Problem description: Not a bug or an enhancement request -- a thank you Thank you for LibreOffice, and in particular ... it opens MacWrite Pro files?! Are you kidding me? That's awesome. (I donated just because of that feature.) I may be the only user on the planet with MWPro files still lying around ...? Apple's own products wouldn't open MWPro files even a few years after it was abandoned .... Thank you. Operating System: Mac OS X Version: release
I'll pass this around to our teams - we all appreciate when a user takes the time to not only donate but to say thank you. It really does mean a lot. That being said - closing as NOTABUG ;)
+1 Thanks a lot for LibreOffice! I use LibreOffice everyday and use it with with big and heavy-duty documents and I love LibreOffice. There are bugs, of course (which I regularly post), but overall it is an excellent office suite. Thanks!