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VisualEditor: Add FlaggedRevs "accept pending revisions" to save dialog
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Alongside the "minor" and "watch" checkboxes in the save dialog, for pages with FlaggedRevs switched on and outstanding unaccepted revisions, add a checkbox to "accept pending revisions".

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement
See Also:



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 22 2014, 1:58 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz49699.
  • Bug 50852 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Just as an addition to this: I'm not sure if just the checkbox is what is needed. The current work flow has a whole separate page because we need to show the diff involved for the review. I imagine that can be done without going to a new page but either way they should be able to review the diff (and preferably leave a comment like you can in the review page now) before checking any kind of approve box since they become somewhat responsible for those edits.

(In reply to comment #0)

Alongside the "minor" and "watch" checkboxes in the save dialog, for pages
FlaggedRevs switched on and outstanding unaccepted revisions, add a checkbox
"accept pending revisions".

I don't find that an acceptable solution, because there is a requirement that reviewers actually review the edit they are accepting; they cannot do that if they're just ticking a box.

See for what the screen looks like using Edit Source. Note that the diff includes ALL unreviewed changes.

(In reply to comment #2)

Just as an addition to this: I'm not sure if just the checkbox is what is
needed. The current work flow has a whole separate page because we need to
show the diff involved for the review. I imagine that can be done without
going to a new page but either way they should be able to review the diff
(and preferably leave a comment like you can in the review page now) before
checking any kind of approve box since they become somewhat responsible for
those edits.

Yes, indeed; I was imagining:

  • on load, an alert in the edit notices saying "You will need to accept the outstanding changes before saving" (or whatever the current message is) - possibly with a link to the below?
  • on entering the save dialog, the save button will be disabled with another copy of the "You will need to accept the outstanding changes before saving" text (in the same place as the edit conflict / CAPTCHA / DOM corruption warnings)
  • in the line of buttons ("Save page", "Review your changes") there should be a third button, "Review outstanding changes", which on click pops up the diff of outstanding changes, with a text box for the optional review comment and an "accept these changes" button that takes you back to the save dialog, now with the save button enabled.

Feels a little clunky, though - perhaps we could make the process in-line with the edit summary message?

(In reply to comment #4)

(In reply to comment #2)

Just as an addition to this: I'm not sure if just the checkbox is what is
needed. The current work flow has a whole separate page because we need to
show the diff involved for the review. I imagine that can be done without
going to a new page but either way they should be able to review the diff
(and preferably leave a comment like you can in the review page now) before
checking any kind of approve box since they become somewhat responsible for
those edits.

Yes, indeed; I was imagining:

  • on load, an alert in the edit notices saying "You will need to accept the

outstanding changes before saving" (or whatever the current message is) -
possibly with a link to the below?

  • on entering the save dialog, the save button will be disabled with another

copy of the "You will need to accept the outstanding changes before saving"
text (in the same place as the edit conflict / CAPTCHA / DOM corruption

  • in the line of buttons ("Save page", "Review your changes") there should

be a
third button, "Review outstanding changes", which on click pops up the diff
outstanding changes, with a text box for the optional review comment and an
"accept these changes" button that takes you back to the save dialog, now
the save button enabled.

Feels a little clunky, though - perhaps we could make the process in-line
the edit summary message?

Since this is going to need to be fully in javascript for VisualEditor, and the interface for this in FlaggedRevisions is already mostly in javascript (a small bit is done server-side through EditPage hooks), I recommend we not duplicate all of this logic and API handling for:

  • "advertise you are reviewing this"
  • API handling "leave comments" "get the diff against the latest stable version"
  • "mark as reviewed"
  • etc.

And instead depend on the logic being in FlaggedRevisions in a re-usable way that we can just call from within VisualEditor.

Ideally they would also make their styling more pretty so that we can actually re-use it. Alternatively they'll have to make the logic re-usable separate from the UI as the current UI is not going to fit in (not just visually foreign to VisualEditor or usable interfaces in general, but also technically due to the DOM structure and layout properties).

(In reply to comment #0)

Alongside the "minor" and "watch" checkboxes in the save dialog, for pages
FlaggedRevs switched on and outstanding unaccepted revisions, add a checkbox
"accept pending revisions".

I note this has been posted as an enhancement; however, as flagged revisions are applied to *all* pages in article space on certain Wikipedias (de and ru in particular) I'd urge that this be resolved prior to introducing VisualEditor to those projects. For them, the absence of this would be more than the minor inconvenience it is on English Wikipedia, where PC is applied to a very small number of pages and could be switched to semi-protection if really needed.

(In reply to comment #6)

I note this has been posted as an enhancement; however, as flagged revisions
are applied to *all* pages in article space on certain Wikipedias (de and ru
in particular) I'd urge that this be resolved prior to introducing VisualEditor
to those projects. For them, the absence of this would be more than the minor
inconvenience it is on English Wikipedia, where PC is applied to a very small
number of pages and could be switched to semi-protection if really needed.


  • Bug 51833 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Change 75555 had a related patch set uploaded by Catrope:
Render check boxes from EditPage

Change 75555 merged by jenkins-bot:
Render check boxes from EditPage

Merged and will get deployed in a few hours' time.