Xisto Alves de Souza Jr

Xisto Alves de Souza Jr

Santa Catarina, Brasil
9 mil seguidores + de 500 conexões

Artigos de Xisto

  • Uma imersão na Pecuária 4.0

    Uma imersão na Pecuária 4.0

    Um marco para Modernização da Pecuária no Brasil. Aconteceu ontem em São Paulo, a 2a edição do JetBov Day.

    1 comentário


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Licenças e certificados

  • Gráfico Empretec - Desenvolvimento de Emreendedores

    Empretec - Desenvolvimento de Emreendedores


    Emitido em
  • Gráfico Lean IT Foundation

    Lean IT Foundation


    Emitido em
    Nº da credencial 4993817
  • Gráfico Project Management Professional / PMP

    Project Management Professional / PMP

    Project Management Institute

    Emitido em Expira em
    Nº da credencial 232928
  • Gráfico Certified Business Process Professional / CBPP Blue Seal

    Certified Business Process Professional / CBPP Blue Seal


    Emitido em Expira em
    Nº da credencial 2011BR00100


  • Guia BPM CBOK V3.0

    Revisor edição em Português

  • Strategic planning and project management in the reconstruction of a country

    Project Management Institute

    Project management has been proven to help developing countries implement strategic projects that enable long-term development. This paper examines how Angola's Province of Benguela applied PMI's best practices for managing portfolios, programs, and projects when planning and implementing a wide-spread reconstruction effort following the signing of its 2002 peace accord, an effort that involved economic growth plans, infrastructure restoration, and democratization initiatives. In doing so, it…

    Project management has been proven to help developing countries implement strategic projects that enable long-term development. This paper examines how Angola's Province of Benguela applied PMI's best practices for managing portfolios, programs, and projects when planning and implementing a wide-spread reconstruction effort following the signing of its 2002 peace accord, an effort that involved economic growth plans, infrastructure restoration, and democratization initiatives. In doing so, it overviews the positive outcomes that both Angola and Benguela have accomplished since the peace accord's signing; it describes the parameters outlined under the United Nations' Human Development Index (HDI) for determining a country's quality of life, noting Angola's current HDI placement. It discusses the challenges that Angola now faces in implementing its development strategy and raising its HDI rating, challenges that involve helping improve the population's living conditions. It explains the results of a detailed diagnostic initiated to determine the strategic alignment between Benguela's public management sectors--social, economic, institutional, and infrastructure. It also lists each sector's goals. It then outlines how Benguela has used wave planning--in relation to PMI's best practices for portfolio, program, and project management to manage long-term projects that resolve difficult social challenges with structured and sustainable solutions.

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