Polarization and depolarization of high energy electrons in storage rings (p. 1) |
by Buon, Jean |
Problems in obtaining polarized e+ and e- beams and perspectives for PEP (p. 15) |
by Chao, A W |
Polarized $e^{-}e^{+}$ physics in linear colliders (p. 34) |
by Prescott, C Y |
Physics interest in polarized $e^{+}e^{-}$ reactions at PETRA/PEP energies (p. 60) |
by Bienlein, J K |
Spin-spin asymmetries in hadro- and photo-production of heavy quarkonia based on QCD (p. 77) |
by Hidaka, K |
Spin effects in e$^{+}$e$^{-}$ annihilations (p. 82) |
by Sivers, D |
Polarized protons for ISABELLE (p. 102) |
by Courant, E D |
Spin and flavour at short distances (p. 121) |
by Preparata, Giuliano |
Spin effects in perturbative quantum chromodynamics (p. 169) |
by Brodsky, S J |
Progress in polarized targets (p. 191) |
by Niinikoski, T O |
The CERN polarized atomic hydrogen beam target (p. 212) |
by Dick, Louis |
Polarization physics planned at LEAR (p. 219) |
by Kilian, K |
The case for exotic baryon-baryon states (p. 278) |
by Thomas, G H |
Internal spin structure of the proton from high energy polarized e-p scattering (p. 331) |
by Hughes, V W |
Large deviations from the polarization-analyzing power equality and implied breakdown of time reversal invariance (p. 364) |
by Conzett, H E |
Parity violation in N-N total cross-sections (p. 370) |
by Soffer, J |
Polarization of positive muons produced in high-energy antineutrino interactions (p. 375) |
by Jonker, M |
Features of possible polarized photon beams at high energy and corresponding physics programme : or the proton structure function using real photons(p. 379) |
by Tannenbaum, M J |
Weak interaction exploration with electron-proton colliding beams (p. 389) |
by Sehgal, L M |
Experimentation at EP storage rings (p. 401) |
by Holder, M |
Cryogenic source and ionizer for a beam of polarized deuterons (p. 429) |
by Belushkina, A A |
Optically pumped Na atoms for intense polarized H- ion source (p. 439) |
by Mori, Y |
A frozen spin target with three orthogonal polarization directions (p. 463) |
by Bernard, R |
Beam polarization in PETRA (p. 469) |
by Bremer, H D |
Acceleration of polarized protons in KEK PS (p. 475) |
by Hiramatsu, S |
Spin dependence in N$\overline{N}$ scattering at low energy (p. 535) |
by Richard, J M |
Measurement of polarization parameter in 24 GeV/c $pp$ elastic scattering at large momentum transfers (p. 551) |
by Antille, J |
Measurement of spin effects at 150 and 200 GeV/c for $pp$ and $\pi^{+}p$ elastic scattering (p. 557) |
by Fidecaro, Giuseppe |
A partial wave analysis of the $K^{+}K^{-}$ system produced in the reaction $\pi^{-}p -->K^{+}K^{-}n$ at 17.2 GeV/c using a transversely polarized target (p. 569) |
by Görlich, L |
Spin dependence of the inclusive reaction $pp\uparrow\rightarrow \pi^{0} + X$ at 24 GeV for high-p$_{T}$ $\pi^{0}$ produced at $X_{F}$ = 0 (p. 582) |
by Antille, J |
A semiclassical model for the polarization of inclusively produced LAMBDA, SIGMA and XI particles (p. 606) |
by Gustafson, G |
Determination of the gluon spin via polarized gluon bremsstrahlung, 2 (p. 615) |
by Olsen, H A |
Polarization-induced azimuthal flavour asymmetries in e+e- annihilation as a signature of neutral currents, 1 (p. 618) |
by Olsen, H A |