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Review JN022: Goodbye, Rabbifoot!

Never expected, we got TROLLED big fucking time. Nonetheless, the episode is considered the worse like literally all those engagement are pointless and Go failed to catch Beautifly if he had a chance to do so.

Overall rating: C-
Typical clickbaity departure episode shite that tries to grab you by the feels but instead falls straight into the trash-can.

Gets all big and emotional ticking off every cliche in the book by making you question if Raboot will leave or not only for it to come back to Go anyway at the very end making you wonder why you even tuned in.

What a joke. And a poor way to leave us at before the hiatus too. You all missed out on nothing.
Man, I thought there would some proper build-up and development but I guess not. I came into this episode hoping to see Gou understand the issues Raboot has with him but what we got was a rushed "farewell" fest involving a strange dance party. What happened to everything about Raboot's desire to battle and how did the dancing factor in? Although Gou's depressed reaction at the end felt genuine, the entire thing doesn't seem well paced and felt flat overall, like a bad fake out.

At least there wasn't any noticeable OOC Ash. A weak overall episode that fails to deliver on its potential.
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A very very very weak episode. Raboot likes to dance so what? And by sharing an apple its all good again or what? 3/10
What a bizarre episode.

Half of it is this really dull search for Beautifly catching this unique wind that's really only there to keep Ash and Gou busy while they foreshadow Raboot's inevitable rebellion.

Then the second half is Raboot having a dance off with Loudred, Gou thinking it's better off staying behind, crying about it, and then it reuniting as if there was never a problem between them.

Uh, what?

Sorry, I'm just more confused than anything. Those Zigzagoon and the Lombre were set-up as mischievous Pokemon who trick travellers, which Raboot obviously sympathises with given its life in Galar. But then that turned out to be nothing and they were just all really into dancing instead? And because Gou realised it was a dance off and helped out, everything is now fine between them?

Then there's a sudden tone shift at the end, where Ash gets serious and tells Gou to properly say goodbye to Raboot if he's leaving it behind. Then there's a montage of all the moments they shared (as if they shared such a deep bond in the first place), but it was all just a fake out.

It was weak stuff, to say the least. I thought they'd bring up the trust issues between them and actually get into the reason why Raboot is behaving the way it is, but it turned out it just really had the urge to dance or something.

The dancing part was kinda entertaining, in a "what in the actual hell is happening" way. I liked Ash and Gou just messing around on the train as well. But apart from that, there was nothing to this episode.
What a bizarre episode.

Half of it is this really dull search for Beautifly catching this unique wind that's really only there to keep Ash and Gou busy while they foreshadow Raboot's inevitable rebellion.

Then the second half is Raboot having a dance off with Loudred, Gou thinking it's better off staying behind, crying about it, and then it reuniting as if there was never a problem between them.

Uh, what?

Sorry, I'm just more confused than anything. Those Zigzagoon and the Lombre were set-up as mischievous Pokemon who trick travellers, which Raboot obviously sympathises with given its life in Galar. But then that turned out to be nothing and they were just all really into dancing instead? And because Gou realised it was a dance off and helped out, everything is now fine between them?

Then there's a sudden tone shift at the end, where Ash gets serious and tells Gou to properly say goodbye to Raboot if he's leaving it behind. Then there's montage of all the moments they shared (as if they shared such a deep bond in the first place), but it was all just a fake out.

It was weak stuff, to say the least. I thought they'd bring up the trust issues between them and actually get into the reason why Raboot is behaving the way it is, but it turned out it just really had the urge to dance or something.

The dancing part was kinda entertaining, in a "what in the actual hell is happening" way. I liked Ash and Gou just messing around on the train as well. But apart from that, there was nothing to this episode.
Yeah it was really odd. Are they friends again?
That was... underwhelming.

It started out so promisingly with Ash instinctively running to help an injured Zigzagoon, leading to Rabbifoot seeing a group of Zigzagoon and a Lombre that mirrored it and the Nickit, which I thought would lead to an interesting parrallel, and also you had Gou noticing that Rabbifoot was growing apart from him, which I thought would set up a delve into his past and his previous friendship troubles stemming from his social inabilities. I was fully prepared to come here and gush over how well Deko Akao did here.

Then the second half happened. Oh boy, that second half...

All it ends up being is some street dancing competition between a bunch of wild Pokemon that lasts entirely too long, nothing at all about Rabbifoot drifting apart from Gou and then the whole thing gets solved by Gou joining in the dance thing once. I'm sorry, what? Where's the emotional payoff, where's Gou coming to terms with the fact that he hasn't been doing his best to understand it, where's the resulting character progression? Then after all that nothing Gou suddenly out of nowhere decides to leave it behind because he saw it having fun dancing once only for it to reappear in what amounts to nothing but a half-arsed crappy emotionally unsatisfying fake out.

Probably the worst episode since the Ho-oh one if not Gou's original catching spree.

On the plus side the music was mostly good and seeing Ash run to help the Zigzagoon with no provocation was a marked improvement on him seeing Hibanny run off upset and not caring because, "it'll come back when it's hungry," so nice to see the improvement there.
I hope I'm wrong, but the reason why I said that SS023 might not air until January 2021 at the earliest is because of other postponements in television and film that were set back to 2021. Delaying by a few weeks is a best case scenario, while the likely scenario is no new episodes until June. Waiting until 2021 for new episodes would be if this virus completely takes over Japan.

Are any of them weekly series like Pokemon?

Because it would make sense why seasonal series like MHA (my hero Academia) would hold off until 2021.

But a series that has over 40 episodes (probably near 48 or even 50, but I don't the actual number since I'm sure it varies every year, with consideration to breaks) made every year being postponed until next year would be very strange, given they likely have to be far ahead in advance in making episodes, as they would have to being a weekly series.

So yeah would be flabbergasted if we didn't get a single new episode for 240 episodes. Especially when the Sakuragi Lab episode, is technically ready to air.
I hope I'm wrong, but the reason why I said that SS023 might not air until January 2021 at the earliest is because of other postponements in television and film that were set back to 2021. Delaying by a few weeks is a best case scenario, while the likely scenario is no new episodes until June. Waiting until 2021 for new episodes would be if this virus completely takes over Japan.

The problem is that the Pokemon Anime cannot afford such a long delay, since first and foremost: They need to market the current games (Which they are sort of doing via Ash and the upcoming episodes with Galar Pokemon) and the DLC.
Wait, I'm confused. Was this episode just Gotta Dance 2: Electric Boogaloo, except we don't even get a catchy song to go along with it?

Also. Ash, wtf happened to your drawing skills?! You used to draw semi-decently...


...and now you're telling me this is the best Garchomp you can come up with?!

Wait, I'm confused. Was this episode just Gotta Dance 2: Electric Boogaloo, except we don't even get a catchy song to go along with it?

Also. Ash, wtf happened to your drawing skills?! You used to draw semi-decently...


...and now you're telling me this is the best Garchomp you can come up with?!


Have you tried using your finger to draw on your phone while on a speeding train?

I don’t speak Japanese, but I believe this episode is telling of the source of Raboot’s undying angst is... it’s love of dance?

Go didn’t catch a Silcoon either...
He still draws better than me...

When it was stated that Raboot was a dancer and he nedeed to dance to feel better. What? Why? Why? What is this Hoenn Side Story?

Freaking Billy Rabifoot. We expected something big to come from the evolution episode and this is what they give to us?

Search another series to write writter you are not good at this one.
Please note: The thread is from 4 years ago.
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