BearCY = Bear Cattlisle YAWNERSON
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Address page for e- and snail-mail
Contact page

BearCY's HomoSite Click to enlarge!
BearCYs AdresseSide
Address * Map * Cellular-tip * Donate * Password-mngmnt * Playlists * Shop * e-Mail-tip * Occupied Social Media * Private Communication: Anonymous
or Personal * Availability calendar * Sexual contacts



—Please do remember to manually delete the _underscore
in front of all e-mail addresses, usernames, and codes, before you use it!
—It was inserted in a lame effor
t to try to confuse
advertizing-robot-abusers from stealing it!

(e-Mail is warningless, due to too much noise, so please have patience!)

Social Media:

_BearCY at GAB Social - Facebook replacement
I use _BearCY on gab to post anything that is deemed illegal on Facebook.

TruthSocial_bearcy on Truth Social
_bearcy at TruthSocial. Only available to citizens of the US of A.
Temporarily suspended for all non-US citizens.
TruthSocial is only available via a Virtual Private Network set to USA!

Oppføringa mi i Telefonkatalogen  _BearCYber on Facebook!  @bearcyno at Instagram
_BearCYber on Facebook and _@BearCYno on instagram

Facebook I've had to use for my volunteer work,
and therefore have had to be careful to keep going,
using Gab; linked to above, as a welcome
outlet for my most politically incorrect posts.

On Twitter / X, I am available as _@BearCYber:
_@BearCYber on X

BearCYs Telegram Channel
BearCY's fun fact channel Facebook replacement
I'll probably continue as _bearcy on MeWe,
if I ever get banned from Facebook.

Parler Social Twitter replacement
I'll probably continue as _BearCYber on Parler,
if I ever get banned from twitter. on Bluesky
[email protected]



Sexual contact apps and websites:

_bearcy at GaySir_BearCY at Grindr
    _bearcy on GaySir                              _BearCY on Grindr
(GaySir is unfortunately warningless,                                              
so please do show patience!)                   «Banned Account»

After letting myself get seduced to pay for a yearly XTRA-subscription
at Grindr, my account got banned without any warnings the day after,
due to «infringements on their user guidelines». Even if it wasn't changed
from when it was free. The wasted expensive XTRA yearly subscription
cost me NOK 1,050.-. Had they given me a warning about my profile,
I could have changed it. Now, all I could do, was sending them a
complaint and apply for it to get disbanned and usable again.
According to their reply, they couldn't tell me why they banned me,
due to «duty of confidence». So I cannot recommend to pay
for any subscription at Grindr.

At GaySir, I've paid for a subscription for as long time as I have used it.
Its subscription price is surprisingly low and therefore sustainable.


Private Communication Channels?

ProtonMail to [email protected]
(Please delete the underscore in front of the e-mail address;
inserted to confuse robots.)

Anonymous via user name:
(without any identifying meta-data)

(The point of keeping our communication private.)

CoverMe _BearCY Dust _bearcyber
                CoverMe to _BearCY                              Dust to _bearcyber

iPhone Mac FaceTime audio callFaceTime _bearcy@icloud.comiMessage
Apple FaceTime audio- or video conversation & iMessage to [email protected]
BearCY's public iMessage-verifying code:

LINE _BearCYberSignal Private Messenger_@BearCY.62SnapChat to _bearcybersurespot _bearcy
LINE to _BearCYber—Signal to [email protected]—SnapChat to _bearcyber—surespot to _bearcy

Call or message me privately via Telegram Messenger!
Telegram Messenger and -Desktop to _@BearCYber
my favourite communication app.

Threema to _BearCYWickr _@bearcyber
        Threema to _BearCY     Amazon-Wickr Me to _@bearcyber

«Open Whisper Systems-encrypted» audio conversations,
let us speak for 3 minutes per used 1 MB of data traffic;

which gives us 3072 minutes or more than 2 days
of conversation time per used GB of data traffic.

The three «Open Whisper Systems-encrypted» messenger
apps, that I prefer to use, are:

Apple FaceTime & iMessage, Signal, and my favourite
text messenger and phone caller;
Telegram Messenger.
Which can replace SnapChat in every way,
be used for private one on one- and group chats,
and attach any file format and -size.


Personal via cellular/iPhone number:
(with identifying metadata)

iPhone Mac _+47 971 971 68FaceTime _bearcy@icloud.comiMessage
Apple FaceTime audio- or video conversation & iMessage

Rakuten Viber _+4797197168WhatsApp _+4797197168
Rakuten Viber                Facebook WhatsApp

After Facebook bought WhatsApp for 22 billion dollars in 2015,
so that they could rewrite its code in order to make it easy
to listen in to and moitor,
I've ceased using WhtatsApp;
or Facebook Private Messenger, as they term it today,
as an only seemingly private communication channel

Pl playlists
_bearcy on Spotify                                       _bfjesper / _BearCY on YouTube
(Links to my public playlists at Spotify (login necessary) and at YouTube.)

_BearCY's playlists on Rumble:
_BearCY on Rumble

Example of addresses occupied by people that the owner of neither knows who are, or has got any access to change:

Facebook profile

Safer and far less taxing map guide, than any electronic map apps from public transportation, which may lead you astray to wear you out or make you slip, fall, and hurt yourself, like on Please click this map of 3840x2160 point to open in its own tab to zoom in on to read the details:
Click to see a larger map in full size in a new window or a new tab

Norsk kart

Availability calendar
Click on each of the appointments in the calendar below; one at a time, in order to be shown both when they begin and end:

Translated into English, this will be: — Bear Cattlisle YAWNERSON, gate = street, Leil. = leilighet = apartment/flat, Postal Code is N–1234 + LOCATION = N for Norway (this makes "Norway" obsolete and unnecessary at the end of snail-mail letters). — Telephone number is for you to dial International code + 47 for Norway, and then the 8 digits of my Norwegian number. Please do remember that the time zone in Norway is Central European Time (Greenwich + 1 hour). I don't like to be contacted between 22:00 and 08:00, if I haven't told you that I'm in love with you, or in other ways am very eager to get in contact with you. Because even I do deserve some privacy! ;o)

A blessing to avoid one more worry

Suggestion on how to make it easyest for an eventual honest finder of your lost cellular phone or iPad, to return it:
Bakgrunnsskjermen til låst skjerm på mobilen min Skjermbilde av ulåst skjerm på mobilen min
Left screen capture: Locked screen on my cellular phone, and an unpaid ad to Corel PaintShop Pro; which is the applicatiopn I used in Windows to write transparent text on my pictures. Right screen capture: Unlocked screen on my cellular phone, and an unpaid link to CopyTrans Photo, that I used in Windows to make an uploading folder in my mobile, and transfer pictures to, that I could select a wallpaper from in Settings. (That I in the screen capture above to the right, came to via the icon at the bottom to the left.) This application I guess is unnecessary for cellular phones based on Android or Windows Phone, that are equipped with an ejectable memory card?

Please click or tap here if you for some reason wish to make me a donation!:

If you've got a user name and a password, you'll  here  get access to my password protected pages. If you feel that you'd rather not have to remember my particular choice of user name or password, please do feel free to do what I do instaad by using
Click here to learn everything you need to know about LastPass on Youtube!

My shop as ABO 8069037:
ABO 8069037

The weather in Oslo at the moment…

Cease Commercials!Stop Spamming!

BearCY's Address Page

5 Tips for E-mailing Busy People

BearCY's GayMaze --- Password Protected Link!   BearCYs Homse-Labyrint --- Passordbeskyttet Peker!
BearCY's HomoSite Norsktalende BearCYs HomseNettsted

BearCY's HomoSite: Mix of Pantheïstic Enlightenment with Gay Pornography.
