Press Releases
Press Release, 19 February 2025: “CAIRNE welcomes large-scale AI investments, CERN for AI”
Press Release, 11 April 2024: “Europe’s Moonshot Ambitions for AI”
Press Release, 07 November 2023: “CLAIRE and euRobotics Unveil Ambitious ‘Moonshot’ for European AI Sovereignty by End of Decade”
Press Release, 30 June 2023: “We need to get serious about “AI made in Europe””
Press Release, 18 March 2022: “AI and Robotics: CLAIRE and euRobotics agree new joint approach to research and innovation”
Press Release, 10 January 2022: “Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare: CLAIRE and HIPPO AI Join forces to work towards open Medical AI resources”
Press Release, 01 October 2021: “CLAIRE receives German AI Award 2021”
Press Release, 23 September 2020: “CLAIRE signs trendsetting Memorandums of Understandings”
Press Release, 16 June 2020: “CLAIRE endorses EU plan for AI, makes 10 key recommendations to the European Commission”
Press Release, 20 March 2020: “Scientists across Europe offer assistance with using Artificial Intelligence to combat COVID-19”
Press Release, 13 March 2020: “CLAIRE receives broad mandate and funding for shaping “AI made in Europe””
Press Release, 20 February 2020: “CLAIRE, the world’s largest network for artificial intelligence research, welcomes new EU plan”
Press Release, 18 December 2019: “CLAIRE – the World’s largest Network for AI Research”
Press Release, 9 December 2019: “Europe’s largest initiative for excellence in human-centred artificial intelligence opens its headquarters in The Hague, the Netherlands”
Press Release, 6 September 2019: “The ESA/CLAIRE “AI Special Interest Group on Space” is born”
Press Release, 13 March 2019: “Major steps towards realising a bold vision for European Excellence in AI”
Press Release, 19 February 2019: “450 Scientists from 33 Nations Urge EU and National Governments to Strongly Cooperate on Artificial Intelligence, Regardless of Brexit”
Press Release, 10 September 2018: “CLAIRE: We Need to Take Bold Steps to Keep Europe Competitive in Artificial Intelligence”
Press Release, 5 September 2018: “Scientists From All Across Europe Meet to Strengthen Europe’s Global Position in Artificial Intelligence”
Press Release, 26 June 2018: “Call for European Action on Artificial Intelligence Gains Momentum”
Press Release, 18 June 2018: “660 Experts in Artificial Intelligence Sign a Letter Calling for European Action”
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