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Result in Japanese despite german/ english language settings
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hello, I encountered strange behavior of /index.php?action=ajax on commons for the category tree.
Expanding "Ticket machines in China (1 K)" returns the results in Japanese. And this is not my language setting.
For example on

Here is the query my browser sends with AJAX:[]=Ticket_machines_in_China&rsargs[]=%7B%22mode%22%3A%200%2C%20%22hideprefix%22%3A%2020%2C%20%22showcount%22%3A%20true%2C%20%22namespaces%22%3A%20false%7D&rsargs[]=json

And it returns ... <span title="1サブカテゴリ、0ページ、2ファイルを含んでいます">(1カテゴリ、2ファイル)</span> ...

RoanKattouw gets Japanese too.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 21 2014, 11:51 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz30834.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

I also get this... Probably a caching issue?

Not an HTTP cache issue -- different URLs return the same -- but I suspect memcache.

CategoryTreeFunctions::ajax() builds a memcache key for the rendered data like this:

		$mckey = wfMemcKey( "categorytree(" . $this->getOptionsAsCacheKey( $depth ) . ")", $dbkey, $wgContLang->getExtraHashOptions(), $wgRenderHashAppend );

You will notice that this doesn't include the output language!

r96693 on trunk

Merged to:
r96694 on 1.18
r96695 on 1.17
r96696 on 1.17wmf1, will need deployment.

  • Bug 19151 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***