CERN Accelerating science

Title The J/$\psi$ normal nuclear absorption

Alessandro, B ; Alexa, C ; Arnaldi, R ; Atayan, M ; Beolè, S ; Boldea, V ; Bordalo, P ; Borges, G ; Castanier, C ; Castor, J ; Chaurand, B ; Cheynis, B ; Chiavassa, E ; Cicalò, C ; Comets, M P ; Constantinescu, S ; Cortese, P ; De Falco, A ; De Marco, N ; Dellacasa, G ; Devaux, A ; Dita, S ; Fargeix, J ; Force, P ; Gallio, M ; Gerschel, C ; Giubellino, P ; Golubeva, M B ; Grigorian, A A ; Grigorian, S ; Guber, F F ; Guichard, A ; kanyan, H ; ldzik, M ; Jouan, D ; Karavicheva, T L ; Kluberg, L ; Kurepin, A B ; Le Bornec, Y ; Lourenço, C ; Cormick, M M ; Marzari-Chiesa, A ; Masera, M ; Masoni, A ; Monteno, M ; Musso, A ; Petiau, P ; Piccotti, A ; Pizzi, J R ; Prino, F ; Puddu, G ; Quintans, C ; Ramello, L ; Ramos, S ; Riccati, L ; Santos, H ; Saturnini, P ; Scomparin, E ; Serci, S ; Shahoyan, R ; Sigaudo, M F ; Sitta, M ; Sonderegger, P ; Tarrago, X ; Topilskaya, N S ; Usai, G L ; Vercellin, E ; Villatte, L ; Willis, N ; Wu T

Affiliation (Univ.Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria and INFN-Torino, Italy) ; (LPC, Univ. Blaise Pascal and CNRS-IN2P3, Aubi`ere, France) ; (IFA, Bucharest, Romania) ; (Univ. di Cagliari/INFN, Cagliari, Italy) ; (CERN) ; (LIP, Lisbon, Portugal) ; (INR, Moscow, Russia) ; (IPN, Univ. de Paris-Sud and CNRS-IN2P3, Orsay, France) ; (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, Ecole Polytechnique and CNRS-IN2P3, Palaiseau, France) ; (Univ. Torino/INFN, Torino, Italy) ; (IPN, Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon-I and CNRS-IN2P3, Villeurbanne, France) ; (YerPhI, Yerevan, Armenia)
Publication 2005
In: Eur. Phys. J. C 43 (2005) 161-5
DOI 10.1140/epjc/s2005-02210-5
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; NA50
Abstract We present a new determination of the ratio of cross-sections ($J/\psi$) /DY as expected for nucleus-nucleus reactions if J/psi would only be normally absorbed by nuclear matter. This anticipated behaviour is based on proton-nucleus data exclusively, and compared, as a function of centrality, with updated S-U results from experiment NA38 and with the most recent Pb-Pb results from experiment NA50.

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