Paulo Lilla

Paulo Lilla

Partner - Technology and Data Protection na Lefosse Advogados

São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
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  • Gráfico Lefosse Advogados

    Partner - Technology and Data Protection

    Lefosse Advogados

    - o momento 3 anos 6 meses

    São Paulo, Brasil

Formação acadêmica

Licenças e certificados


  • LILLA, Paulo Eduardo. "Propriedade Intelectual e Direito da Concorrência: Uma abordagem sob a perspectiva do Acordo TRIPS"

    Quartier Latin

    Analysis of interface between intellectual property and competition law under the TRIPS Agreement of the WTO.

  • - LILLA, Paulo Eduardo. “Regulação Sanitária e Propriedade Industrial: Os Limites da Atuação da Anvisa na Concessão de Patentes Farmacêuticas”, in: Revista de Direito Público da Economia – RDPE, Belo Horizonte, v. 10, n. 37, jan./mar. 2012.

    The purpose of this paper is to analyze legal issues regarding the conflict of competences between the National Industrial Property Institute (“INPI”) and the National Sanitation Agency (“Anvisa”) concerning administrative procedures for granting pharmaceutical patents. The paper specifically deals with the divergences between INPI and Anvisa as to patentability of incremental innovations in the pharmaceutical sector, such as new uses, new crystalline forms and new preparation procedures.

  • - LILLA, Paulo Eduardo. “A Proteção da Propriedade Intelectual e seus Limites: Uma Abordagem de Law and Economics”. In: TIMM, Luciano Benetti and BRAGA, Rodrigo. Propriedade Intelectual, Minas Gerais: Arraes Editores, 2011.

    The paper provides an economic analysis of intellectual property law, with focus on patents and copyrights.

  • - REIS NETO, Lauro Celidonio Gomes dos; FOLGOSI, Rosoléa Miranda; LILLA, Paulo Eduardo. “The New Amendments to the Bid Law: A Brief Assessment of the Preferences for National Products and Services and Their Implications for Infrastructure Sectors”

    Building a New Brazil: Key Challenges for the Law of Infrastructure. São Paulo: Impressão Régia, 2011.

    The paper provides an assessment of the "Buy Brazil Act", which provides preferences for products manufactured in Brazil in public procurement procedures.

    Outros autores
    • Lauro Celidonio Neto
    • Rosolea Miranda Folgosi


  • English


  • Portuguese


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