of the RD50 collaboration are presented.

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Запись создана 2007-03-22, последняя модификация 2016-06-29