Showing posts with label Conferencing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conferencing. Show all posts

A deep dive into WebRTC topology

There are many prior articles on the web about the WebRTC media path topology in a multiparty scenario. Those usually cover the basic topology of full-mesh and centralized, including MCU and SFU. 

In practice, conferencing systems often exhibit complex topologies beyond this basic view. For example cascaded servers can scale to a much larger meeting or live streaming, especially when participants are geographically distributed and clustered. Separate topology for audio vs. video media paths may enable easy integration and interoperation with telephone and VoIP systems.

In this article, I take a deep dive into WebRTC media path topology — understanding the benefits and tradeoffs of various alternatives — including, but also beyond, the simplified view of full mesh, MCU and SFU.

How not to design a video conferencing product?

"Can you please stop sharing your screen so that I can share mine?" "I can't see that part of your shared screen because those buttons are overlaid on top." "How can I share my second webcam without stopping the first?" "Can you please say that again? I missed the last part." "It shows only up to nine videos even though I have a very big screen."

Do you ever feel frustrated due to some artificial restriction imposed by the video conferencing product you use? In this informal article, which some will find quite opinionated, I list some annoying product "features" when it comes to video conferencing. 

WebRTC notification system and signaling paradigms

This article describes notification system in WebRTC, and presents some common signaling paradigms found in existing WebRTC applications: How does WebRTC work? What is a notification service? What are the signaling paradigms? Which one would you choose? Can the abstractions be converted from one another?

Impress.js 3D presentations on cloud, communication, WebRTC and mobile

I am really impressed by impress.js presentation framework based on CSS3. It is pretty low level, requires knowledge of HTML and CSS, and is small enough that it can stay out of your way. Others have created very impressive 3D presentations. I also did my share of 3D presentations in 2015, as various conference paper presentations, while at Avaya Labs.

click here to see all my presentations

Below, I list my presentations and associated demo videos largely based on impress.js framework. When viewing a presentation, use an HTML5 capable browser such as Chrome or Safari, and please wait for it to loads completely, and the browser's loading icon to stop spinning, before doing the slide show.

My WebRTC related papers from 2013

This post gives an overview of my past and ongoing research on web-based multimedia communication. I wrote four published co-authored research papers last year answering these questions - How does WebRTC interoperate with existing SIP/VoIP systems and how does SIP in JavaScript compare with other approaches? What challenges lie ahead of enterprises in adopting WebRTC and what can they do? How can developers take advantage of WebRTC and HTML5 in creating rich internet applications in the cloud? How does emerging HTML5 technology allow better enterprise collaboration using rich application mash-ups? Read on if one or more of these questions interest you...

A Case for SIP in JavaScript

WebRTC (Web Real Time Communications) promises easy interaction with others using just your web browser on a website. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is the backbone of Internet communications interconnecting many devices, servers and systems you use daily for your call. Connecting WebRTC with SIP/RTP raises more questions than what we already know, e.g., does interoperability really work? what changes do you need in the existing devices and systems? does the conversion happen at the server or in the browser? what are the trade-offs of doing the translation? what are the risks if you go full throttle with WebRTC in the browser? and many more. There is a need for a fair comparison to evaluate not only what is theoretically possible but also practically achievable with existing systems.
"This paper presents the challenges and compares the alternatives to interoperate between the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)-based systems and the emerging standards for the Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC). We argue for an end-point and web-focused architecture, and present both sides of the SIP in JavaScript approach. Until WebRTC has ubiquitous cross-browser availability, we suggest a fall back strategy for web developers — detect and use HTML5 if available, otherwise fall back to a browser plugin."

Taking on WebRTC in an enterprise

On one hand WebRTC enables the end-users to communicate with others directly from their browsers, on the other it opens a can of worms a door to many novel communicating applications that scares your enterprise IT guy. Existing enterprise policies and tools are designed to work with existing communication systems such as emails and VoIP, and employ bunch of edge devices such as firewalls, reverse proxies, email filters and SBCs (session border controllers) to protect the enterprise data and interaction from the outside world. Unfortunately, session-less WebRTC media flows and, more importantly, end-to-end encrypted data channels, pose the same threat to enterprise security that peer-to-peer applications did. The first reaction from your IT guy will likely be to block all such peer-to-peer flows in the firewall. There is a need to systematically understand the risk and propose potential solutions so that the pearls of WebRTC can co-exist with the chains-and-locks of enterprise security.
 "WebRTC will have a major impact on enterprise communications, as well as consumer communications and their interactions with enterprises. This article illustrates and discusses a number of issues that are specific to WebRTC enterprise usage. Some of these relate to security: firewall traversal, access control, and peer-to-peer data flows. Others relate to compliance: recording, logging, and enforcing enterprise policies. Additional enterprise considerations relate to integration and interoperation with existing communication infrastructure and session-centric telephony systems."

Building communicating web applications leveraging endpoints and cloud resource service

One problem with the growth of SIP was that there were not many applications that demonstrated its capabilities beyond replacing a telephone call. This resulted in telephony mindset dominating the evolution in both standards and deployments. At the core of it, WebRTC essentially does most of what SIP aims for - peer-to-peer media flows and control in the end-points. Unfortunately, telephony influence in existing SIP devices, servers and providers have hidden that benefit from the end-user. There is a need to avoid such dominating telephony influence on WebRTC by demonstrating how easy it is to build communicating web applications, without relying on existing (and expensive) VoIP infrastructure. 
Secondly, the open web is threatened by closed social websites that tend to lock the user data in their ecosystem, and force the user to only use what they build, go where they exist and talk to who they allow. This developer focused research is an attempt to go against them, by showing a rich internet application architecture focused on application logic in the end-point and application mash-ups at the data-level. It shows my 15+ crucial web widgets written in few hundred lines of code each, covering wide rand of use cases from video click-to-call to automatic-call-distribution, call-queue and shared white-boards, and my web applications such as multiparty video collaboration, instant messaging/communicator, video presence and personal social wall, all written using HTML5 without depending on "the others" (imagine tune from lost played here) - the others are the existing SIP, XMPP or Flash Player based systems.
"We describe a resource-based architecture to quickly and easily build communicating web applications. Resources are structured and hierarchical data stored in the server but accessed by the endpoint via the application logic running in the browser. The architecture enables deployments that are fully cloud based, fully on-premise or hybrid of the two. Unlike a single web application controlling the user's social data, this model allows any application to access the authenticated user's resources promoting application mash-ups. For example, user contacts are created by one application but used by another based on the permission from the user instead of the first application."

Private overlay of enterprise social data and interactions in the public web context

Continuing the previous research theme, this research focuses on enterprise collaboration and enterprise social interactions. The goal is to define a few architectural principles to facilitate rich user interactions, both real-time and offline in the form of digital trail, in an enterprise environment. In particular, my proof-of-concept project described in the paper shows how to do web annotations, virtual presence, co-browsing, click-to-call from corporate directory, and internal context sensitive personal wall. The basic idea is to separate the application logic from the user data, keep the user data protected within the enterprise network, use public web as a context for storing the user interactions and build a generic web application framework running the browser.
"We describe our project, living-content, that creates a private overlay of enterprise social data and interactions on public websites via a browser extension and HTML5. It enables starting collaboration from and storing private interactions in the context of web pages. It addresses issues such as lack of adoption, privacy concerns and fragmented collaboration seen in enterprise social networks. In a data-centric approach, we show application scenarios for virtual presence, web annotations, interactions and mash-ups such as showing a user's presence on linked-in pages or embedding a social wall in corporate directory without help from those websites. The project enables new group interactions not found in existing social networks."

RESTful communication over WebSocket

This article shows how to implement generic resource oriented communication on top of synchronous channel such as WebSocket. This is a continuation of my previous article on REST and SIP [1] and provides more concrete thoughts because I now have an actual implementation of part of this in my web conferencing application. Other people have commented on the idea of REST on WebSocket [2]. (Using the term RESTful, which inherently is stateless, is confusing with a stateful WebSocket transport. Changing the title of this article to "Resource oriented and event-based communication over WebSocket" is more appropriate.)

Following are the basic principles of such a mechanism.
  1. Enable resource-oriented (instead of RPC-style) communication.
  2. Enable asynchronous notification when a resource (or its child resource) changes.
  3. Enable asynchronous event subscribe, publish, and notification.
  4. Enable Unix file system style access control on resources.
  5. Enable the concept of transient vs persistent resources.
Consider my favorite example of web conferencing application. The logged in users list is represented as resource /login relative to the hosting domain, and the calls list as /call. If the provider supports concept of registered subscribers, those can be at /user. For example, /user/[email protected] can be my user profile.

Now let us look at how the four motivational points apply in this example.

1) Enable resource-oriented (instead of RPC-style) communication.

Every resource has its own representation, e.g., in JSON or XML. For example, /login/[email protected] can be {"name": "Bob Smith", "email": "[email protected]", "has-video": true, "has-audio": true}. The client-server communication can be over HTTP using standard RESTful or over WebSocket to access these resources.

Over WebSocket, the client sends a request of the form '{"method":"PUT","resource":"/login/[email protected]", "type":"application/json","entity":{"name":"Bob Smith", ...}}' to login. The server treats this as same as that received on just HTTP using RESTful PUT request.

A resource-oriented (instead of RPC-style) communication allows us to keep all the business logic in the client, which uses the server only as a data store. The standard HTTP methods allow access to such data, e.g., POST to create, PUT to update, GET to read and DELETE to delete. POST is a special method that must return the resource identifier of the newly created resource. For example, when a client does POST /call to create a new call, the server returns {"id": "conf123"} to indicate that the new resource identifier is "conf123" relative to /call and call be accessed at "/call/conf123".

2) Enable asynchronous notification when a resource (or its child resource) changes.

Many web applications including web conferencing need the notion of asynchronous notifications, e.g., when a user is online, or a user joins/leaves a call. Traditionally, Internet communication has used protocols such as SIP and XMPP for asynchronous notifications. With the advent of WebSocket (and the popular project) it is possible to implement persistent client-server connection for asynchronous notifications and messages within the web browser.

In this mechanism, a generic notification architecture is applied to resources. A new method named "SUBSCRIBE" is used to subscribe to any resource. A subscriber receives notification whenever the resource or its immediate children are changed (created, updated or deleted). For example, a conference participant sends the following over WebSocket: '{"method":"SUBSCRIBE","resource":"/call/conf123"}'. Whenever the server detects that a new PUT is done for "/call/conf123/participant12" or a new POST is done for "/call/conf123" it sends a notification message to the subscriber over WebSocket: '{"notify":"UPDATE","resource":"/call/conf123","type":"application/json","entity":{ ... child resource}, "create":"participant12"}'. On the other hand, if the moderator does a PUT on "/call/conf123", then the server sends a notification as '{"notify":"PUT","resource":"/call/conf123","type":"application/json", "entity":{... parent resource}}'. In summary, the server generates the notification to both the modified resource "/call/conf123/participant12" as well as the parent resource, "/call/conf123".

The notification message contains a new "notify" attribute instead of re-using the "method" attribute to indicate the type of notification. For example, "PUT", "POST", "DELETE" means that the resource identified in "resource" attribute has been modified using that method by another client. In this case the "type" and "entity" attribute represent the "resource". Similarly, "UPDATE" means that a child resource has been modified and the details of the child resource identifier is in "create", "update" or "delete" attribute. In this case the "type" and "entity" attribute represent the child resource identified in "create", "update" or "delete".

The concept of notifications when a resource change is available in ActionScript programming language. For example, a markup text can use width="{size}" to bind the "width" property of a user interface component to the "size" variable. Whenever the "size" changes the "width" is updated. A property change event is dispatched to enable the notification. Similarly in our mechanism, a resource can be subscribed for to detect change in its value or the value of its children resources by the client application.

3) Enable asynchronous event subscribe, publish, and notification

The previous point enables a client to receive notification when a resource changes and these notifications are server generated notifications. Additionally, we need a generic end-to-end publish-subscribe mechanism to allow a client to send notification to all the subscribers without dealing with a resource modification. This allows end-to-end notifications from one client to others, via the server.

When a client subscribes to a resource, it also receives generic notifications sent by another client on that resource. A new NOTIFY method is defined. For example, if a client sends '{"method":"NOTIFY","resource":"/login/[email protected]","type":"application/json","data":{"invite-to":"/call/conf123","invite-id":"6253"}}', and another client is subscribed to /login/[email protected], then it receives a notification message as '{"notify":"NOTIFY", "resource":"/login/[email protected]","type":"application/json","data":{...}}'. In summary, the server just passes the "data" attribute to all the subscribers. The "notify" value of "NOTIFY" means an end-to-end notification generated because another client sent a NOTIFY method.

In a web conferencing application, most of the notifications are associated with a resource, e.g., conference membership change, presence status change, etc. Some notifications such as call invitation or cancel can be independent of a resource, and the NOTIFY mechanism can be used. For example, sending a NOTIFY to /login/[email protected] is received by all the subscribers of this resource.

4) Enable Unix file system style access control on resources.

Without an authentication and access control mechanism, the resource oriented communication protocol described earlier becomes useless. Fortunately, it is possible to design a generic access control mechanism similar to Unix file system. Essentially, each resource is treated as a file and a directory. In analogy, all the child resources of this resource belong to the directory, whereas the resource entity belongs to the file. The service provider can configure top-level directories with user permissions, e.g., anyone can add child to "/user", and once added will be owned by that user. Thus if user Bob creates /user/bob, then Bob owns the subtree of this resource. It is up to Bob to configure the permissions of its child resources. For example, it can configure /user/bob/inbox to be writable by anyone but readable only by self, e.g., permissions "rwx-w--w-". This allows a web based voice and video mail application.

Unlike traditional file system data model with create, update, read and write, we also need permissions bit for subscription. For example, only Bob should be allowed to subscribe to /user/bob so that other users cannot get notifications sent to Bob. The concept of group is little vague but can be incorporated in this mechanism as well. Finally, a notion of anonymous user needs to be added so that any client which does not have account with the service provider can also get permissions if needed.

In summary, the permissions bits become five bits for each of the four categories: self, group, others-authenticated, others-anonymous. The four bits define permissions to allow create, read, update, write and subscribe. Existing authentication such as HTTP basic/digest, cookies or oAuth based sessions can be used to actually authenticate the client.

5) Enable the concept of transient vs persistent resources.

In software programming, application developers typically use local and global variables to represent transient and persistent data respectively. A similar concept is needed in the generic resource oriented communication application. So far we have seen how to read, write, update and create resources. Each resource can be transient, so that it is deleted when the client which created the resource is disconnected, or persistent which remains even after the client disconnects. For example, when a client POSTs to /call/conf123, it wants that resource to be transient which gets deleted when the client is disconnected. This causes the resource to be used as a conference membership resource, and the server notifies other participants when an existing participant is disconnected. On the other hand, when a client POSTs to /user/[email protected], it wants it to be the persistent user profile which is available even when this user has disconnected.

The concept of transient and persistent in the resource-oriented system allows the client to easily create a variety of applications without having to write custom kludges. In general a new resource should be created as transient by default, unless the client requests a persistent resource. Whenever the client disconnects the WebSocket all the transient resources (or local variables) of that client are deleted, and appropriate notifications are sent to the subscribers as needed.


I have implemented part of this concept in my web conferencing project. The server side (called as service provider) is a generic PHP "restserver.php" application that accepts WebSocket connections and uses a back-end MySQL database to store and manage resources and subscriptions. Each connected client is assigned a unique client-id. There are two database tables: the resource table has fields resource-id (e.g., "/login/[email protected]"), parent-resource-id (e.g., "/login"), type (e.g., "application/json"), entity (i.e., actual JSON representation string), and client-id, whereas the subscribe table has fields resource-id of the target resource and client-id of the subscriber. The subscriptions are always transient, i.e., when the client disconnects the all subcribe rows are removed for that client-id. The resources can be transient or persistent. By default any new resource is created as transient and the client-id is stored in that row. When the client disconnects all the resources with the matching client-id are removed and appropriate notifications generated. A client can create persistent resource by supplying "persistent": true attribute in the PUT or POST request, and the server puts empty client-id for that new resource.

The generic "restserver.php" server application can be used in a variety of web communication applications, and we have shown it to work with web conferencing and slides presentation application.

Flash-VideoIO: Flash-based audio and video communication

I launched the Flash-VideoIO project to facilitate audio and video communication using easy-to-use reusable Flash application with extensive JavaScript API. More from the project page...

"Flash-VideoIO is a reusable generic Flash application to record and play live audio and video content. The Flash-VideoIO project aims at implementing a generic Flash application named VideoIO.swf which can be used for variety of use cases in audio and video communication, e.g., live camera view, recording of multimedia messages, playing video files from web server or via streaming, live video call and conferencing using client-server as well as peer-to-peer technology."

Developers are invited to explore and experiment with the VideoIO component, provide feedback and/or contribute to the development.


This article describes a RESTful SIP application server architecture.

Why do we need this?
SIP is the protocol of choice for Internet session initiation and control such as for VoIP or multimedia calls. Although SIP is similar to HTTP in many respects, there are crucial differences in the design. Two of the major difficulties among web developers in adopting SIP are (1) no existing SIP-based web tools similar to programming libraries for HTTP and XMPP on Flash Player, (2) the initial cost to get started with basic working system is huge with lot of specifications, e.g., for NAT and firewall traversal. On the other hand, web developers are used to building applications on top of HTTP which works for most cases out of the box. More recently RESTful architectures are gaining popularity among web services. In the absence of easy to use web tools for SIP and large set of specifications for a SIP system, web developers tend to resort to quick and dirty hacks which in the end are short term and not interoperable. Hence there is a need for a easy to use RESTful architecture for SIP-based systems that allows quick application development by web developers. This article proposes such an architecture.

What exactly is difficult?
SIP supports both UDP and TCP transports. Many earlier systems implemented UDP, whereas both transports are a must for SIP proxy servers. In client-server communication, with several clients behind NAT and firewall, UDP causes problem. Secondly, with UDP you also need the reliability of transactions and hence the transaction state machines in SIP. The SIP request forking and early media feature have created lot of stir and confusion among developers. Several other telephony-style features are also not needed for many Internet oriented SIP applications that do not talk to a phone network. The NAT and firewall traversal are defined outside core SIP, e.g., using rport, sip-outbound. A developer usually prefers to have an integrated application library and API that is quick and easy to use. Moreover with lots of RFCs related to SIP, it becomes difficult to figure out what specifications are core and what are optional for a particular use case. A number of new web-based video communication systems use proprietary technologies such as on Flash Player because of lack of a ready-to-use SIP library to satisfy the needs.

To solve the difficulties faced by web developers, a subset of the core features of SIP are needed as an easy to use API. Such an API could be available as a built-in browser feature or a plugin. Once the core set of resources are identified, rest of the API can be customized by the application server providers and developers, or in separate communities.

What use cases are considered?
SIP is designed to be used consistently in different use cases such as client-to-client communication, client-to-server as well as server-to-server. The core SIP says that each SIP user agent (application client) has both UAC (client) and UAS (server). In this article I refer to client as a user agent and server as an application server, which are different from SIP terminology. Since the target audience for the proposal is application developers, only the client-server interface needs to be considered. The backend application server can translate the client-server request to appropriate SIP messaging for server-to-server case if needed, e.g., for service provider's network you may need high performance UDP based server-to-server SIP messages.

What are the SIP-related resources?
Once we focus on a small subset of the problem -- define RESTful API for client-server communication to access a SIP application server -- rest of the solution falls in place naturally. In particular, the SIP application server will provide two core resources: "/login" and "/call" to represent list of currently logged in users and list of active calls. Additionally, it can provide user profiles of signed up users at "/user" which internally may contain things like voicemail resources for the user. The client uses standard HTTP requests, with some additional methods as shown below, to access the resources and interact with others. One difference with standard RESTful architecture is that the client-server connection may be long lived, and also used for notification from server to client. In that sense it does not remain pure RESTful.

Login: The SIP registration and unregistration are mapped to "/login/{email}" resource, e.g., "/login/[email protected]". Doing a "POST /login/{email}" with message body containing your contacts, can be used to REGISTER. The response will return your unique identifier for the login resource, e.g., "/login/{email}/{contact_id}. Later, you can use "DELETE /login/{email}/{contact_id}" to un-REGISTER or a subsequent "PUT /login/{email}/{contact_id}" to do a REGISTER refresh. The actual representation of the login contact information can be in XML, JSON or plain text and is application dependent. For example one could combine the presence update including rich presence with the registration method. Clearly the login update requires appropriate authentication.
 POST /login/[email protected]      -- new registration
request-body: {"contact": "sip:[email protected]:5062"}
response-body: {"url": "/https/[email protected]", "id": 1, "expires": 3600}

PUT /login/[email protected]/1 -- registration refresh
request-body: "sip:[email protected]:5062"

DELETE /login/[email protected]/1 -- unregister

GET /login/[email protected] -- get list of contact locations
response-body: [{"id": 1, "contact": "sip:[email protected]:5062", ...},...]
Call: The call is split into two part: conference resource and invitation. The conference is represented using a "/call/{call_id}" resource, where a client can "POST /call" to create a new call identifier, or "POST /call/{call_id}" to join an existing call. The conference resource represents the list of participants in a call.
 POST /call             -- create a new call context
request-body: {"subject": "some discussion topic", ...}
response-body: {"id": "123", "url": "/https/" }

POST /call/123 -- join a call
request-body: {"url": "/https/[email protected]", "session": "rtsp://...", ...}
response-body: {"id": 2, "url": "/https/", ...}

GET /call/123 -- get participant list and call info
response-body: {"subject": "some discussion topic",
"children": [{"url": "/https/", "session": "rtsp://..."}]

Invite: Call invitation requires a new message such as "SEND". For example, "SEND /login/{email}" sends the given message body to the target logged in user. Similarly, "CANCEL /login/{email}/1" cancels a previously sent message it is not already sent. The message body gives additional details such as whether the message is a call invitation or an instant message. The message body is application dependent. The SIP application server does not need to understand the message body, as long as it can send a SEND message from one client to another. This makes a SEND more closer to an XMPP instead of a SIP INVITE. If the callee wants to accept the call invitation, it joins the particular session URL independently.
 SEND /login/[email protected]     -- send call invitation
request-body: {"command": "invite", "url": "/https/", "id": 567}

SEND /login/[email protected] -- cancel an invitation
request-body: {"command": "cancel", "url": "/https/", "id": 567}

SEND /login/[email protected] -- sending a response
request-body: {"command": "reject", "url": "/https/", "id": 567, "reason": ...}
Event: SIP includes an event subscription and notification mechanism which can be used in several applications including presence updates and conference membership updates. Similarly, one needs to define new mechanism to subscribe to any resource and get notification of a change. This gives rise to a concept known as active-resource. The idea is as follows: if a client does a GET on active resource, and does not terminate the connection, then the client keeps getting the initial state of the resource, as well as any future updates until the connection is terminated. The future updates may include the full state or a difference depending on the request parameter.
 GET /call/123          -- keep track of membership information
response 1: ... -- initial membership information
response 2: ... -- any addition or deletion in the membership

GET /login/[email protected] -- keep track of presence updates
response 1: ... -- initial presence information
response 2: ... -- subsequent presence updates.
Profile and messages: The SIP application server will host user profile at "/user/{user_id}". The concept of user identifier will be implementation dependent. In particular, the client could "POST /user" to create a new user account, and get the identifier in the response. It can then do a "GET /user/{user_id}" to know various URLs to get contact location of this user. It can then do a GET on that URL to fetch the contacts or do a SEND on that URL to send a message or call invitation.
 POST /user                            -- signup with a new account
request-body: {"email": "[email protected]", ...}
response-body: {"id": "[email protected]", "url": "/https/[email protected]" }

POST /user/[email protected]/message -- send offline messages (voice/video mail)
request-body: {"url": "rtsp://..."}

GET /user/[email protected]/message -- retrieve list of messages
response-body: [{"url": "rtsp://...", ...]
Miscelleneous: There are several other design questions that are left unanswered in the above text. Most of these can be intuitively answered. For example, the HTTP authentication credential defines the sender of a message, i.e., SIP "From" header. The sequential or parallel forking is a decision left to the client application. The decision whether to use a SDP or XML-based session description is application and implementation dependent. For example, if the client is creating a conference on RTSP server, it will just send the RTSP URL in the call invitations. Similarly, for Flash Player conferencing it will send an RTMP URL in the call invitation. The call property such as participant's session description can be fetched by accessing the call resource on the server. Thus, whether an RTSP/RTMP server is used to host a conference or a multicast address is used is all client or application dependent. The application server will provide tools to allow such freedom.

Conclusion: A RESTful interface to SIP application server is an interesting idea described in this article. The idea looks feasible and doable using existing software and tools, and hopefully will benefit both the web developer and SIP community in getting wider usage of SIP systems. The goal is not to replace SIP, but to provide a new mechanism that allows web-centric applications to use services of a SIP application server and to allow building such easy to use SIP application server.

Several of the pieces described in this article are already implemented in Python, e.g., RESTful server tools, video conferencing application server, SIP-RTMP translation and SIP server and client library. The next step would be to combine these pieces to build a complete REST and SIP project. If you are interested in doing the project feel free to get in touch with me!

Why does client-server video conference fail?

I analyze some problems in client-server communication for multi-party video conferencing.

Audio communication differs from video in two important ways: (1) usually in a conference only one person is speaking at any time whereas everyone's video is on, (2) audio codecs are usually fixed bit-rate whereas video codecs adjust bit-rate based on various parameters such as available network bandwidth and desired frame-rate.

Problem 1:
In a client server mode, because video coming from one participant needs to be distributed to all the other participants, the bandwidth and processing requirement at the server can be higher; unlike audio where usually only one person is speaking. Secondly, the downstream video bandwidth requirement at the client increases with the number of participants in a conference. In an N-party conference, each client will have usually one outbound audio stream, one inbound audio stream, one outbound video stream and N-1 inbound video streams. Note that this problem is worse for peer-to-peer (P2P) video conference, where everyone is sending video stream to everyone else: in which case there are N-1 inbound and N-1 outbound video streams at each client. For asymmetric network access (ADSL or Cable), where upstream bandwidth is lower than downstream, this causes early saturation in outbound network bandwidth. Shutting down video stream or reducing the video quality while a person is not speaking saves some bandwidth especially for speaker mode conferences.

Problem 2:
Second point of difference is that audio is usually encoded using fixed bit-rate codec whereas video bit-rate is adjusted based on several parameters such as available network bandwidth, desired quality and frame-rate. In a client-server environment most implementations use the client-to-server network quality information to decide what bit-rate to use for client's video encoding. Consider a two party client-server conference, where first client is closer to the server hence has lower latency. The first client decides to use high quality high bitrate video encoding. On the other hand the second client decides to use low quality low bitrate video encoding. This asymmetry causes the first client to receive poor quality video whereas the second client's downstream link gets congested with high bitrate video. The problem is further aggravated if in a multi-party conference there is only one participant on poor quality network. The problem is caused because we use client-server network latency metric instead of end-to-end network latency metric in deciding the video encoding bitrate.

Problem 3:
Sometimes, the conference server imposes bitrate control to limit the traffic towards a low bandwidth client. However, for efficiency reason the server doesn't re-encode the video packets. Instead, it just drops non-Intra frames if there is not enough bandwidth. This causes marginal to no improvement primarily because Intra frames are several times bigger than other frames. Secondly, it causes choppy video which further degrades the experience. The layered encoding in MPEG solves this problem.

Problem 4:
Larger video packets may not traverse end-to-end over UDP. An encoded audio packet is usually small, of the order of 10-80 bytes per 20 ms. On the other hand an intra-frame video packet size can be much larger, say 1000-10000 bytes. When media packets are sent over UDP, and the packet size is large, there is high probability of getting the packet dropped. This is because of the MTU restriction and middle-boxes (NAT and firewall) in the media path. An UDP packet of size larger than MTU (typically approx 1300-1400 bytes) gets fragmented at the IP layer such that subsequent fragments after the first one do not have the UDP header information (such as source and destination port numbers). A port inspecting NAT or firewall that doesn't handle fragmentation correctly may drop such subsequent fragments, causing loss of the whole UDP packet at the receiver end. Thus, video over UDP has to take care of additional fragmentation and reassembly, and/or discovery of path MTU in the application layer.

Problem 5:
The server may allow video over UDP as well as TCP from the clients, typically to support NAT and firewall traversal. If some clients are over TCP and others over UDP, then the server also needs to proxy packets from one to other. If the client over TCP assumes ordered packet delivery, then the server will also need to do buffering, packet re-ordering and delay adjustment, which further adds to the implementation complexity of the server. The problem is not that visible for audio beyond a glitch in sound, whereas for video the view may get completely corrupted until the next Intra frame.

Problem 6:
A slightly related problem is when the conference server does audio mixing but video forwarding. In this case, the server must perform delay adjustment, packet re-ordering, and buffering for the audio path. However, for efficiency reason it may blindly forward the video packets among the participants. Thus the synchronization information between the audio and video gets lost, and performing lip synchronization at the receiving client becomes a challenge. A correct implementation of the server should act as an RTP mixer, i.e., include the contributing source information in the mixed audio stream, and distribute RTCP information to all that participants for synchronization. (How to do this if each audio call leg is a separate RTP session?)

Some of these problems (2,3,5,6) can be solved to some extent by using peer-to-peer video conferencing.