Diego Trica

Diego Trica

Chemical, Food and Process Engineer, M.Sc

Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
868 seguidores + de 500 conexões


Chemical and Process Engineer since December 2011 in Oil & Gas industries.

Started as Junior Engineer working for a simulation process lab at LADES-COPPE-UFRJ, developing and implementing advanced and soft sensors control logics for natural gas and urea processing plants. In May, 2013 started at Petrobras for the Company Process Engineer capacitation. From May 2014 to December 2017, actuated providing technical support for 12 oil & gas platforms of Campos Basin at Rio de Janeiro. In January 2018, I was promoted to Operational Coordinator and worked for 08 months at Brasfels shipyard for the construction of the offshore installation P-69.

Since September 2018 until nowadays, I am actuating as Operational Coordinator for P-69, leading two teams working on shift: day and night. I'm the technical responsible for the daily oil & gas production events on process plant, which me and the other Coordinators daily communicate the onshore support team.

My principal goals achieved and key projects are:
- Workgroup for selecting critical valves by reliability centered maintenance;
- Commissioning of oil production well BR-69 when providing technical support for P-43;
- Implementation and supervision of process safety studies recommendations in the P-69 construction at shipyard;
- Comissioning of first oil production well LL-70, main gas compression and injection gas compression systems;
- Planning coordinator for P-69 maintenance turnaround.

My characteristics are:
- High-focus on practical troubleshooting;
- Leadership;
- Good communication;
- Pursuit of technical excellence.



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  • Petrobras


    11 anos 6 meses

    • Gráfico Petrobras

      Production Superintendent


      - o momento 6 anos 2 meses

      São Paulo e Região, Brasil

      Santos Basin Exploration and Production Operation Unit
      Tupi Production Asset
      P-69 Operation

      Production team leader and technical responsible at offshore installation PETROBRAS 69 (P-69).

      Analysis and approval of intervention services (Permit to Work), Override approval of safety instrumentation and other changes on process plant systems and equipments. Supervision of two teams working on shift: day and night. Rapid and assertive decisions to mitigate impacts on oil and gas…

      Santos Basin Exploration and Production Operation Unit
      Tupi Production Asset
      P-69 Operation

      Production team leader and technical responsible at offshore installation PETROBRAS 69 (P-69).

      Analysis and approval of intervention services (Permit to Work), Override approval of safety instrumentation and other changes on process plant systems and equipments. Supervision of two teams working on shift: day and night. Rapid and assertive decisions to mitigate impacts on oil and gas production. Daily communication with on-shore team about oil & gas production events

      - First oil production well filed comissioning
      - Main compression system and injection compression system field comissioning
      - 2022 P-69 maintenence turnaorund

    • Gráfico Petrobras

      Production Superintendent


      - 8 meses

      Santos Basin Exploration and Production Operation Unit
      Pre-Operation Integration
      P-69 Pre-Operation

      Production team leader and technical responsible on the construction of the offshore installation PETROBRAS 69 (P-69) at Brasfels shipyard, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil.

      Approval of Performance Acceptance Tests (TAP) for process plant systems and subsystems. Supervision of process safety studies recommendations implementation. Development of process plant systems and subsystems…

      Santos Basin Exploration and Production Operation Unit
      Pre-Operation Integration
      P-69 Pre-Operation

      Production team leader and technical responsible on the construction of the offshore installation PETROBRAS 69 (P-69) at Brasfels shipyard, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil.

      Approval of Performance Acceptance Tests (TAP) for process plant systems and subsystems. Supervision of process safety studies recommendations implementation. Development of process plant systems and subsystems operational procediments & instructions

      - Pre-operation process plant Hazard & Operability Studies (HAZOP)
      - "First Oil" operational procedure and risk analysis
      - Commissioning procedure of the first oil production well

    • Process Engineer


      - 3 anos 8 meses

      Rio de Janeiro e Região, Brasil

      Rio de Janeiro Exploration and Production Operation Unit
      Process and Production Instalations
      Fluid Processing and Metering

      Process engineer as technical support for upstream oil & gas industry.

      Engineering problem diagnostics. Technical and process safety studies. Oil, produced water and gas separation. Water injection and sulphate removal units. Chemical products avaliation. Actuation on field demands: troubleshooting and unit startup

      - Comissioning of…

      Rio de Janeiro Exploration and Production Operation Unit
      Process and Production Instalations
      Fluid Processing and Metering

      Process engineer as technical support for upstream oil & gas industry.

      Engineering problem diagnostics. Technical and process safety studies. Oil, produced water and gas separation. Water injection and sulphate removal units. Chemical products avaliation. Actuation on field demands: troubleshooting and unit startup

      - Comissioning of BR-69 oil production well
      - Reliability workgroup for critical valves on oil & gas platforms of UO-Rio
      - Water injection increase efficiency workgroup

    • Process Engineer


      - 1 ano

      Rio de Janeiro e Região, Brasil

      Petrobras University: Programme of Petroleum and Natural Gas Processing (CENPRO)

  • Gráfico MBP COPPE/UFRJ



    - o momento 1 ano 6 meses

    Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

    Instructor in disciplines of Upstream Production & FPSO Facilities

  • Researcher


    - 1 ano 5 meses

    Centro de Tecnologia, UFRJ, Bloco H, I-135

    Process engineer for implementation of advanced control techniques for downstream oil & gas industry.

    Identification of process and control tunning. Development of process models for soft sensors. Application of MPC and RTO on petrochemical and oil refining plants

    - Gas Processing Unit of Caraguatatuba (UTGCA) – Petrobras
    - Nitrogen Fertilizers Manufacturing Plant of Bahia (FAFEN-BA). Urea production process – Petrobras

Formação acadêmica

  • Gráfico Harvard Business School Online

    Harvard Business School Online

    Master of Business Administration - MBA Business/Commerce, General


    Petrobras University / Management and Leadership Academy (UP/AGL) welcomes you to Harvard ManageMentor!

    Explore the concepts in each lesson, practice what you've learned, and start your journey to become a leader who can promote the four movements needed to achieve sustainable results that meet business needs: 1) move to self (self-development); 2) mobilize people to be one team (inspire and integrate people); 3) move the business (decisions with conformity and commitment to life); 4)…

    Petrobras University / Management and Leadership Academy (UP/AGL) welcomes you to Harvard ManageMentor!

    Explore the concepts in each lesson, practice what you've learned, and start your journey to become a leader who can promote the four movements needed to achieve sustainable results that meet business needs: 1) move to self (self-development); 2) mobilize people to be one team (inspire and integrate people); 3) move the business (decisions with conformity and commitment to life); 4) move the company (systemic vision and innovation and change drive).


    Master's degree Chemical Engineering


    Dissertation: Saline Ethanol-Water Extractive Distillation. Non-equilibrium Model and Secondary Alcohols Effects on Vapor-liquid Equilibria

    Link: http://portal.peq.coppe.ufrj.br/index.php/producao-academica/dissertacoes-de-mestrado/2015/14-separacao-etanol-agua-por-destilacao-extrativa-utilizando-sais-inorganicos-modelo-de-nao-equilibrio-e-efeito-de-alcoois-secundarios-no-equilibrio-liquido-vapor/file

  • UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

    Bachelor's degree Chemical Engineer


    Final Paper: Elementar Sulphur Formation on Natural Gas Pipelines

  • Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

    Bachelor's degree Food Engineer


    Final Paper: Reliability of Critical Control Points: Case Study of a Fresh Pasta Industry


  • Introdução à Modelagem e Dinâmica para Controle de Processos

    O pernambucano Maurício Bezerra de Souza Júnior formou-se em Engenharia Química pela UFPE em 1986, tendo realizado mestrado (1989) e doutorado (1993) pelo Programa de Engenharia Química (PEQ) da COPPE/UFRJ. É professor da área de Controle de Processos, tendo atuado inicialmente na UFRRJ (1990-1995) e na UFPE (1995-1998). Desde 1998, é docente da Escola de Química da UFRJ. O carioca Diego José Trica formou-se em Engenharia Química e Engenharia de Alimentos pela Escola de Química da UFRJ em 2011,…

    O pernambucano Maurício Bezerra de Souza Júnior formou-se em Engenharia Química pela UFPE em 1986, tendo realizado mestrado (1989) e doutorado (1993) pelo Programa de Engenharia Química (PEQ) da COPPE/UFRJ. É professor da área de Controle de Processos, tendo atuado inicialmente na UFRRJ (1990-1995) e na UFPE (1995-1998). Desde 1998, é docente da Escola de Química da UFRJ. O carioca Diego José Trica formou-se em Engenharia Química e Engenharia de Alimentos pela Escola de Química da UFRJ em 2011, tendo realizado mestrado (2015) pelo Programa de Engenharia Química (PEQ) da COPPE/UFRJ. É, desde 2013, Engenheiro de Processamento da PETROBRAS, tendo atuado no suporte técnico às operações de unidades marítimas de produção de petróleo. Hoje atua como Coordenador de Produção em regime offshore. Este texto vem sendo aperfeiçoado ao longo dos anos nos cursos de Modelagem e de Controle ministrados para alunos de graduação em Engenharia Química e de Alimentos e afins na UFRRJ e UFPE (anos 90) e UFRJ, desde 1998, pelo Professor Maurício. A primeira edição apresentada corresponde ao curso de Modelagem e Dinâmica de Processos, ministrado na Escola de Química da UFRJ, e baseia-se em textos clássicos de Controle de Processos, tendo sido elaborada em conjunto pelo Professor Maurício e pelo Engenheiro Diego Trica. Nesta segunda edição acrescentamos mais seis capítulos, correspondentes aos conhecimentos ministrados no curso de Controle de Processos, também ministrado na Escola de Química da UFRJ, e fizemos acréscimo de conteúdo nos sete capítulos originais. Exercícios da apostila de “100 problemas de controle” do Prof. Maurício foram inseridos ao final dos capítulos. O Professor Maurício gostaria de agradecer aos alunos dos cursos ao longo desses mais de 20 anos e dedicar esse livro aos novos e futuros alunos. Agradece ainda a sua família - pais, Maurício e Socorro; irmãos, Grace e Giancarlo; esposa, Elizabeth, e filhos, Lígia, Bernardo e Vinícius - pelo amor e estímulo permanentes.

    Outros autores
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  • Dynamic modeling of a topside process plant with modified black-oil approach

    Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

    Modeling and simulation of oil and gas facilities has been done by several authors in closed-source commercial applications, with low flexibility for model adaptation. A few authors used free modeling environments, which results in a differential-algebraic equations (DAE) system and lets the model be adaptable for plantwide simulation. Still, it has limitations in obtaining the model’s initial conditions and to perform dynamic simulations when the compositional approach is used. The Modified…

    Modeling and simulation of oil and gas facilities has been done by several authors in closed-source commercial applications, with low flexibility for model adaptation. A few authors used free modeling environments, which results in a differential-algebraic equations (DAE) system and lets the model be adaptable for plantwide simulation. Still, it has limitations in obtaining the model’s initial conditions and to perform dynamic simulations when the compositional approach is used. The Modified Black-Oil (MBO) approach, which models the thermodynamic equilibria in a simpler way, has been used by several authors for reservoir modeling but not for topside facilities. This work proposes the use of the MBO approach for topside dynamic modeling. This was done in EMSO©, obtaining a large index-1 DAE system and successful obtention of consistent initial conditions. Disturbances on specific variables were applied and shows the potential use of the MBO approach for new dynamic studies.

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    Congresso ABRISCO 2019

    Este trabalho é referente à aplicação da norma NORSOK Z-008 para identificar os subsistemas de plataformas de óleo & gás que acarretam em alto impacto aos interesses do negócio, quando há perda da função principal (FP) que desempenham. Através de uma estrutura hierárquica funcional (EHF) elaborada especificamente para subsistemas da indústria upstream, os respectivos equipamentos e componentes receberam classificação de consequência correspondente. Indicadores, dados pelo produto de uma…

    Este trabalho é referente à aplicação da norma NORSOK Z-008 para identificar os subsistemas de plataformas de óleo & gás que acarretam em alto impacto aos interesses do negócio, quando há perda da função principal (FP) que desempenham. Através de uma estrutura hierárquica funcional (EHF) elaborada especificamente para subsistemas da indústria upstream, os respectivos equipamentos e componentes receberam classificação de consequência correspondente. Indicadores, dados pelo produto de uma consequência específica aos interesses do negócio vezes a duração da perda da FP, foram utilizados para definir a criticidade dos ativos físicos.
    O trabalho foi motivado para iniciar uma sistemática de manutenção baseada em risco para válvulas de alívio, válvulas instrumentadas de segurança, de controle, operadas remotamente e algumas válvulas manuais relevantes ao processo. O objetivo foi propor estratégias de manutenção preditiva (ex: monitoramento da condição) e parâmetros de estoque mínimo de sobressalentes.
    Uma comparação da técnica com 21 eventos reais de perda de produção foi feita e verificou-se que foi possível prever adequadamente em todos os eventos a consequência real ocorrida, demonstrando assim a eficácia da técnica. Utilizando como severidade a consequência x duração da indisponibilidade da FP - denominada de forma didática como "perda projetada" - foi identificado que 24% das válvulas possuem relevante impacto prolongado aos interesses do negócio. Supondo a aplicação de uma política de estoque mínimo buscando agilizar a manutenção e reduzir a indisponibilidade dessas válvulas, o montante de válvulas de impacto prolongado reduziria para 5%. Essas válvulas seriam, portanto, as candidatas para instalação de dispositivos de monitoramento da condição física dos ativos (ex: sensoriamento online). Tal resultado demonstra o potencial da técnica e dos critérios empregados para reduzir os custos de capital investido com uma iniciativa para manutenção baseada em risco.

    Outros autores
    • Mateus Henrique Ferreira de Araújo
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  • Mathematical modelling for the impact evaluation of upstream oil & gas processing plants arrangement on inorganic fouling kinetics inhibition.

    Petrobras. Fluid Processing & Metering Community Practices

    The deposition of inorganic salts along the processing plant is a phenomenon that can cause a platform to stop it's production for several days. Inorganic salts are derived from the water produced, whose reservoir pressure and temperature conditions keep them dissolved. By changing these conditions after topside elevation or by mixing water from wells of incompatible compositions, precipitation of salts is thermodynamically favored. The deposition of salts on the walls of pipes / equipment…

    The deposition of inorganic salts along the processing plant is a phenomenon that can cause a platform to stop it's production for several days. Inorganic salts are derived from the water produced, whose reservoir pressure and temperature conditions keep them dissolved. By changing these conditions after topside elevation or by mixing water from wells of incompatible compositions, precipitation of salts is thermodynamically favored. The deposition of salts on the walls of pipes / equipment occurs according to nucleation and crystal growth kinetics.

    Fouling inhibitors are chemicals that act to retard the nucleation kinetics of the first crystals and are thus classified by kinetic inhibitors. Therefore, to avoid salt deposition it is necessary to apply a sufficient concentration of inhibitor that eliminates or minimizes the formation of the first crystals during the period that the brine (i.e. produced water) flows through the processing plant. This concentration is called Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC).

    For new projects, with arrangement according to Pre-salt Replicants Platforms Units, there is recycling of the water produced to the beginning of the plant and all produced water is removed on the primary separator. A recycle stream of separated produced water present on the primary separator from susequent process vessels brings up an alert. Depending on the proportion of the flow that feeds the process plant and the recycling stream (feed-to-recycle ratio), brine accumulated in the system may take a long time to renew and the concentration of previously dosed scale inhibitor may no longer have the
    inhibiting activity required - because it is a product of kinetics inhibition.

    We conclude that the renewal of accumulated brine inventory in processing plants with produced water recycle may take long enough that inorganic fouling inhibitors will no longer have the required activity.

    Outros autores
    • Ramon Matos Rios
    • Gesner Andrade Nery Jr


    This work evaluated through computational simulation the influence of inorganic salts on extractive distillation for production of anhydrous ethanol. The effect of electrolytes has been evaluate on the vapor-liquid equilibria of mixed-solvent solutions with secondary alcohols, being in this work represented by 1-propanol and 2-propanol. The electrolyte effects on plate efficiencies also has been evaluate through the influence of them on the principal transport properties which affects plate…

    This work evaluated through computational simulation the influence of inorganic salts on extractive distillation for production of anhydrous ethanol. The effect of electrolytes has been evaluate on the vapor-liquid equilibria of mixed-solvent solutions with secondary alcohols, being in this work represented by 1-propanol and 2-propanol. The electrolyte effects on plate efficiencies also has been evaluate through the influence of them on the principal transport properties which affects plate efficiency: surface tension and liquid phase viscosity. Equilibrium models had been use for the evaluation of secondary alcohols and non-equilibrium models for evaluation of plate efficiencies. The results obtained show that electrolyte concentrations below 0.6 mol/kg are sufficient to turn possible production of anhydrous ethanol. For this concentration range, there is a significant change in the ethanol and secondary alcohols composition profiles along the distillation column and little effect on transport properties. This can be concluded comparing the efficiencies of each plate in absence or presence of electrolyte, for which ones were verified similar values for both cases.

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  • Curso Avançado de Combate à Incêndio


  • Curso Básico de Segurança em Plataformas


  • Norma Regulamentadora 13


  • Norma Regulamentadora 33


  • Norma Regulamentadora 35



  • Português


  • Inglês


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