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Datum izmjene: 10 juli 2021 u 21:45; autor: WumpusBot (razgovor | doprinosi) (razne ispravke)
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Dostupne strukture
PDBPretraga ortologa: PDBe RCSB
Spisak PDB ID kodova

1B50, 1B53, 2X69, 2X6G, 3FPU, 3H44, 3KBX, 4RA8, 4ZKB, 5D65, 5COR

Vanjski ID-jeviOMIM: 182283 MGI: 98260 HomoloGene: 88430 GeneCards: CCL3
Lokacija gena (čovjek)
Hromosom 17 (čovjek)
Hrom.Hromosom 17 (čovjek)[1]
Hromosom 17 (čovjek)
Genomska lokacija za CCL3
Genomska lokacija za CCL3
Bend17q12Početak36,088,256 bp[1]
Kraj36,090,169 bp[1]
Lokacija gena (miš)
Hromosom 11 (miš)
Hrom.Hromosom 11 (miš)[2]
Hromosom 11 (miš)
Genomska lokacija za CCL3
Genomska lokacija za CCL3
Bend11 C|11 51.04 cMPočetak83,538,670 bp[2]
Kraj83,540,181 bp[2]
Obrazac RNK ekspresije
Više referentnih podataka o ekspresiji
Ontologija gena
Molekularna funkcija protein kinase activity
cytokine activity
CCR5 chemokine receptor binding
chemokine activity
CCR1 chemokine receptor binding
kinase activity
phospholipase activator activity
calcium-dependent protein kinase C activity
GO:0001948, GO:0016582 vezivanje za proteine
vezivanje identičnih proteina
chemoattractant activity
CCR chemokine receptor binding
Ćelijska komponenta citoplazma
intracellular anatomical structure
extracellular region
Biološki proces G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
negative regulation of bone mineralization
positive regulation of protein kinase B signaling
release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol by sarcoplasmic reticulum
response to cholesterol
positive regulation of calcium-mediated signaling
regulation of sensory perception of pain
protein kinase B signaling
monocyte chemotaxis
negative regulation of osteoclast differentiation
astrocyte cell migration
positive regulation of cell migration
positive regulation of natural killer cell chemotaxis
chemokine-mediated signaling pathway
T cell chemotaxis
cell-cell signaling
cellular response to tumor necrosis factor
eosinophil chemotaxis
GO:1904579 cellular response to organic cyclic compound
cellular calcium ion homeostasis
negative regulation of gene expression
neutrophil chemotaxis
cell activation
MAPK cascade
GO:0032320, GO:0032321, GO:0032855, GO:0043089, GO:0032854 positive regulation of GTPase activity
positive regulation of neuron apoptotic process
positive regulation of calcium ion import
macrophage chemotaxis
GO:1901313 positive regulation of gene expression
cytoskeleton organization
osteoblast differentiation
cellular response to interleukin-1
GO:0046730, GO:0046737, GO:0046738, GO:0046736 Imuni odgovor
positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade
regulation of cell shape
positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor production
cellular response to interferon-gamma
lymphocyte chemotaxis
inflammatory response
granulocyte chemotaxis
response to toxic substance
eosinophil degranulation
lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway
calcium ion transport
calcium-mediated signaling
positive regulation of calcium ion transport
positive chemotaxis
positive regulation of inflammatory response
regulation of signaling receptor activity
cytokine-mediated signaling pathway
regulation of behavior
positive regulation of microglial cell activation
positive regulation of microglial cell migration
Izvori:Amigo / QuickGO
RefSeq (mRNK)



RefSeq (bjelančevina)



Lokacija (UCSC)Chr 17: 36.09 – 36.09 MbChr 11: 83.54 – 83.54 Mb
PubMed pretraga[3][4]
Pogledaj/uredi – čovjekPogledaj/uredi – miš

Hemokinski (C-C motivni) ligand 3 (CCL3), znan i kao makrofagni upalni protein 1-alfa (MIP-1-alfa) je protein koji je kod ljudi kodiran genom CCL.[5]

Aminokiselinska sekvenca

Dužina polipeptidnog lanca je 92 aminokiseline, a molekulska težina 10.085 Da.[6].



[uredi | uredi izvor]

CCL3 je citokin koji pripada porodici CC hemokina koji su uključeni u akutno upalno stanje u regrutovanju i aktivaciji polimorfojedarnih leukocita[7] vezanjem na receptore CCR1, CCR4 i CCR5.[5]

Sherry et al. (1988) demonstrirali su dvije proteinske komponente MIP1, koje se nazivaju alfa (CCL3, ovaj protein) i beta (CCL4).[5][8]

CCL3 izaziva monofaznu groznicu brzog početka, čija je magnituda jednaka ili veća od groznice proizvedene bilo s rekombinantnim ljudskim faktorom nekroze tumora ili rekombinantnim ljudskim interleukinom-1. Međutim, za razliku od ova dva endogena pirogena, inhibitor ciklooksigenaza ibuprofen inhibitor ibuprofen ne može inhibirati groznicu izazvanu MIP-1, a CCL3 može učestvovati u upalnim odgovorom koji nije posredovan sintezom prostaglandina i klinički se ne može ablirati ciklooksigenazom.[9]


[uredi | uredi izvor]

Pokazano je da CCL3 komunicira sa CCL4.[10] Privlači makrofage, monocite i neutrofile.

Također pogledajte

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  1. ^ a b c ENSG00000277632, ENSG00000274221 GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000278567, ENSG00000277632, ENSG00000274221 - Ensembl, maj 2017
  2. ^ a b c GRCm38: Ensembl release 89: ENSMUSG00000000982 - Ensembl, maj 2017
  3. ^ "Human PubMed Reference:". National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
  4. ^ "Mouse PubMed Reference:". National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
  5. ^ a b c "Entrez Gene: CCL3 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3".
  6. ^ "UniProt, P10147". Pristupljeno 26. 6. 2021.
  7. ^ Wolpe SD, Davatelis G, Sherry B, Beutler B, Hesse DG, Nguyen HT, Moldawer LL, Nathan CF, Lowry SF, Cerami A (1988). "Macrophages secrete a novel heparin-binding protein with inflammatory and neutrophil chemokinetic properties". The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 167 (2): 570–81. doi:10.1084/jem.167.2.570. PMC 2188834. PMID 3279154.
  8. ^ Sherry B, Tekamp-Olson P, Gallegos C, Bauer D, Davatelis G, Wolpe SD, Masiarz F, Coit D, Cerami A (1988). "Resolution of the two components of macrophage inflammatory protein 1, and cloning and characterization of one of those components, macrophage inflammatory protein 1 beta". The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 168 (6): 2251–9. doi:10.1084/jem.168.6.2251. PMC 2189160. PMID 3058856.
  9. ^ Davatelis G, Wolpe SD, Sherry B, Dayer JM, Chicheportiche R, Cerami A (1989). "Macrophage inflammatory protein-1: a prostaglandin-independent endogenous pyrogen". Science. 243 (4894 Pt 1): 1066–8. doi:10.1126/science.2646711. PMID 2646711.
  10. ^ Guan E, Wang J, Norcross MA (Apr 2001). "Identification of human macrophage inflammatory proteins 1alpha and 1beta as a native secreted heterodimer". The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 276 (15): 12404–9. doi:10.1074/jbc.M006327200. PMID 11278300.

Dopunska literatura

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Vanjski linkovi

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