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Eus Wikipedia
Hogozik marv
Komzet e : Perou
Rannved : Amerika
Komzet gant : 2 (2000)
Renkadur : Goude 100
Familh-yezh : yezhoù arawakek
Statud ofisiel
Yezh ofisiel e : -
Akademiezh : -
Kodoù ar yezh
ISO 639-1 -
ISO 639-2 ccc
ISO 639-3
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Ar tchamikoureg a zo ur yezh yezhoù arawakek komzet gant daoù zen kozh e Perou e Pampa Hermosa. Hogozik marv eo hiziv. D'ar spagnoleg eo tremenet ar gummuniezh

  • Parker, Stephen G. 1988. Some universal aspects of coalescence processes confirmed by Chamicuro phonology and morphology.‭ M.A. thesis. University of Texas at Arlington. v, 114 p.
  • Parker, Stephen G. 1989. "The sonority grid in Chamicuro phonology."‭ Linguistic Analysis 19: 3-58.
  • Parker, Stephen G. 1990. "Laminal sibilants in Chamicuro."‭ Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 34: 59-74.
  • Parker, Stephen G. 1991. Estudios sobre la fonología del chamicuro.‭ Serie Lingüística Peruana, 30. Yarinacocha: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 218 p.
  • Parker, Stephen G. 1992. "Geminate alterability: Another OCP violation."‭ Linguistic Analysis 22: 246-50.
  • Parker, Stephen G. 1998. "Notes on determiners in Chamicuro."‭ Notes on Linguistics 80: 8-22.
  • Parker, Stephen G., compiler. 1994. Datos adicionales del idioma Chamicuro.‭ Documento de Trabajo, 25. Yarinacocha: Ministerio de Educación and Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 105 p.
  • Parker, Stephen G., Gregorio Orbe C., and Alfonso Patow Ch., compilers. 1987. Kana achaʼtaka ijnachale kana chamekolo (Vocabulario y textos chamicuro).‭ Comunidades y Culturas Peruanas, 21. Pucallpa: Ministerio de Educación and Instituto Lingüístico de Verano. 71 p.
  • Parker, Steve. 1994. "Laryngeal codas in Chamicuro."‭ International Journal of American Linguistics 60(3): 261-271.
  • Parker, Steve. 1995. "Chamicuro laterals: a case for radical underspecification."‭ Lingua 97: 195-210.
  • Parker, Steve. 1999. "On the behavior of definite articles in Chamicuro."‭ Language 75(3): 552-562.
  • Parker, Steve. 2001. "Non-optimal onsets in Chamicuro: an inventory maximised in coda position."‭ Phonology 18: 361-386.

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