Jørgen Burchardt


Jørgen Burchardt har skrevet 31 artikler

Fagansvarlig for 4 kategorier:

  1. Bilers teknik 163
  2. Godstransport og transportnetværk 18
  3. Lastbiler og lastbiltransport 6
  4. Standardisering 20



Jørgen Burchardt

Nyborgvej 13, DK-5750 Ringe, DENMARK


Burchardt har været museumsdirektør på Danmarks Vejmuseum og er nu tilknyttet Museum Vestfyn som forsker.

Han har forsket i det industrialiserede samfunds historie. Produktionen er mere end 60 bøger og rapporter ved siden af mere end 250 artikler, papers, boganmeldelser, udstillinger og historiske film.

Han er MPL fra Den Grafiske Højskole, cand. phil. i etnologi fra Københavns Universitet og med efteruddannelse fra Deutsches Museum og Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Er formand for Forskningsudvalget i Dansk Vejhistorisk Selskab. Har skrevet bøger og artikler om nyere historie inden for emner som arbejdsliv, ledelse, teknologi og organisation. Senest bogen ”Gods på vej. Varetransportens danmarkshistorie”.

Nogle af de seneste bøger, papers og videnskabelige artikler (ultimo 2023):

Heavy vehicles and road construction. Interaction between bans and technical improvements 1900-2023, s. 5-26 i: Mikko Pentti: Man and the machine. Articles from Northern European Road History. NordBalt 2023, Mobilia, Kangasala, Finland.

Transferring bridge and road construction technology in the 1700s. French engineer Jean Marmillod as an innovator in Denmark, s. 171-185 in: James W. P. Campbell et al (eds): Studies in Construction History. Construction History Society, Cambridge University 2023 (skrevet sammen med Steffen Elmer Jørgensen).

Are searches in OCR-generated archives trustworthy? Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte 2023; 64(1), p. 31-54.

Fra 7 til 3.367 køretøjer dagligt. Trafk & Veje, marts 2023, s. 8-10.

Historien om Sebber Bro. Det lokale og landspolitiske spil. Fra Himmerland og Kjær Herred 2022, s. 2-30.

Cheminova – en miljøforurener i Måløv. Byhornet, nr. 3, 2022, s. 3-35.

Recycling Scrap for Steelmaking: The case of the Danish Steel Rolling Mill. Unternehmen Rohstoff. Natürliche Ressourcen in der Geschichte/Raw Materials. Natural Resources in History. Ferrum, 92, s. 82-91.

Systems for standardized precast concrete elements: The case of the Larsen & Nielsen system. James W. P. Campbell m.fl.: Timber and Construction. Cambridge 2022, p. 497-514.

De fem halskovbroer. Interessekonflikter, byudvikling og ændrede trafikformer omkring Korsør. Vejhistorie nr. 39, 2022.

Roadpricing – det har vi da haft. Historien om milepenge fra 1661. Trafik & Veje, nr. 1, 2022, s. 57-61.

Syntetiske pesticider og Cheminova 1943-1954. Offentlig regulering af giftproduktion og miljøforurening i historisk perspektiv. Erhvervshistorisk Årbog 2021, s. 22-119.

Cheminova i Gladsaxe. En generationsforureners første år. Gladsaxe Årbog 2021, s. 5-35.

From women to men: How culture, education, and technology formed the transition of the labour force behind dairy production. 21 s. 2020. Paper for the European Social Science History Conference 2020, Leiden, the Netherlands March 2020.

 The wire nails revolution: The history 1898-2000. In: Iron, Steel and Buildings. Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the Construction History Society, Queens' College, Cambridge, April 2020, edited by James W.P. Campbell et al, p. 143-156. Construction History Society 2020

The history of bridge collapses. Limitations on technical constructions. 10 s. 2019. Paper for the International Conference of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M), Paris, 16th-9th October, 2019: Mobilities and Materialities: Building Bridges Between Past and Future.

 Flexicurity. The Danish Model. In: B. Bowden, A. McMurray, A. Gould and J. Muldoon (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Management History. Palgrave Macmillan 2019.

 “Ingen bånd der binder mig…” Industriens udflytning og modernisering i efterkrigsårene (Localization of the industry in the post-war). In: TEMP 2019, p. 102-124.

Ostens danske kulturhistorie (The cultural history of the cheese). In: Gefjon 2019, p. 40-85.

 Creative inventors in Denmark and their impact in international business, 1895-1974. 12 s. 2019. Paper for the European Business History Association (EBHA) Annual Congress, Rotterdam.

 “Innovation in the modern Australian concrete building business: The introduction of pre-stressed concrete, 1945-1970.” Water, Doors and Building. Studies in the History of Construction. The Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the Construction History Society, Queens' College, Cambridge, 5-7 April 2019, edited by James W.P. Campbell et al, p. 507-527. Construction History Society 2019.

“Vejen til det industrielle byggeri. 15 års forceret teknologiudvikling 1945-1960” (The road to industrial construction: 15 years of ambitious technology development). In: Fabrik & Bolig 2019 (peer review).

 “The hidden system. How district heating came to town.” In: Studies in the History of Services and Construction. The Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the Construction History Society, Queens' College, Cambridge, 6-8 April 2018, edited by James W.P. Campbell et al, p. 3-16. Construction History Society 2018.

 “From invention to production: The case of prestressed concrete.” In: Building Knowledge, Constructing Histories. Volume 1. Proceedings, Sixth International Congress on Construction History 2018 (6ICCH), Brussels, Belgium, 9-13 July 2018, edited by Ine Wouters, Stephanie Van de

 Gods på vej Vejtransportens danmarkshistorie (Freight on Road: The history of the Danish road transport) National Museum of Science and Technology 2017, 1.500 pages.