Bug 2218338 - Review Request: skribilo - A free document production tool
Summary: Review Request: skribilo - A free document production tool
Alias: None
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: Package Review
Version: rawhide
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Andrew Bauer
QA Contact: Fedora Extras Quality Assurance
URL: https://www.nongnu.org/%{name}
Depends On: 2218044 2218461
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2023-06-28 19:04 UTC by Benson Muite
Modified: 2024-03-01 17:14 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed:
Type: ---
zonexpertconsulting: fedora-review+

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Benson Muite 2023-06-28 19:04:04 UTC
spec: https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/fed500/guile-reader/fedora-38-x86_64/06123459-skribilo/skribilo.spec
srpm: https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/fed500/guile-reader/fedora-38-x86_64/06123459-skribilo/skribilo-0.9.5-1.fc38.src.rpm

Skribilo is a free document production tool that takes a structured document 
representation as its input and renders that document in a variety of output
formats: HTML and Info for on-line browsing, and Lout and LaTeX for high-quality
hard copies.

fas: fed500

a) Waiting for update of signing key to package the latest version.
b) Need to package Junction fonts
c) Depends on guile-reader https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2218044

Reproducible: Always

Comment 1 Fedora Review Service 2023-06-28 19:07:50 UTC
Copr build:

Build log:

Please make sure the package builds successfully at least for Fedora Rawhide.

- If the build failed for unrelated reasons (e.g. temporary network
  unavailability), please ignore it.
- If the build failed because of missing BuildRequires, please make sure they
  are listed in the "Depends On" field

This comment was created by the fedora-review-service

If you want to trigger a new Copr build, add a comment containing new
Spec and SRPM URLs or [fedora-review-service-build] string.

Comment 3 Fedora Review Service 2023-09-06 08:58:29 UTC
Copr build:

Build log:

Please make sure the package builds successfully at least for Fedora Rawhide.

- If the build failed for unrelated reasons (e.g. temporary network
  unavailability), please ignore it.
- If the build failed because of missing BuildRequires, please make sure they
  are listed in the "Depends On" field

This comment was created by the fedora-review-service

If you want to trigger a new Copr build, add a comment containing new
Spec and SRPM URLs or [fedora-review-service-build] string.

Comment 5 Benson Muite 2023-09-15 07:46:10 UTC

Comment 6 Andrew Bauer 2023-10-01 21:39:45 UTC
Wow, you've been waiting awhile for this one. There are elements of this specfile I am not familiar with (i.e. lang files), but I'll get up to speed as we progress.

I haven't run fedora-review yet. For starters let's discuss rpmlint, since it was rather noisy:

$ rpmlint *.rpm
============================ rpmlint session starts ============================
rpmlint: 2.4.0
checks: 31, packages: 2

skribilo.noarch: E: zero-length /usr/share/doc/skribilo/ChangeLog
skribilo.noarch: W: only-non-binary-in-usr-lib
skribilo.noarch: E: noarch-with-lib64
skribilo.noarch: W: no-manual-page-for-binary skribilo-config
skribilo.spec:9: W: mixed-use-of-spaces-and-tabs (spaces: line 1, tab: line 9)
skribilo.spec:147: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/diff.go
skribilo.spec:148: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}.go
skribilo.spec:149: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %dir %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}
skribilo.spec:150: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/*.go
skribilo.spec:151: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %dir %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/biblio
skribilo.spec:152: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/biblio/*.go
skribilo.spec:153: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %dir %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/documentation
skribilo.spec:154: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/documentation/*.go
skribilo.spec:155: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %dir %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/engine
skribilo.spec:156: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/engine/*.go
skribilo.spec:157: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %dir %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/package
skribilo.spec:158: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/package/*.go
skribilo.spec:159: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %dir %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/package/eq
skribilo.spec:160: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/package/eq/*.go
skribilo.spec:161: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %dir %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/package/pie
skribilo.spec:162: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/package/pie/*.go
skribilo.spec:163: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %dir %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/package/slide
skribilo.spec:164: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/package/slide/*.go
skribilo.spec:165: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %dir %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/reader
skribilo.spec:166: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/reader/*.go
skribilo.spec:167: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %dir %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/source
skribilo.spec:168: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/source/*.go
skribilo.spec:169: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %dir %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/utils
skribilo.spec:170: W: libdir-macro-in-noarch-package (main package) %{_libdir}/guile/%{mver}/site-ccache/%{name}/utils/*.go
skribilo.noarch: W: file-not-utf8 /usr/share/doc/skribilo/ChangeLog.Skribe
skribilo.noarch: W: file-not-utf8 /usr/share/man/man1/skribilo.1.gz
skribilo.noarch: W: file-not-in-%lang /usr/share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/skribilo.mo
skribilo.noarch: W: file-not-in-%lang /usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/skribilo.mo
skribilo.noarch: W: file-not-in-%lang /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/skribilo.mo
skribilo.noarch: W: file-not-in-%lang /usr/share/locale/fur/LC_MESSAGES/skribilo.mo
skribilo.noarch: W: file-not-in-%lang /usr/share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/skribilo.mo
skribilo.noarch: W: file-not-in-%lang /usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/skribilo.mo
skribilo.noarch: W: file-not-in-%lang /usr/share/locale/sr/LC_MESSAGES/skribilo.mo
skribilo.noarch: W: file-not-in-%lang /usr/share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/skribilo.mo
skribilo.noarch: W: file-not-in-%lang /usr/share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/skribilo.mo
skribilo.noarch: W: devel-file-in-non-devel-package /usr/bin/skribilo-config
skribilo.noarch: E: description-line-too-long Last but not least, Skribilo can be thought of as a complete document programming
skribilo.noarch: E: description-line-too-long framework for the Scheme programming language that may be used to automate a variety
skribilo.noarch: E: description-line-too-long of document generation tasks. Technically, the Skribilo language/API is an embedded
skribilo.noarch: E: description-line-too-long domain-specific language (EDSL), implemented via so-called “deep embedding”. Skribilo
skribilo.src: E: description-line-too-long Last but not least, Skribilo can be thought of as a complete document programming
skribilo.src: E: description-line-too-long framework for the Scheme programming language that may be used to automate a variety
skribilo.src: E: description-line-too-long of document generation tasks. Technically, the Skribilo language/API is an embedded
skribilo.src: E: description-line-too-long domain-specific language (EDSL), implemented via so-called “deep embedding”. Skribilo
skribilo.noarch: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/bsd.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/bsd.png.gz
skribilo.noarch: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/document-toolchain.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/document-toolchain.png.gz
skribilo.noarch: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/eq-disponibilite.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/eq-disponibilite.png.gz
skribilo.noarch: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/eq-limit-b-over-l-simplified.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/eq-limit-b-over-l-simplified.png.gz
skribilo.noarch: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/eq-limit-b-over-l.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/eq-limit-b-over-l.png.gz
skribilo.noarch: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/linux.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/linux.png.gz
 2 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 10 errors, 45 warnings, 10 badness; has taken 0.4 s 

============================ rpmlint session ends ============================

- please remove the zerolength ChangeLog or consider symlinking it with ChangeLog.Skribe
- I know rpmlint is nitpicking, but please use either spaces or tabs in the specfile, not both
- please shorten the length of each line in the description such that each is less than 80 characters

- While skribilo itself is just a shell script and hence, not arch dependent, the .go files generated by guile are architecture dependent. We need to do something about this. Perhaps the simplest thing to do would be to remove the noarch flag in the specfile.

- Rpmlint is complaining about the lang files placed under /usr/share/locale. This implies we should be doing something more than just placing files there. I'm not sure yet what the answer is to this, but I did find mention of this %find_lang macro: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/#_why_do_we_need_to_use_find_lang

I haven't yet verified the relative symlinks rpmlint is complaining about, but I suspect they are correct.
The rest of the warnings can be ignored.

Comment 7 Benson Muite 2023-10-02 10:56:27 UTC
- removed tabs
- ensured all description lines are less than 80 characters
- removed no-arch flag and added macro to indicate no debuginfo
- used %find_lang macro

Still need to check symlink warnings.

spec: https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/fed500/guile-reader/fedora-39-x86_64/06482368-skribilo/skribilo.spec
srpm: https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/fed500/guile-reader/fedora-39-x86_64/06482368-skribilo/skribilo-0.9.5-1.fc39.src.rpm

koji build: skribilo-0.9.5-1.fc40.src.rpm

Comment 9 Andrew Bauer 2023-10-02 13:18:39 UTC
Ah, that's much cleaner.

Please remove the following from %files. These folders should be owned by the guile package:
%dir %{_datadir}/guile
%dir %{_datadir}/guile/site
%dir %{_datadir}/guile/site/%{mver}

Rather than %exclude fonts under %files, please delete them instead in %install and then place a symlink in their place, similar to what I am doing here: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-ouimeaux/blob/rawhide/f/python-ouimeaux.spec#_95

What are the .pdf files that are being %excluded? Those should be deleted as well in %install if they are not being used.

If you are looking for something quick, you could do this one-liner:
find %{buildroot} \( -name .pdf -or- -name .ttf -or -name .otf \) -type f -delete > /dev/null 2>&1 || :

Don't forget to buildrequire find if you go this route.

There are some unusual package requires:

$ rpm -qp --requires /var/lib/mock/fedora-rawhide-x86_64/result/*.rpm
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd) <= 5.4.18-1

Unless skribilo is building something each time it is run, it should not be pulling in make and -devel packages. 
I'm still looking into how these dependencies snuck in. Let me know if you have any insight on this.

We are getting there.

Comment 10 Andrew Bauer 2023-10-02 14:53:12 UTC
Disregard the last comment about the unusual runtime requirements. That was user error.
I was checking the src.rpm rather than the rpm, doh!

This looks much better....
$ rpm -qp --requires skribilo-0.9.5-1.fc38.x86_64.rpm
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd) <= 5.4.18-1

Comment 12 Fedora Review Service 2023-10-04 16:47:15 UTC
Copr build:

Review template:

Please take a look if any issues were found.

This comment was created by the fedora-review-service

If you want to trigger a new Copr build, add a comment containing new
Spec and SRPM URLs or [fedora-review-service-build] string.

Comment 13 Andrew Bauer 2023-10-04 18:42:34 UTC
Package Review

[x] = Pass, [!] = Fail, [-] = Not applicable, [?] = Not evaluated
[ ] = Manual review needed

===== MUST items =====

[ ]: Package is licensed with an open-source compatible license and meets
     other legal requirements as defined in the legal section of Packaging
[ ]: License field in the package spec file matches the actual license.
     Note: Checking patched sources after %prep for licenses. Licenses
     found: "Unknown or generated", "FSF All Permissive License", "FSF
     Unlimited License (with License Retention) [generated file]", "FSF
     Unlimited License [generated file]", "GNU General Public License v3.0
     or later", "GNU General Public License v2.0 or later [generated
     file]", "FSF Unlimited License (with License Retention)", "X11 License
     [generated file]", "FSF Unlimited License (with License Retention) GNU
     Lesser General Public License GNU General Public License", "GNU Lesser
     General Public License v2.1 or later", "GNU General Public License",
     "GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 or later", "*No copyright* SIL
     Open Font License", "SIL Open Font License 1.1", "GNU Lesser General
     Public License v3.0 or later [generated file]", "GNU General Public
     License v2.0 or later", "*No copyright* GNU General Public License".
     125 files have unknown license. Detailed output of licensecheck in
[ ]: License file installed when any subpackage combination is installed.
[ ]: Package requires other packages for directories it uses.
     Note: No known owner of /usr/lib64/guile/2.0/site-ccache
[ ]: Package must own all directories that it creates.
     Note: Directories without known owners: /usr/lib64/guile/2.0/site-
[ ]: %build honors applicable compiler flags or justifies otherwise.
[ ]: Package contains no bundled libraries without FPC exception.
[ ]: Changelog in prescribed format.
[ ]: Sources contain only permissible code or content.
[ ]: Package contains desktop file if it is a GUI application.
[ ]: Development files must be in a -devel package
[ ]: Package uses nothing in %doc for runtime.
[ ]: The spec file handles locales properly.
[ ]: Package consistently uses macros (instead of hard-coded directory
[ ]: Package is named according to the Package Naming Guidelines.
[ ]: Package does not generate any conflict.
[ ]: Package obeys FHS, except libexecdir and /usr/target.
[ ]: If the package is a rename of another package, proper Obsoletes and
     Provides are present.
[ ]: Requires correct, justified where necessary.
[ ]: Spec file is legible and written in American English.
[ ]: Package contains systemd file(s) if in need.
[ ]: Useful -debuginfo package or justification otherwise.
[ ]: Package is not known to require an ExcludeArch tag.
[ ]: Large documentation must go in a -doc subpackage. Large could be size
     (~1MB) or number of files.
     Note: Documentation size is 856651 bytes in 59 files.
[ ]: Package complies to the Packaging Guidelines
[x]: Package successfully compiles and builds into binary rpms on at least
     one supported primary architecture.
[x]: Package installs properly.
[x]: Rpmlint is run on all rpms the build produces.
     Note: There are rpmlint messages (see attachment).
[x]: If (and only if) the source package includes the text of the
     license(s) in its own file, then that file, containing the text of the
     license(s) for the package is included in %license.
[x]: The License field must be a valid SPDX expression.
[x]: Package does not own files or directories owned by other packages.
[x]: Package uses either %{buildroot} or $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
[x]: Package does not run rm -rf %{buildroot} (or $RPM_BUILD_ROOT) at the
     beginning of %install.
[x]: Macros in Summary, %description expandable at SRPM build time.
[x]: Dist tag is present.
[x]: Package does not contain duplicates in %files.
[x]: Permissions on files are set properly.
[x]: Package must not depend on deprecated() packages.
[x]: Package use %makeinstall only when make install DESTDIR=... doesn't
[x]: Package is named using only allowed ASCII characters.
[x]: Package does not use a name that already exists.
[x]: Package is not relocatable.
[x]: Sources used to build the package match the upstream source, as
     provided in the spec URL.
[x]: Spec file name must match the spec package %{name}, in the format
[x]: File names are valid UTF-8.
[x]: Packages must not store files under /srv, /opt or /usr/local

===== SHOULD items =====

[ ]: Avoid bundling fonts in non-fonts packages.
     Note: Package contains font files
[ ]: If the source package does not include license text(s) as a separate
     file from upstream, the packager SHOULD query upstream to include it.
[ ]: Final provides and requires are sane (see attachments).
[ ]: Fully versioned dependency in subpackages if applicable.
     Note: No Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} in
[ ]: Package functions as described.
[ ]: Latest version is packaged.
[ ]: Package does not include license text files separate from upstream.
[ ]: Package should compile and build into binary rpms on all supported
[ ]: %check is present and all tests pass.
[ ]: Packages should try to preserve timestamps of original installed
[x]: Reviewer should test that the package builds in mock.
[x]: Buildroot is not present
[x]: Package has no %clean section with rm -rf %{buildroot} (or
[x]: No file requires outside of /etc, /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin.
[x]: Packager, Vendor, PreReq, Copyright tags should not be in spec file
[x]: Sources can be downloaded from URI in Source: tag
[x]: SourceX is a working URL.
[x]: Sources are verified with gpgverify first in %prep if upstream
     publishes signatures.
[x]: Spec use %global instead of %define unless justified.

===== EXTRA items =====

[ ]: Large data in /usr/share should live in a noarch subpackage if package
     is arched.
     Note: Arch-ed rpms have a total of 2304000 bytes in /usr/share
[x]: Rpmlint is run on all installed packages.
     Note: There are rpmlint messages (see attachment).
[x]: Spec file according to URL is the same as in SRPM.

Checking: skribilo-0.9.5-1.fc40.x86_64.rpm
============================ rpmlint session starts ============================
rpmlint: 2.4.0
rpmlintrc: [PosixPath('/tmp/tmpqyi4gbng')]
checks: 31, packages: 3

skribilo.x86_64: W: only-non-binary-in-usr-lib
skribilo.x86_64: W: no-manual-page-for-binary skribilo-config
skribilo-emacs.noarch: W: no-documentation
skribilo.x86_64: W: devel-file-in-non-devel-package /usr/bin/skribilo-config
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-symlink /usr/share/doc/skribilo/Junction-regular.otf /usr/share/fonts/Junction-regular.otf
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-symlink /usr/share/doc/skribilo/LobsterTwo-Regular.otf /usr/share/fonts/lobster2/LobsterTwo-Regular.otf
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-symlink /usr/share/doc/skribilo/static/Hack-Regular.ttf /usr/share/fonts/source-foundry-hack-fonts/Hack-Regular.ttf
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-symlink /usr/share/doc/skribilo/static/LinBiolinum_R.otf /usr/share/fonts/linux-libertine/LinBiolinum_R.otf
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-symlink /usr/share/doc/skribilo/static/LinLibertine_R.otf /usr/share/fonts/linux-libertine/LinLibertine_R.otf
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/bsd.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/bsd.png.gz
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/document-toolchain.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/document-toolchain.png.gz
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/eq-disponibilite.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/eq-disponibilite.png.gz
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/eq-limit-b-over-l-simplified.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/eq-limit-b-over-l-simplified.png.gz
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/eq-limit-b-over-l.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/eq-limit-b-over-l.png.gz
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/linux.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/linux.png.gz
 3 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 15 warnings, 0 badness; has taken 0.4 s 

Rpmlint (installed packages)
============================ rpmlint session starts ============================
rpmlint: 2.4.0
checks: 31, packages: 2

skribilo.x86_64: W: only-non-binary-in-usr-lib
skribilo.x86_64: W: no-manual-page-for-binary skribilo-config
skribilo-emacs.noarch: W: no-documentation
skribilo.x86_64: W: devel-file-in-non-devel-package /usr/bin/skribilo-config
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-symlink /usr/share/doc/skribilo/Junction-regular.otf /usr/share/fonts/Junction-regular.otf
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-symlink /usr/share/doc/skribilo/LobsterTwo-Regular.otf /usr/share/fonts/lobster2/LobsterTwo-Regular.otf
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-symlink /usr/share/doc/skribilo/static/Hack-Regular.ttf /usr/share/fonts/source-foundry-hack-fonts/Hack-Regular.ttf
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-symlink /usr/share/doc/skribilo/static/LinBiolinum_R.otf /usr/share/fonts/linux-libertine/LinBiolinum_R.otf
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-symlink /usr/share/doc/skribilo/static/LinLibertine_R.otf /usr/share/fonts/linux-libertine/LinLibertine_R.otf
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/bsd.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/bsd.png.gz
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/document-toolchain.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/document-toolchain.png.gz
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/eq-disponibilite.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/eq-disponibilite.png.gz
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/eq-limit-b-over-l-simplified.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/eq-limit-b-over-l-simplified.png.gz
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/eq-limit-b-over-l.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/eq-limit-b-over-l.png.gz
skribilo.x86_64: W: dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/info/linux.png.gz ../doc/skribilo/linux.png.gz
 2 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 15 warnings, 0 badness; has taken 0.1 s 

Source checksums
https://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/skribilo/skribilo-0.9.5.tar.gz.sig :
  CHECKSUM(SHA256) this package     : e5ded90be7d06a7239e662c3d42588cde973b7e8bfb8c8c65d5a2e1566c608f6
  CHECKSUM(SHA256) upstream package : e5ded90be7d06a7239e662c3d42588cde973b7e8bfb8c8c65d5a2e1566c608f6
https://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/skribilo/skribilo-0.9.5.tar.gz :
  CHECKSUM(SHA256) this package     : 00826a21c4634fb0b410ee89eb48068c445d800825874654e3d53d5ca3f0bf09
  CHECKSUM(SHA256) upstream package : 00826a21c4634fb0b410ee89eb48068c445d800825874654e3d53d5ca3f0bf09

skribilo (rpmlib, GLIBC filtered):

skribilo-emacs (rpmlib, GLIBC filtered):



Generated by fedora-review 0.10.0 (e79b66b) last change: 2023-07-24
Command line :/usr/bin/fedora-review -b 2218338
Buildroot used: fedora-rawhide-x86_64
Active plugins: Shell-api, Generic
Disabled plugins: Perl, C/C++, SugarActivity, Ocaml, R, Python, Java, Haskell, fonts, PHP

Comment 14 Andrew Bauer 2023-10-04 18:43:45 UTC
New dangling symlink warnings from rpmlint are expected.


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