Jorge Branada

Jorge Branada

Cajamar, São Paulo, Brasil
6 mil seguidores + de 500 conexões


Experiência profissional sólida em RH desde 2001, abrangendo diversos setores, incluindo…


Cadastre-se agora para visualizar todas as atividades


  • Gráfico Zenklub


    Jundiaí, São Paulo, Brasil

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    São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

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    São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

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    São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

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    São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

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    São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

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    Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

Formação acadêmica

  • Gráfico Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas

    PUC Campinas


    Atividades e grupos:Implementei uma cultura de feedback e desenvolvi habilidades de liderança na Secretaria da Fazenda de MS.

    A minha jornada na pós-graduação em "Educação e Gestão de Pessoas" na PUC Campinas foi uma experiência enriquecedora que me proporcionou um conjunto diversificado de conhecimentos e habilidades fundamentais para o campo da gestão de pessoas. Este curso teve como objetivo central contribuir para a construção de um perfil de competências que estivesse alinhado com os novos paradigmas de gestão de recursos humanos, capacitando-nos para enfrentar os desafios do cenário corporativo em constante…

    A minha jornada na pós-graduação em "Educação e Gestão de Pessoas" na PUC Campinas foi uma experiência enriquecedora que me proporcionou um conjunto diversificado de conhecimentos e habilidades fundamentais para o campo da gestão de pessoas. Este curso teve como objetivo central contribuir para a construção de um perfil de competências que estivesse alinhado com os novos paradigmas de gestão de recursos humanos, capacitando-nos para enfrentar os desafios do cenário corporativo em constante evolução.

    Uma das principais aprendizagens durante este curso foi o desenvolvimento de um repertório conceitual sólido, que me permitiu compreender a complexidade da gestão de pessoas nas organizações modernas. Através da exploração de teorias e modelos de gestão, adquiri uma compreensão profunda dos princípios que regem a relação entre pessoas e empresas.

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    Atividades e grupos:Projeto de Box para guardar encomendas em condomínios.

    Durante meu MBA, explorei uma ampla gama de disciplinas essenciais, desde Estratégia Competitiva até Empreendedorismo e Inovação. Por meio de cursos como Gestão de Comportamento Organizacional e Comunicação de Liderança, aprimorei minhas habilidades de liderança e comunicação. Também me aprofundei em temas como Finanças e Controle Empresarial, me preparando para tomar decisões financeiras estratégicas. Além disso, meu MBA incluiu disciplinas inovadoras, como Competição com Análise e…

    Durante meu MBA, explorei uma ampla gama de disciplinas essenciais, desde Estratégia Competitiva até Empreendedorismo e Inovação. Por meio de cursos como Gestão de Comportamento Organizacional e Comunicação de Liderança, aprimorei minhas habilidades de liderança e comunicação. Também me aprofundei em temas como Finanças e Controle Empresarial, me preparando para tomar decisões financeiras estratégicas. Além disso, meu MBA incluiu disciplinas inovadoras, como Competição com Análise e Tecnologias Digitais Emergentes, equipando-me para abraçar as mudanças tecnológicas em constante evolução. Essa experiência moldou minha perspectiva de futuro e me preparou para liderar organizações ágeis e voltadas para resultados.

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    Minha formação enfatizou diversas abordagens, com foco especial em Psicanálise e Fenomenologia. Esses insights vão além da compreensão individual, oferecendo aplicações valiosas em contextos pessoais e corporativos. Minha especialização no último ano foi em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Comportamento Humano Organizacional e Oficina de Criatividade, o que me permitiu unir teorias psicológicas com soluções organizacionais. Minha formação multidisciplinar me capacita para auxiliar indivíduos e…

    Minha formação enfatizou diversas abordagens, com foco especial em Psicanálise e Fenomenologia. Esses insights vão além da compreensão individual, oferecendo aplicações valiosas em contextos pessoais e corporativos. Minha especialização no último ano foi em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Comportamento Humano Organizacional e Oficina de Criatividade, o que me permitiu unir teorias psicológicas com soluções organizacionais. Minha formação multidisciplinar me capacita para auxiliar indivíduos e organizações, aproveitando princípios psicológicos para promover o crescimento pessoal e melhorar a dinâmica do local de trabalho.

Experiência de voluntariado

  • Clinical Psychologist

    Casa da Fraternidade

    - 1 ano

    Resposta a desastres e assistência humanitária

    I volunteered in providing free assistance for psychological crises and emergencies through on-call services, primarily aimed at individuals with low incomes. During this service, I offered essential psychological support to individuals facing emotional crises and emergency situations. My goal was to provide a attentive and welcoming listening space, helping these individuals cope with their challenges and emotional difficulties. This experience was rewarding and allowed me to contribute to the…

    I volunteered in providing free assistance for psychological crises and emergencies through on-call services, primarily aimed at individuals with low incomes. During this service, I offered essential psychological support to individuals facing emotional crises and emergency situations. My goal was to provide a attentive and welcoming listening space, helping these individuals cope with their challenges and emotional difficulties. This experience was rewarding and allowed me to contribute to the well-being and mental health of those who needed support the most.

  • Gráfico Feesp

    Community Volunteer


    - 6 anos

    Direitos humanos

    I volunteered in social service, providing assistance to individuals experiencing homelessness in the central region of São Paulo. My activities included offering support related to hygiene, providing meals, and distributing clothing to those in need. This experience allowed me to make a meaningful impact on the lives of vulnerable individuals, contributing to their well-being and dignity.


  • Aprender a Empreender - Sebrae


  • Capacitação de Ativismo


  • Cargos e Salários - Hay Group


  • Cargos e Salários - Promérito


  • Cargos e Salários - Senac


  • Cargos e Salários - Willis Towers


  • Comportamento Humano nas Organizações


  • Contador de Histórias


  • Data Studio Google


  • Direito Constitucional


  • Direito do Trabalho


  • Excel Avançado


  • Excel VBA Macros - Impacta


  • Finanças para não Financeiros - FGV


  • Formação Coach pela ICI


  • Gestão de Facilities


  • Gestão de Projetos - PMI


  • Gestão de Recursos Humanos


  • Intercâmbio na Austrália


  • Lógica de Programação - Impacta


  • Management 3.0


  • Metodologia de remuneração SalaryMark - Carreira Muller


  • Oficina de Criatividade


  • Plano de Cargos e Salários


  • Practioner em PNL


  • Recrutamento e Seleção por Competência


  • Remuneração Variável


  • Trainer Training


  • Treinamento e Desenvolvimento



  • Psychological Support Emotional Connection for Pandemic Counseling

    - o momento

    The "Affection Connection" project emerged as an innovative initiative at the beginning of the pandemic, with the aim of providing free psychological support nationwide for individuals affected by COVID-19 and healthcare professionals facing exceptional challenges. The project trained and prepared 80 psychologists, developed a comprehensive platform for client management, treatment records, and ongoing training for these professionals.

    Furthermore, we had the supervision of renowned…

    The "Affection Connection" project emerged as an innovative initiative at the beginning of the pandemic, with the aim of providing free psychological support nationwide for individuals affected by COVID-19 and healthcare professionals facing exceptional challenges. The project trained and prepared 80 psychologists, developed a comprehensive platform for client management, treatment records, and ongoing training for these professionals.

    Furthermore, we had the supervision of renowned professionals in Brazil, ensuring the quality and effectiveness of the services provided. With over 4,000 registrations, the project generated significant data regarding human behavior during a pandemic, offering valuable insights into understanding the emotional and psychological needs of individuals during times of crisis. "Affection Connection" serves as an example of how innovation and collaboration can make a difference in promoting well-being during challenging times.

    Outros criadores
    • Ticiana Paiva
    Ver projeto
  • Qulture Rocks


    The "Qulture Rock" platform is a comprehensive and highly effective solution for people management and improving the workplace environment in companies. With its various modules, including OKR (Objectives and Key Results), PDI (Individual Development Plan), Feedback, and Climate Survey, the platform offers numerous benefits for organizations.

    The OKR module allows companies to set clear and measurable objectives, aligning individual and departmental goals with the organization's…

    The "Qulture Rock" platform is a comprehensive and highly effective solution for people management and improving the workplace environment in companies. With its various modules, including OKR (Objectives and Key Results), PDI (Individual Development Plan), Feedback, and Climate Survey, the platform offers numerous benefits for organizations.

    The OKR module allows companies to set clear and measurable objectives, aligning individual and departmental goals with the organization's strategic objectives. This promotes greater focus, alignment, and transparency in the company, helping to drive performance and organizational success.

    The PDI module enables continuous employee development, assisting in identifying skill gaps and establishing personalized improvement plans. This not only empowers employees to reach their full potential but also helps retain valuable talent.

    The Feedback module facilitates open and constructive communication between leaders and teams. This promotes a work environment where continuous learning is encouraged, improvements are implemented quickly, and relationships are strengthened, resulting in more engaged and productive teams.

    The Climate Survey, in turn, provides an in-depth view of the workplace environment and employee well-being. This allows companies to identify areas for improvement, assess employee engagement, and take action to enhance the organizational culture, which, in turn, can lead to higher employee satisfaction and reduced turnover.

    In summary, implementing the "Qulture Rock" platform with these modules offers a holistic approach to people management and workplace improvement. It contributes to setting clear goals, continuous development, effective communication, and the creation of a positive organizational culture. This results in more engaged teams, more productive employees, and a more successful company in the long run.

  • Kenoby


    The implementation of the Kenoby recruitment and selection management tool was a significant milestone in our company. This platform provided numerous benefits that positively impacted our recruitment processes and the experience of both candidates and leaders involved in the selection.

    The tracking of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Net Promoter Score (NPS) also became more transparent and accessible. With detailed dashboards and real-time reporting, we were able to continuously…

    The implementation of the Kenoby recruitment and selection management tool was a significant milestone in our company. This platform provided numerous benefits that positively impacted our recruitment processes and the experience of both candidates and leaders involved in the selection.

    The tracking of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Net Promoter Score (NPS) also became more transparent and accessible. With detailed dashboards and real-time reporting, we were able to continuously assess our recruitment performance and identify areas for improvement.

    Furthermore, the candidate experience was significantly enhanced. With Kenoby, we implemented a more efficient and user-friendly process, ensuring that candidates were treated with respect and consideration at every stage. The platform also allowed candidates to track the status of their applications, providing instant feedback, which contributed to a more positive impression of our company, even for those who were not selected.

    The experience of leaders involved in the selection process was also transformed. The system provided an intuitive and streamlined interface for candidate evaluation, enabling more effective collaboration among those involved in the recruitment process. This saved time, reduced workload, and increased leader satisfaction, making the selection process more efficient.

    Another crucial aspect was Kenoby's ability to assist us in identifying the best professionals. The platform provided us with advanced candidate analysis tools and screening automation, making the selection process more accurate and effective. This resulted in more precise hires and the inclusion of talents that better align with our organizational culture and needs.

  • SuccessFactors


    My experience in implementing the Standard Recruitment and Performance modules of SAP's "SuccessFactors" was truly transformative. In a record time of just 9 weeks, we were able to launch these crucial resources for our company, bringing a host of significant benefits.

    The implementation of these modules allowed for a remarkable optimization of our recruitment processes, making them more efficient and agile. This resulted in time and resource savings, as well as ensuring a smoother…

    My experience in implementing the Standard Recruitment and Performance modules of SAP's "SuccessFactors" was truly transformative. In a record time of just 9 weeks, we were able to launch these crucial resources for our company, bringing a host of significant benefits.

    The implementation of these modules allowed for a remarkable optimization of our recruitment processes, making them more efficient and agile. This resulted in time and resource savings, as well as ensuring a smoother experience for candidates and involved managers.

    Furthermore, the platform provided a comprehensive, real-time view of team performance, facilitating the identification of strengths and areas for improvement. This enabled a more strategic approach to human capital management, with the ability to align individual goals and objectives with those of the organization.

    The modules also brought greater transparency and clarity to the entire performance management cycle, from goal setting to performance review and ongoing development. This performance-focused approach helped drive growth and excellence within our team.

    Overall, this experience was marked not only by the speed of implementation but also by the tangible benefits it brought to our organization, making our recruitment processes more effective and our performance management more strategic. It was a pivotal milestone in our journey of improvement and growth.

Reconhecimentos e prêmios

  • Analista de Recursos Humanos

    Tupperware Brand

    Troféu "Contribuição Proativa" 2012


  • Inglês

    Nível avançado

  • Espanhol


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