टेम्पलेट:User es-4/sandbox के स्रोत देखीं
नीचे दिहल कारणन के चलते रउआँ के ई पन्ना संपादित करीं के परमीशन नइखे:
रउआँ एह पन्ना के स्रोत देख सकत बानी आ एकर नकल उतार सकत बानी:
नीचे दिहल कारणन के चलते रउआँ के ई पन्ना संपादित करीं के परमीशन नइखे:
The page name टेम्पलेट:User es-4/sandbox has been blacklisted from creation, because it contains only numbers. This is done to prevent mass creation of pages on years. Only Autoconfirmed editors are allowed to create a page having number only in title. |
The block was made by JJMC89. The reason given is Open proxy/Webhost: See the help page if you are affected .
The blocked proxy address was 2A06:98C0:3600:0:0:0:0:0/44. किरपा कइ के कौनों किसिम के पुछार करे में ऊपर दिहल सगरी डिटेल सभ के शामिल करीं।
If you believe you were blocked by mistake, you can find additional information and instructions in the No open proxies global policy.
Otherwise, to discuss the block please post a request for review on Meta-Wiki.रउआँ एह पन्ना के स्रोत देख सकत बानी आ एकर नकल उतार सकत बानी: